294-R Lightseyti DATE Y I T ION # ��t'�g: '�` ADVERTISEMENT JAN_ 94 It FFB_ 2, 1990 HEARING DATE'- PLANNING COMMISSION/ BOARD OF AbJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 13, 199( HEARING DATE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FFBRUARY 22, 1990 UNIFORM LANO`USE APPLICATION ,GENERAL NATURE'OF REQUEST: JANUARY 18 . '1990 NOTICE SENT JANUARY 26. 1990 LANNING COMMhSSIO OARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS EE PAID nn _ m RFP_ #9434 D. Variance Zoning Qrdin'ance Change E. Special Exception Appeal pf•sdecision of ZoningAdministrator F. Other JbTICE: PAYMENT'OF•FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION ALONG WITH PROOF :OF OWNERSHIP. (land deed;'tax'receipt, etc.) • Full name._of:owner1of property • Name of applicant if other than owner Relationship to owner: agent; attorney . Mailing address for notification 600S.E. iith_ STREET Telephone # 743 -3466 Legal d.escription,.of property iriv.olved (as found in official records): Attach-additional sheets if necessary. SEE ATTACHED DEED Street address and /or descriptive; location of property: 4m SF._ 4th _ STRFFT (1 T1,HTSFY S RAPTI HOOF) CtZONE OF _ LAND Proposed change Zoning Classification from to c Are there impr.overpents on the property at this time? How is the property being used at !;this time? RETAIL SALES YES Would any present use of the `. Ordinance 74 -1 pt °�e�ty be considered a violation of Zoning , or any other Ordipance or Code of the. County of Okeechobee? please state nature of the violation: N/A . If yes, ,Do you wish to, appear and make a presentation before the Planning Board and the County_ Commission at the necessary public hearing? YES Have you within the last year made: any application for any variance, special exception, or zoning change which included any or all of the property described in paragraph 4 above? N0 If the answer is yes, please state name. such application was filed under (if different from above), the date '•and nature of such application: N/A hereby certify that I am the legal owner of the above described property :that I am the attorney or agent of. the legal owner. I further certify 4at'the above answers and information on this applica tyion are true and correct. 294 Sign January 17, 1986 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE CITY HALT. 55 S. E. 1'tuiw AVENUE 813/763 -3372 OR 763 -3667 OKEECHOBEE. FLORIDA 33472 liome of 7Yre Second Lrrgest Fresh Water Lake in the United States .Mr. Walter Taylor Zoning Administrator Okeechobee County Building Dept. - 303 N.W. Second Street Okeechobee, Florida 33472 Dear Mr. Taylor: Located on the south side of Southeast Fourth Street abutting Taylor Creek is a two and one half acre tract, owned by Clifford Lightsey. This block is presently zoned Commercial. Mr. Lightsey will be requesting a variance and rezoning of this Ewo.-and one - half acres to allow him to put in a travel trailer park. Since the surround- ing area is zoned R.M.H and RG -1, and since the area is overgrown and unsight- ly, the Council members feel this would be an improvement. There is a public boat ramp located on Fourth Street, ajoining this property, which would make the property more desirable for this type operation. 'Sincerely, CITY OF OKEECHOBEE Milton• Davis' Administrative Assistant sf xc: ►ir• Clifford Lightsey City Council • .February. 2,1989 Mr. Walter aylor. Zoning:.Administrator..r_: r:. ��,;_ 'Okeechobee'_.; County °Buildixig ;Dept. 303 N.W. Second_‘St.. 'Okeechobee, 'Florida , ' `34972 . Dear Mr. Taylor; • We have reviewed a letter sent: to you on January 17, 1986 regarding a 4 -1/2 acre tract of land :located on S.E. Fourth Street.. Office of City Administrator In the letter the city considered the proposed travel trailer park as an improvement to the immediate area. The accessibility of Taylor Creek and the boat ramp would provide the public with a means to enjoy a variety of recreational activities. As you know, Mr. Lightsey will be required to make application with you for the required rezoning and variances. •If we can be of any assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, sf J. rago Administrator 55 S.E. Third Avenue . Okeechobee, Florida 34974 -2932 • 813i'763 -3372 REQUEST FOR CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ZONING RECLASSIFICATION: NOTICE: A hearing will be held before the Okeechobee County Planning Commission on February 13, 1990 to consider a rezoning from an existing classification of COMERCIAL TO RESIDENTIAL MOBILE HOME, A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A REDUCTION IN THE 8 ACRE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEVELOP- MENT OF NEW OR ADDITIONAL PORTIONS OF ALREADY