1976-08-21 Regular 2013 SECOND REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2], 1976 The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, convened in regular session in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 0keechobee~ Florida, on Tuesday, September 21, 1976 at 7:00 P.M. President Russell Domer presiding. Councilmen present were: E. H. Hunt, Edward W. Douglas, Lavon Bass and Clif Betts, Jr. Others present were: Audley Dunham, Mayor; Sandra Bennett, City Clerk; David Conlon, City Attorney; Sylvia Christian, Deputy Clerk; Richard B. Spray, Building Official; Edward Chisholm, Chief of Police and 01en Godwin, Fire Chief. The invocation was offered by Councilman Douglas. PUBLIC HEARINGS 0RDIN CE VMBER - ( 23) - REZ0NING Pursuant to a Public Notice published in the 0keechobee News September 2, 1976, the meeting was opened as a public hearing to consider the request of Mr. B.P. Abney, Sr , to amend the zoning map by changing the zoning from Residential (R-l) to Commercial on property described as "Lots 1 through 7, and 9 through 26, Block 58, Original Town of 0keechobee." No objections were heard or filed. Mr. John Abney appeared submitting plot plans of the proposed property, stating that a Paint and Body Shop and Case Tractor Company were planning to construct buildings on the property. President Domer read the Ordinance whereupon Councilman Betts moved the adoption of Ordinance Number 271-(125) which was seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried. 0RDIN CE NO. - (la ) - REZ0N NG Pursuant to a Public Notice published in the 0keechobee News September 2, 1976, the meeting was opened as a public hearing to consider the request Qf Mr, 'B. P. Abney, Sr., to amend the zoning map by changing the zoning from Industrial to Residential (R-I) on property described as "Lot 9, Block 29, Original Town of 0keechobee." No objections were heard or filed. President Domer read the Ordinance whereupon Councilman Bass moved the adoption of Ordinance Number 271-(124) which was seconded by Councilman Betts and vote carried. Pursuant to a Public Notice published in the 0keechobee News September 2, 1976, the meeting was opened as a public hearing to consider the request of Mr. B. P. Abney, Sr. , to amend the zoning map by changing the zoning from Industrial to Commercial on property described as " Lot 8, Block 58, Original Town of 0keechobee." No objections were heard or filed. 2014:, President Domer read the Ordinance whereupon Councilman Betts moved the adoption of Ordinance Number 271-(]25) which was seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried. ORDINANCE NUMBER 271 - (126) - REZONING Pursuant to a Public Notice published September 2, 1976 in the 0keechobee News, the meeting was opened as public hearing to consider the request of Gerald and Susan Koff to amend the zoning map by changing the zoning from Residential (R-l) to Residential (R-D) on property described as "Lots 1, 2 and 5, Block 5, Royal Oak Division, Original Town of 0keechobee." No objections were heard or filed. President Domer read the Ordinance whereupon Councilman Bass moved the adoption of Ordinance Number 127-(126), which was seconded by Councilman Betts and vote carried. BID TABULATION - YAMAH MOTORCYCLE It being the hour of Seven O'Clock and pursuant to Notice of Public Hearing President Domer announced that no bids were received for the sale of a Yamah Motorcycle that had been abandoned and stored in the City Barn. Councilman Betts moved to re-advertise and place a minimum bid of $150.00 plus a $50.00 deposit, seconded by Councilman Douglas and passed unanimously. ADOPTION WATER AND SEWER 1976-77 BUDGET It was moved by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Douglas and passed unanimously to adopt the 1976-77 Water and Sewer Budget. 1976-77 CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE WATER AND SEWER BUDGET BNTICIPATED OPERATING REVENUES 1976-1977 BUDGET WATER REVENUES $418,000.00 SEWER REVENUES 51,000.00 FIRE HYDRANT CHARGE 25,000.00 FUEL TAX REFUND 200.00 TAPPAGE FEES 8,500.00 INTEREST ON C.D. 'S ]0~000.00 MISCELLANEOUS 6,000.00 TOTAL $518,7oo.oo ANTICIPATED OPERATING EXPENSE WATER SUPERVISOR SALARY $ 12,076.00 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SALARY 15,310.00 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SECRETARY SALARY 4,355.00 WEEKLY SALARIES 78,882.00 BOOKKEEPERS SALARIES 25,830.00 OVERTIME 17,000.00 AUDIT FEES 2,500.00 CHEMICALS 45,000.00 ELECTRICITY 50,000.00 EQUIPMENT 9,000.00 FREIGHT CHARGES 800.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 4,200.00 DISABILITY INSURANCE 650.00 GENERAL INSURANCE 7,200.00 ! l' 2015 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE EQUIPMENT & EXPENSE $ 300.00 OFFICE EXPENSE 7,000.00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 400.00 TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 1,600.00 RADIO MAINTENANCE 604.00 PAYROLL TAXES (SOCIAL SECURITY) 8,000.00 UNEMPLOYMENT TAXES 1,000. 