1976-04-27 Regular1966 ADJOURNMENT Councilman Betts moved for adjournment at 8:30 P.M. President Domer declared the meeting adjourned. --~ PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE SANDRA M. BENNETT ~ CITY CLERK Second Regular Meeting Tuesday, April 27,1976 The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, convened in regular session at the City Hall on Tuesday, April 27, 1976 at 7:00 P.M., President Russell V. Domer presiding. Councilmen E. H. Hunt~ Edward W. Douglas and Clif Betts, Jr. were present. Councilman Lavon Bass was absent. Others present were Sandra Bennett~ City Clerk; Sylvia Christian, Deputy City Clerk; L. C. Fortner, Jr., Director of Public Works; Richard B. Spray, Building Official and Don Sheppard, Engineer. The invocation was offered by Councilman Douglas. PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE NO. 271 -(ll2) - REZ0NING Pursuant to a public notice published April 8, 1976, the meeting was opened as a public hearing to consider the request of T.H. Nix to amend the zoning map by changing from Residential (R-D) to Commercial of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 183, Original Town of 0keechobee. No one appeared in opposition to the rezoning. Councilman Douglas moved adoption of Ordinance No. 271-(112) which was seconded by Councilman Betts and passed unanimously. REZONING ORDINANCE AMENDING ORD. NO. 271 - FIRST READING' President Domer presented on first reading amended Ordinance rezoning from Agricultural to Commercial for property described "Begin 397 feet S of the NE corner of Section 28, Township 37 S, Range 35E and run West 150 feet to P.0.B., thence continue west for a distance of 211 feet, thence S 130feet; then 2il feet thence N ~30 feet to the P.0.B., 0r~ginal Tow~ of 0keechobee. No one appeared in opposition. It was moved by Councilman Betts, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried that the Ordinance be approved on first reading and notice of a p~blic hearing to,.be held May 25, 1976 be advertised. BEARD'S WATER COMPANY Mr. Beard's purposal to sell his water company for $20,000.00 to the City was again reviewed. No action was taken as a full quorum was not present. i967 CENTRAL AIR AND HEATING SYSTEM AT CITY HALL Director Fortner presented a price from Emory Walker Company for central air and heat system for the City Hall offices. No action taken until next budget meeting. STREET DEPARTMENT- CULVERT REPLACED Director Fortner informed the Council that the street Department cleaned the ditch at 3rd Street and S.W. 11th Street and(discovert~> that the culvert at this area was deteriorated. He questioned if it was the City's responsibility to replace this culverty, It was moved by Councilman Betts, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried that the City replace the culvert due to its being placed by the City for drainage purposes. PUBLIC HEARING BID TABULATION - WATER MAIN EXTENSION TO NEW SCH001, It being the hour of 7:30 P.M. and pursuant to notice of public hearing, bids were received opened and read for the construction of an 8" water main extension from U.S. ~41, West on 27th Street to the new 0keechobee, Junior High School site. The bids were turned over to Don Shephere~> Engineer to prepare a certified bid tabulation. The Clerk was instructed to deliver the bids to the School Board for their recommendation. EASEMENT AGREEMENTS Mr. Don Shepherd inquired about the City obtaining Easements along 441. President Domer informed Mr. Shepherd that the City was in process of sending copies of the Easements agreement to all property owners. STREET PAVING REQUEST Mr. Frank Chute of 802 S.E. 8t~ Street &ppeared informing the Council that due to traffic there was always a cloud of dust on 8th Street and requested the City to surSace the street. President Domer informed Mr. Chute that the City didn't pave streets and that he would have to contact the County Commissioners as they receive funds for this purpose. FIRE DEPARTMENT - REQUEST FOR CONCRETE SLAB President Domer reported that the Fire Department had r~quested a 14 x 20 concrete slab and water line be constructed on the East side of the new fire building for the purpose of washing the police cars. Councilman Douglas suggested that the slab be Big enough for future expansion. Matter was tabled and Building Official Spray was requested to investigate prices for the project. ,,l t I 1968 AIR DIFFUSERS FOR SEWER PLANT Mr. Don Shepherd gave a progress report on the installing of air diffusers at the Sewer Plant. He reported that the E.P.A. and The Department of Environ- mental Regulation requires additional lab equipment for tesing and provision for an emergency 125 Power generator when it is available to meet their regu- lations. He also reported that additional funds were needed to finish install- ing the air blowers. He stated that an additional seven to eight thousand should be able to take care of the electrical provisions for the generator and the installation of the air blowers. It was moved by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Douglas and passed unanimously to authorize the extra funds of seven to eight thousand to be transfered from the General Fund as a loan without interest if needed. kDJOURNMENT There being no further business, President Domer declared the meeting :~ adjourned. RUSSELL V. D01~fER PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL SANDRA M. BENNETT CITY CLERK