EXISTING PARKS AND A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A REDUCTION IN THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF SPACES FROM 25 TO 9 on the follow- ing described property: Beginning 1 064.3 feet N. of the S.W. corner of Gov't. Lot 6, of Sec. 22, Township 37� Range 35E, thence run N. along the W. boundary of Gov't. Lot 6 to the intersection of the Southerly R-04 line of 5th. St. thence Easterly along the Southern R -0 -W line of 5th. St. to the terminal of 5th. St. thence continue Easterly on a projected line to Taylor Creek, thence in a-Southerly direction along Taylor Creek to a point opposite the point of beginning, thence Westerly to the point of beginning less and except the W. 30 feet thereof. PUBLIC HEARINGS IN RELATION TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: The FIRST hearing will be held before the Okeechobee City & County Planning Commission on Tuesday,February 13, 1990 at 7 :30 p.m. in the County Commission Meeting Room, Okeechobee County Courthouse, 304 N.W. 2nd. Street, Okeechobee, Florida. The SECOND hearing will be held before the City Council on Tuesday, March 6, 1990 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Room, City Hall, Okeechobee, Florida. ALL PARTIES AND CITIZENS SHALL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD AT THE FIRST HEARING AND THE SECOND HEARING. IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OR THE CITY COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERL:' AT SUCH MEETING, HE WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVI- DENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. WALTER B. TAYLOR ZONING ADMINISTRATOR PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE C.H. & OPAL LIGHTSEY - APPLICATION #294 -R, 078 -V & 079 -V (600 S.E. 4th. St.) ° u B L I s H I N THE O K E E C H O B E E NEWS: JANUARY 26', 1990 & FEBRUARY 2, 1990. S• Y JILL- MON tN STREET �... 9.09.9• WwK SOUTH SECOND SOUYN TNIND STREET tin �000� S THIRD CT STREET 1OUTII C.H. & OPAL LIGHTSEY #294 -R, #078 -V & 079 -V 30 SOUTH ; FILTH H .r .I )t II 10 5 7{ 6 4$ 2 17 1 � 7314 IS if • If 20 21 22 2614 SIXTH STREET Sa. sat s STREET V ACATE>D 'VAC SOUTH NINTH COUNT SS! f♦ S41 55 SOUTH TENTH 57999 SOUTH ?0! r -w 77:71X SOY*! ' TNIAT'EINTT1 ..I,ItT x its *4, ei w•• 41•• NOTICE FOR CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ZONING RECLASSIFICATION: NOTICE: A hearing will be held before the Okeechobee County /City Planning Commission on February 13, 1990 to consider a rezoning from the existing classification of RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY TO COMRCIAL II on the following described property: UNPLATTED LANDS OF THE CITY, BEG. 903' N. OF S.E. COR. OF SEC. 21, RUN NORTH 323' WEST 369.1' TO EAST BOUNDARY OF PARROTT AVENUE SOUTH 323' EAST 357' TO EAST BOUNDARY OF SECTION 21 AND P.O.B. LESS 60' 2.195 ACRES. PUBLIC HEARINGS IN RELATION TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: The FIRST hearing will be held before the Okeechobee County /City Planning Com- mission on Tuesday, February 13, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. in the County Commission Meeting Room, Okeechobee County Courthouse, 304 N.W. 2nd. Street, Okeechobee, Florida. The SECOND hearing will be held before the City Council on Tuesday, March 6, 1990 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Room, City Hall, Okeechobee, Florida. ALL PARTIES IN INTEREST AND CITIZENS SHALL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD AT THE FIRST HEARING AND THE SECOND HEARING.' IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION'MADE BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION/ BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT SUCH MEETING, HE WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. Walter B. Taylor Zoning Administrator PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. JULIA SNELLING - APPLICATION #292 -R CENTURY 21 /J.A. PATCH REALITY, INC. 763 -2104 Publish in the OKEECHOBEE NEWS: JANUARY 26, 1990 & FEBRUARY 2, 1990. 