00 PENSION PLAN PAYMENT 2,405.46 TRUCK EXPENSE 5,000.00 WATER AND SEWER REPAIRS 35,000.00 CONTINGENCIES 13,539.96 TOTAL 347,652.42 EXCESS REVENUES AVAILABLE FOR DEBT SERVICE 171,047.58 AND CAPITAL PROGRAM DEBT SERVICE WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENT $ 15,000.00 WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BOND INTEREST PAYMENT 9,641.25 ERNEST EVANS WATER LINE PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 7,739.08 ERNEST EVANS WATER LINE INTEREST PAYMENT 496.64 F.H.A. BOND INTEREST PAYMENT 19,700.O0 F.H.A. BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 4,000.00 GENERAL FUND LOAN 59,970.61 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 116,547.58 EXCESS REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR CAPITAL PROGRAM 54,500.00 ANTICIPATED WATER DEPARTMENT CAPITAL PROGRAM WATER INTAKE AND PLANT IMPROVEMENTS $475,000.00 OTHER CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 76-77 NEW MAIN EXTENSIONS $ 7,500.00 NEW METERS AND METER BOXES 10,000.O0 WATER PIPE, FITTINGS AND SUPPLIES 20~000.00 LIFT STATION CONTROL AND PUMPS 7,000.00 WATER AND SEWER LAB EQUIPMENT 10,OO0.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 54,500.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE AND CAPITAL PROGRAM $646,047.58 ANTICIPATED FUNDS FOR CAPITAL PROGRAM AND DEBT SERVICE FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUNDS $540~173.20 0KEECHOBEE BEACH WATER ASSOCIATION 275,000.00 1976-77 OPERATING REVENUE 171,047.58 PRIOR YEAR RESERVES 169,593,,57 TOTAL INCOME 955,814.35 ADOPTION GENERAL 1976-77 BUDGET It was moved by Councilman Douglas, seconded by Councilman Hunt to adopt the 1976-77 General Budget. Councilmen Bass and Betts voted "nay". President Domer voted "yea" to break the tie vote. 1976 - 1977 CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE GENERAL BUDGET ANTICIPATED REVENUES: 1976-1977 BUDGET 1976 TAXES $ 141,442.OO STATE REVENUE SHARING 176,000.OO ADDITIONAL 2¢ CIGARETTE TAX 47,000.00 FUEL TAX REFUND 1,400.00 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES & PENALTIES , 16,850.O0 2016 UTILITY TAX $ 80,000.00 FINES AND FOREFEITURES 50,000.00 0KEECHOBEE COUNTY (FIRE DEPARTMENT) 20,000.00 LEAA SUPPORT FUNDS 13,034.00 FRANCHISE FEE (F.P.L.) 58,000.00 MOBILE HOME LICENSE TAXES 2,500.00 BUILDING PERMITS 3,500.00 COMPETENCY CARDS 3,000.00 HUMANE DEPARTMENT FEES (+ COUNTY FEES) 200.00 INTEREST 30,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS 2,000.00 TOTAL ANTICIPATED REVENUES 644,926.0O ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE 675,000.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE CASH FOR 1976-1977 $1,319,926.00 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES: CITY COUNCIL SALARIES $ 5,400.00 CITY COUNCIL EXPENSE 3,600.00 MAYOR'S SALARY 1,200.00 MAYOR'S EXPENSE 1,200.00 MAYOR'S OFFICE EXPENSE 100.00 AUDIT FEE 2,300.00 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FEES 1,500.00 CITY ATTORNEY SALARY 9,000.00 CITY ATTORNEY EXPENSE 300.00 ATTORNEY SPECIAL FEES 2,000.00 COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING & ZONING 8,000.00 CITY CLERK'S SALARY 10,100.00 CITY CLERK'S EXPENSE 1,900.00 DEPUTY CLERK'S SALARY 8,900.00 DEPUTY CLERK'S TRAINEE SALARY 6,850.00 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE EXPENSE 2,500.00 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT & REPAIRS 1,000.00 TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH 4,800.00 CITY HALL OPERATION & MAINTENANCE 8,200.00 NEW CONSTRUCTION AND ADDITIONS 10,300.00 PUBLIC SAFETY: POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARIES 165,000.00 POLICE INCENTIVE PAY 2,700.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT WALKIE - TALKIES 13,720.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 32,000.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION 400.00 IRC CRIME LAB 2,155.58 POLICE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT & VEHICLES 6,500.00 COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSE 1~500.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT SALARIES 56,465.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 2 7,500.00 FIRE HYDRANT DEMAND CHARGE 25,000.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT -O- BUILDING OFFICIAL SALARY 10,950. O0 BUILDING OFFICIAL EXPENSE ALLOWANCE 2,080.00 BUILDING OFFICIAL OFFICE EXPENSE 480.00 CIVIL DEFENSE 200.00 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SECRETARy SALARY 4,355.00 2017 ' DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS EXPENSE AND EQUIPMENT $ 300.00 STREET DEPARTMENT SALARIES 58,620.00 STREET DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 35,000.00 TERMITE CONTROL 700.00 STREET DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT 2,000.00 REFUSE COLLECTION 12,000.00 STREET LIGHTING & ELECTRICITY 27,000.00 HEALTH AND WELFARE: HUMANE OFFICER SALARY 9,110.00 ANIMAL POUND EXPENSE 2,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS ELECTION EXPENSE 400.00 DONATIONS 4,000.00 UTILITIES 1,700.