5 Ire OKEECHOB EE COUNTY .. BUILDING N.tIV. AND ST., OKEECHOBEE, Fla • �` ZONING DEPARTMENT , 3472 (813) 763 -5548 The .Planning ,.Commission i.n' reviewing a REZONING, .SPECIAL EXCEPTION . ' or a VARIANCE' request conslder;s ;the :following factors. To facilitate this process;. "you are.encouraged; to 'have plans prepared which address each of :these' factors. REZONING REQUESTr (see Special-Note) a) The pcoposed`change is contrary to the established land use pattern; b) The proposed change would .create an isolated district unrelated to adjacentand nearby districts; c) The ',proposed change would ,materially alter the population density patternand thereby increase. or overtax the load on public facilities such,. as schools,, utilities, streets, etc...; d) Existing''`distrlct boundar.les''.;"are illogically drawn in relation to existing :conditions on the.property proposed for change; e) The proposed, change would ' be` - contrary to the Land Use Plan and would hand an ;adverse effect ,on ,the,.Comprehensive Plan; f)'Change or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed amend- ment necessary; g) The proposed change will adversely influence living conditions in the:neighborhood; h) The proposed change will create or excessively increase traffic conges- tion or'otherwise affect public.safety; i) The proposed change will: create. a drainage problem; j) The proposed change will seriously reduce light and air to the adjacent area; k) The proposed change would advErsely'affect property: values in adjacent areas; ,... . 1) The proposed; change will be aAeterrent to the Improvement or develop- ment of adjacent property in accord''wlth existing regulations; m) The proposed change will constitute''a grant of - special 'privilege to an individual owner as contrasted'with the public welfare; n) There are'substantial reasons..why the property cannot be used in accord with existing zoning; o) Whether the change suggested As .out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the.County; p) It is impossible to findother adequate sites in the County for the proposed use in districts 'already permitting such use. SPECIAL NOTE: The Planning Commission has established a set'of plan requirements for the Residential Mobile Home rezoning requests. if are requesting a RMH rezoning PLr ask for a copy of these requirements. SPECIAL EXCEPTION REQUEST: (see Special Note) ' 1) Ingress and egress to the property and the proposed structures thereof, if any, including such considerations as automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe; 2) Off - street parking and loading areas where required, including consl- sideration of relevant factors in (1) preceding, and the economic, noise, glare, or odor effects of the location of such off - street parking and loading areas on adjacent and nearby properties generally in the district; ' 3) Refuse and. service areas, including consideration of relevant factors in (1) and (2) preceding; 4) Utilities,' including such considerations as hook -in locations and availability and compatibility of utilities for the proposed use; 5) Screening and buffering,' including considerations of such relevant factors as type, dimensions, and character to preserve and improve compatibility and harmony of use and structure between the proposed special exception and the uses and structures of adjacent and nearby properties and properties generally in the district; 6) Signs, IUany, and proposed exterior lighting, if any, with references to glare, traffic safety, and economic effects of same on properties in the district'and compatibility and harmony with other properties in the district; 7) Required yards and open spaces; 8) Height-of structures where related to uses and structures on adjacent and nearby properties and properties generally in the district; 9) Economic effect on adjacent and nearby properties and properties gener- ally in the district of the grant of the speri?i 1-r p,0.4nr. SPECIAL NOTE: A Special Exception is hereby defined as a use that would not be appropriate generally or without restrictions throughout the zoning division or district but which, if controlled as to number, area, location, or relation to the neighborhood would promote the public health, safety, welfare, morals, order, comfort, convenience, prosperity, or general welfare. Such uses are permitted in such zoning districts as special exceptions where specific provisions for such special exceptions are made in these zoning regulations.'' In granting any .special exception, the Board of Adjustment may prescribe appropriate, conditions and safeguards in conformity with these zoning regulations. Violation of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the special exception is granted, shall be deemed a violation of these zoning regulations. In making a grant of special exception, the Board of Adjustment shall prescribe-a time limit within which the action for which the special exception is'granted shall be begun pr completed, or both. Failure to begin or complete, or both, such action within the time limit shall void the special exception. VARIANCE REQUEST: a) Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district; b) The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; c) Literal interpretation of the provisions of these zoning regulations would deprive the applicant of- rights