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 9,100.00 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,250.00 GENERAL INSURANCE 22,000.00 PAYROLL TAXES 20,000.00 UNEMPLOYMENT TAXES 1,300.00 CITY CLERK RETIREMENT 4,739.25 PENSION PLAN PAYMENTS 4,751.47 EMPLOYEES CHRISTMAS BONUS 525.00 OVERTIME 15,000.00 CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 500.00 CONTINGENCIES 25,000.00 SUB TOTAL 697,151.3o ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE 622,774.70 TOTAL 1,319,926.00 1976-1977 CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDED INDEBTNESS ANTICIPATED REVENUE 1976 TAXES 32,897.20 ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE 101,365.61 INTEREST ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 7,500.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE CASH FOR 76-77 141,762.81 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 10,000.00 BOND INTEREST PAYMENTS 30,525.00 FEE FOR PAYING AGENT 300.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 40,825.00 ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE 76-77 100,957.81 TOTAL EXPENDITURES PLUS CASH RESERVE 141,762.81 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND ANTICIPATED REVENUE FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING 49,612.00 INTEREST ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS 5,000.00 ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE 285,561.20 TOTAL AVAILABLE CASH FOR 76-77 340,173.20 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL EXPANSION 340,173.20 PROGRAM AND DEBT SERVICE 2018 CERTIFICATION TAX MILLAGE It was moved by Councilman Bass, seconded by Councilman Hunt and vote carried to authorize the City to certify the City Tax millage of 4.61 Mills for the General Fund; 1.11 for the I & S Refunding Bonds Fund for 1976 to the County Tax Assessor. STREET PAVING REQUEST Mr. Bill Burton of 414 South Parrott Ave. appeared before the Council requesting the City to pave the approach on 5th Street. President Domer informed Mr. Burton that the City doesn't pave street, that he would have to contact the County as they receive Road and Bridge Funds from the State and that they disignate which streets are paved. ALLEYWAY CLOSED !. Mr. John Abney appeared requesting the allwy way in Block 38 be closed. He stated that Lots 1 through 6 and Lots 22 through 26 will be used to construct commercial buildings and would need off street parking. Director Fortner informed the Council that the alleyway doesn't continue through. A sewer and water line couldn't be placed in that alley due to this fact. Councilman Betts suggested that the water & sewer line could be placed on the streets running north and south or east and west between Blocks 38 and 29. Director Fortner stated that the future sewer line would be possible placed on 2nd Avenue. Following discussion, Councilman Betts moved; after careful consideration of the future use of the alley being that alley ending in Block 38 and not continuing through and will not be used for future water and sewer lines; to close the alleyway in Block 38, seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried. Councilman Hunt voted "nay". ORDINANCE NUMBER 388 - ABOLISHYNG THE PUBLIC ELECTION OF THE MAYOR - FIRST READ Attorney Con, on submitted on first reading Ordinance Number 388, being an Ordinance amending Section 13 of the Charter Laws of the City of 0keechobee by abolishing the public election of the office of Mayor by amending said Section to provide that members of the City Council shall elect one of their members to be President of the Council and Mayor: to further provide that the amendment of the Charter as set forth herein be submitted to the Electors of the City of 0keechobee at ~he next reg~/lar election . It was moved by Councilman Bass, seconded by Councilman Betts and vote carried to approve Ordinance Number 388 on the first reading. ORDINANCE NUMBER 389 - PROVIDING THAT MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL SHALL ELECT ONE OF THEIR MEMBERS TO BE PRESIDENT AND MAYOR - FIRST READINg Attorney Conlon submitted on first reading Ordinance Number 389, being an Ordinance amending Section 22 of the Charter Laws of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, to provide that members of the City Council shall elect one of their 2019'. members to be President of the Council and Mayor: to. further provide that the amendment of the Charter as set forth herein be submitted to the electors of the City of 0keechobee at the next regular election. It was moved by Councilman Bass, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried to approve Ordinance Number 389 on the first reading. ORDINANCE NUMBER 3~0 - ABOLISHING SECTION 19 OF THE CHARTER LAWS OF THE CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE WHICH PROVIDES FOR THE PUBLIC ELECTION OF THE MAYOR WHEN THE OFFICE IS VACATED - INTRODUCTORY AND FIRST READING. Attorney Conlon submitted on first reading Ordinance Number 390, being an Ordinance abolishing Section 15 of the Charter Laws of the City of 0keechobee, which section provides for the public election of the Mayor of the City of 0keechobee, when the office is vacated because of death, removal,, resignation or impeachment of the Mayor: to further provide that the amendment of the Charter as set forth herein be submitted to the electors of the City of 0keechobee at the next regular election. It was moved by Councilman Bass, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried to approve Ordinance Number 390 on the first reading. POLICE DEPARTMENT- EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Chief Chisholm submitted a satisfactory employee performance evaluation on Patrolman Joseph B. Schumacher and Patrolman R. E. Tomlinson and reported that they had completed their six months probationary period, and recommended they be hired as permanent employees and their salary increased as per schedule. It was moved by Councilman Bass, seconded by Councilman Betts and motion carried to hire Schumacher and Tomlinson permanently with an increase in salary. EMPLOYEE APPLICATION - POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Chisholm submitted an application for employment from Kenneth William Miller and recommended he be hired on a six months probationary period, effective October ], 1976 as Patrolman 11. Chief Chisholm reported that Miller was a certified Patrolman. It was moved by Councilman Bass, seconded by Councilman Betts and vote carried to employ Miller as Patrolman 11 effective October 1, 1976 on a six months probationary period. FIRE DEPARTMENT 1. EMPLOYEE APPLICATION Chief Godwin submitted an application for employment from Daniel R. Spillman and recommended he be hired as Fireman on a six months probation period effective October 1, 1976. It was moved by Councilman Douglas, seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried to employ Spillman as Fireman effective October 1, 1976 on a six months probation peri od. WATER~ SEWER AND STREET DEPARTMENT 1. EPA SEWER PLANT DISCHARGE PERMIT Director Fortner submitted application from the EPA for the sewer plant 2O2O discharge permit for the Councils approval. It was moved by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Betts and vote carried to authorize Director Fortner to make application for renewal for the sewer plant discharge permit. 2. EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION Director Fortner submitted an application for employment from Richard Jordan for Water Department Trainee and recommended he be hired on a six months probation period. It was moved by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried to employ Jordan on a six months probation period. 3. CIVIL DEFENSE SURPLUS WAREHOUSE Director Fortner reported that Milton Rhoden and Clyde Kaufman were going to Stark, Florida, September 29, 1976 to the Civil Defense Surplus warehouse and had inquired if the Council members wanted to gQ. It was moved by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Betts and vote carried to authorize President Domer and Director Fortner to make the trip. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION- LIGHTING SYSTEM President Domer reported that after investigating the offer from the Florida Department of Transportation to construct a highway lighting system on East State Road 70 for the City to maintain, that the system cannot be serviced locally due to the 40' poles. Following discussion, the Council agreed to contact the Florida Department of Transportation informing them that the City appreciates the offer but this lighting system cannot be maintained locally. SALARY INCREASE - POLICE DEPARTMENT Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Bass, seconded by Councilman Betts and vote carried to increase Yvonne Chapman, School Crossing Guard, salary $5.00 per week, effective October l, 1976. ASSESSMENT OF ONE DOLLAR COURT COST President Domer read a letter from David B. Douglas, Court Adminis- trator, requesting a copy of the City's Ordinance assessing one dollar as court costs against every person convicted of violating a municipal ordinance to be used for Law Enforcement Education purposes if such an Ordinance exist. Following further discussion, Councilman Betts moved, seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried to authorize Attorney Conlon to prepare the Ordinance. LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT PROGRAM APPLICATION President Domer discussed the availability of a grant through the Federal Governments Local Public Works Employment bill for: 1. Title 1 - Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1976; 2. Title 11 - Anti-Recession Provisions (Revenue Sharinc); and 3. Title ~11 - Allotment of Waste-Water Treatment Works Grant Funds. 