commonly enjoyed -by other proper - ties in the same zoning district under the terms of thee zoning regu- lations .and would work unnecessary undue hardship on the applicant; d) The variance,'if granted, is the minimum variance that will make possi- ble the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure; e) Granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district; f) The grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of these zoning regulations, will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. • THE OKEECHOBEE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1990. d� The Okeechobee County Planning, Commission met in regular session on Tuesday, February 13, 1990 at7 :30 p.m. In the County Commission Meeting Room, Okeechobee County Courthouse, 304 N.W. 2nd. Street, Okeechobee, Florida. Chairman Frank Williamson presided with the following members present: Roger Jones, Brenda O'Connor, Dan Delagall, Jerry Bryant and Chris Hooker. Also present were County Attorney Ed Curren,.Liasion County Commissioner Jack Williamson, Zoning Administrator Walter Taylor, Secretary Vikki Aaron and Jim Parks with the Okeechobee News. Chairman Williamson requested a motion on the minutes from the January 9th. meting. Roger Jones made a motion to accept the minutes as drafted. The motion was seconded by Brenda O'Connor. The motion carried unanimously. - PETITION #290 -R, PATRICK VAUGHN, AC TO CII. The petition was presented by Moseley Collins and Patrick Vaughn. They presented t pictures of the property and a sketch of the proposed building. They stated x that the building Was to be used for sales. There` were no comments from the 1 audience and no letters. There was.a short discussion. Dan.Delagall.made a motion to recommend approval. Roger Jones seconded. The motion carried unanimously. PETITION:#291 -R, ANCIENT OAKS, RG TO. RM . • Leland, Dyals presented the petition. He presented a site plan of the property to the Board, and stated that this piece of ground was located between the sewer plant and ( the ' canal. Mr. Dyals .also ' stated that this request for rezoning was made because. the boat marina had :become very crowded and it was decided to move the boat marina further up the canal. In doing this they would like to add a few.more lots., This piece is'1.99 acres. There were no letters and. no comments from the .audience. There was some discussion. Brenda O'Connor.made a motion to recommend approval. Roger Jones seconded. The motion carried unanimously. PETITION #286 -S. ANCIENT OAKS, TO ALLOW AN R.V. PARK IN A RNH DISTRICT. Leland Dyals presented this petition. There was some discussion. Jerry Bryant made a motion to grant with the following conditions; 1) The density be limited to. 24 sites. 2) The parcel be covered under the Declaration of Condominium for Ancient Oaks. Brenda O'Connor seconded. The motion carried unanimously. PETITION #292 -R, JULIA SNELLING, RSF TO CII. David Hazellief presented the petition. He presented a site plan of the property to the Board. There was some discussion. There were no comments from the audience and no letters. Dan Delagall made a motion to recommend approval. Jerry Bryant seconded. The motion carried unanimously. PETITION #293 =R, BOYD & CHERYL PARROTT, I TO CII. Mr. Parrott' presented the petition. Mr. Parrott stated that they wanted to.change the first 100' x 165' to CII and leave the remaining property Industrial. There was a lengthy discussion. There were no comments from the audience and no letters. Dan Delagall made a motion to recommend approval. Brenda O'Connor seconded. The motion carried unanimously.' r PETITION #288 -S, BOYD & CHERYL PARROTT, TO ALLOW A CARPENTER SHOP IN A CII ZONING DISIRICI. Boyd Parrott •presented the petition. There was some discussion. Roger Jones made a motion to grant with the following conditions; 1) The operation of equip- ment will' be done inside an enclosed buildinq only. 2) No storage outside unless screening is brovided to prevent viewing from off site. The motion was seconded by Dan Delagall. The motion carried unanimously. PETITION #294 -R, C.W. & OPAL LIGHTSEY, C TO RMH. Clifford Lightsey presented the petition. Mr. Lightsey provided the Board with a site plan. There was a lengthy. discussion in which the applications for variances were also discussed. There is water, sewer and the property is surrounded by RM-I zoning. Mr. Lightsey stated that he has 1 3/4 acres and that he wants to put 9 mobile homes on this site. There was more discussion. Mrs: .Gruber was recognized. She wanted to know the size of the property, if the lots were going to be sold or rented and she was concerned about the condition bf the mobile homes which would occupy