2021; Following considerable discussion, the Council approved to authorize Chief Chisholm to make application to receive funds for the construction of a new Police Station. GENERAL INSURANCE City Clerk Bennett submitted prices from two Insurance Companies on insur- ance for fire, wind and vandilism on the City Barn, Fire Station and Sewer Plant . Following discussion, the Council agreed to postpone action for further investigation. BID ON GROUP LIFE INSURANCE - CON'T. Councilman Bass moved to reject all bids submitted for group life insurance and to continue with Aetna Life Insurance due to the bids submitted were not any lower, seconded by Councilman Betts and vote carried. LICENSE - LUMBER DEALER President Domer reported a Company dealing in lumber and building material and questioned Attorney Conlon whether he should be billed for two City occupational licenses or one. Attorney Conlon advised the Council that the license Ordinance doesn't have a classification as building material and when you dont, you have to classify everything you do. After discussion, the Council concurred with Attorney Conlons advisement. GENERATOR President Domer stated that to connect the generators for the fire station and police station will cost ~450.00. Councilman Douglas moved to authorize the connections of the two generators, seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried. SEWER CONNECTIONS President Domer reported that Gil Culbreth installed a sewer line on South 441 at his expense and didn't feel that he should have to pay a tap fee when he will pay a plumber to do the work. He questioned what the Council desired to do. Following discussion, Councilman Bass moved to authorize Director Fortner not to charge tap fee, seconded by Councilman Betts and vote carried. SIGN AT CITY HALL President Domer reported that Mayor Dunham requested a sign be installed in the Clerk's office specifying where to pay the water bills and license. Councilman Douglas moved to authorize the purchase of the signs, seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried. CULVERT Councilman Hunt requested a 12" culvert be placed in front of his house at 2000 S.W. 3rd Ave. Councilman Bass moved to replace the culvert at 3rd Avenue, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried. Councilman Hunt refrained from voting. 2O22 CITY DITCH Councilman Betts reported that the City ditch running North and South needs cleaning and spraying. He stated that after taling with County officials, the County might clean out the ditch if the City will use their trucks to haul away the debri. Following discussion, the Council agreed to authorize Councilman Betts to attend the County Commissioners requesting the ditch sprayed and cleaned. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. R~ELL V. D6MER PP~ESIDENT CITY COUNCIL CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE ATTE ST: ~i¢~,/~ SANDRA M. BENNETT CITY CLERK SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, convened in special session at the City Hall on Tuesday, September 28, 1976 at 1:30 P.M., President Domer presiding. Councilmen E. H. Hunt, Edward W. Douglas and Clif Betts were present. Councilman Larch Bass was absent. Others present were Sandra Bennett, City Clerk and David Conlon, Attorney. ORDINANCE NUMBER 386 - ADOPTING THE BUDGET OF TH~ CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE President Domer declared the special meeting convened and expla ned the purpose of the special meeting: to adopt an Ordinance adopting the 1976-77 General Budget. Attorney David Conlon informed the Council that according to law, an Ordinance should be adopted to adopt the General Budget and to adopt the Ad Valorem Tax and as the time doesn't allow the Council to advertise the proper time pursuant to F.S.S. Section 166.o41 (3)(a), the Council can by a two-thirds vote, enact an emergency ordinance without complying with Section 166.041 (3) (a) pursuant to Section 166.O41 (3) (b). Attorney David Conlon read 0rdinanee Number 386, being an Ordinance adopting the budget of the City of 0keechobee, Florida,. for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1976, and ending September 30, 1977 and authorizing that the Ad Valorem Tax Revenues of the said budget be met by tax levy. Councilman Betts moved that Ordinance Number 386 be adopted, seconded by Councilman Douglas which passed unanimously of those present on a roll call vote, which was a two-thirds vote of the City Council.