the lots..She also wanted to know if any conditions put on the variance could run with the property and not the property owner. Betty Stevenson was also concerned.. The proposed plat was reviewed. Mr. Lightsey stated thathe'has 1 3/4 acres, would be renting the lots and he would be careful as to the appearance of the mobile homes he rented lots to. Chairman Williamson stated that .these concerns would be covered in the petitions.for the variances. There were no more questions from the audience and no letters. Dan Delagall made a motion to recommend approval. Brenda O'Connor seconded. The motion carried unanimously: PETITION #078 -V, C.H. & OPAL LIGHTSEY, TO ALLOW A REDUCTION IN THE 8 ACRE REQUIR- Clifford Lightsey presented the petition. There was a short discussion. Roger Jones made a motion to orant with:the following conditions; 1) Limit the number of sites to a total of 10. 2) Lots will be rented only with renters owning the mobile homes. 3) No additional mobile homes with less than 14' width. 4) These conditions are to run with the land. Jerry Bryant seconded. The motion carried unanimously. PETITION #079 -V C.H. & OPAL LIGHTSEY, TO ALLOW A REDUCTION IN THE NUMBER OF OF REQUIRED SNACIS Clifford Lightsey presented the petition. There was a short discussion. Brenda O'Connor We a motion to grant with the following conditions;, 1) Limit the number of sites to a total of 10. 2) Lots will be rented only with the renters owning the.mobile'homes. 3) No additional mobile homes with less than 14' width. 4) These conditions are-to run with the land. Roger Jones seconded. The motion carried unanimously. PETITION #285 -S JAMES C. WRIGHT, TO ALLOW A SALES LOT FOR NEW /USED VEHICLES IN A COMMERCIAL ZONING DIS1RICT. • James Wright presented the petition. He provided the Board with a site plan. There was :a lengthy discussion. Mr. Wright stated that this special exception was for the South 150' of his property. He also stated that he had no objections to the Board placing the South 150' in the conditions. Brenda O'Connor made a motion to grant with the following conditions; 1) Variance is granted for the South 150' of the property. 2) Paving.of the lot area will be done within 6 months. 3) No major repairs are to be done. 4) Repairs are to be done inside only. 5) Inside storage 'of parts and equipment. 6) All vehicles are to be in operable condition. 7) Lot must be kept in a neat and orderly fashion at all times. 8). No encroachment on road right -of -way. 9) Must remain in substantial compliance with the plans submitted.'Dan Delagall seconded. The motion carried Unanimously. PETITION #287 -S GORDON & MARJORIE'LEGGETT, TO ALLOW A WOOD CARPENTRY SHOP IN A LU+.RCIAL L 1NG U1S1R1C1. George Wolf presented the petition. He provided a floor plan of the proposed building. There was some discussion. There were no comments frofi the audience and no letters. Dan Delagall made a motion to grant with the following conditions; 1) There will be no outside storage of equipment or materials. 2) No outside operation of equipment. 3) No operations on Sunday or Wednesday between the hours of 7 and 10 p.m. Roger Jones seconded. The motion carried unanimously. PETITION #289 -S SOUTHERN MANAGEMENT CORP., TO ALLOW MULTIFAMILY UNITS IN A illft CIAL LUNING UISIRuCT. Moseley Collins presented the petition. He provided the -Board with a site plan. He stated that the petitioners believed this was a good place for multifamily 1 units, they:are a unique design and close to the water. They will have both city sewer. and water. There were no comments from the audience and no letters. There was some discussion. The conditions are as follows; 1) Must substantially conform to the plans ( #00205) submitted. 2) Must provide a buffer a minimum of 6' high on the North boundary to screen the sight and noise from the adjoining commercial property. 3) No more than 2 stories high. Brenda O'Connor made a motion to grant with the 3 conditions listed. Chris Hooker seconded. The motion carried unanimously. PETITION #080 -V SOUTHERN MANAGEMENT CORP., TO ALLOW AN INCREASE IN DENSITY 1-RUM 1U UNi I S PER ACRE 1U 14.52. Moseley Collins presented the petition. There was some discussion. The conditions are as follows; 1) Must substantially conform to the plans ( #00205) submitted. 2), Must provide a buffer a minimum of 6' high on the North boundary to screen the sight and noise from the adioininp commercial property. 3) No more than 2 stories high. 4) Construction is to begin within 12 months. Roger Jones made a motion to grant with the 4 conditions listed. Brenda O'Connor seconded. The motion carried unanimously. SECRETARY VIKKI AARON CHAIRMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, JR.