1975-12-04 Recessed 1919,
connection with the $400,000.00 0keechobee Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds was
presented for payment. Councilman Betts moved to authorize payment in the amount
of $37.o6 upon approval by Farmer's Home Administration, seconded by Councilman
Douglas and carried.
President Domer read a Resolution adopted by the Board of County
Commissioners where the City adopted Resolution Number 395, agreeing to participate
in a "201 Facilities Program" and that the City of 0keechobee agrees to pay its
1/8th cost share of the plan which is determined to be the sum of $6,250.00.
Mr. Rick Roberts, Agent for the City of 0keechobee Pension plan was
recognized. He presented a long term disability insurance plan which would pay
60~ of a total disabled employee monthly salary after six months. This plan
would cost the City $150.00 per month. Coo uncilman Betts moved to adopt the
disability plan effective immediately, seconded by Councilman Hunt and carried.
Increasing water and sewer rates was discussed. Director Fortner
presented Memorandums Number 1 through 8, which included proposed tappage fees,
water deposits, sewer rates, water rates based on gallons and water rates based
by the size of the meters, comparisons of old and proposed rates, proposed
requirements for all who connects or is connected to water and sewer and active
members as of September 1975.
Memorandum Number 9 - Proposed speed limits around schools. The
Council authorized Director Fortner to purchase the sign material and directed
[Attorney Conlon to draw up the ordinances regulating the speed limits .
Director Fortner inquired about re-facing the signs in front of the
Primary and Elementary Schools. The Council agreed to restore the signs.
Director Fortner informed the Council of sewer request at N.W. 5th
Street, Altobello Building and at S 441, Burger Queen. He inquired about the
method of payment. The Council directed Fortner to abide,.~by the City's past
policy of payment before installing the sewer line.
There being no further business, the Council adjourned to meet in a
recessed meeting Thursday, December 4, 1975 at 6:30 P.M.
December 4, 1975
The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, convened in a
recessed session at the City Hall this 4th day of December at 6:30 P.M. Those
present were President Russell V. Domer, Councilmen: E. H. Hunt, Edward W.
Douglas, Lavon Bass and Clif Betts, Jr. Also ink-,attendance were: City Clerk,
Sandra Bennett, Attorney David Conlon and Trustees of the City's Pension Plan:
Pommy Gaughn, L. C. Fortner, Jr., John Bennett, Frank Bennett, 01eh Godwin and
Edmond Reutebuch.
President Domer advised the Trustees that their present Pension Plan
had been reviewed by a Mr. Duncan, who stated that the Trustees could increase
the benefits by changing insurance companies, however, no financial figures
were presented to prove the claim.
The Trustees reviewed the material Mr. Duncan had submitted to the
City Council.
The Trustees voted unanimously to look into the matter and stated
they would consider bids from specifications which they would draw up. The
Trustees unanimously voted to request bids from Mr. Duncan so long as they were
under no obligation to accept any bid or change the present plan. The Trustees
pointed out that they had no agreement with Mr. Duncan, but would consider him
the agent for the companies specifically listed in his report as responding
to his request for information and being willing to underwrite a proposed new
Councilman Betts recommended the Council allow the Department Heads
to be enrolled in the Long Term Disability Insurance plan.immediately and the
waiting period be for six months instead of one year. The Council requested
the Clerk to contact Rick Roberts, Agent for Bankers Life, to include this
clause in the policy.
Councilman Bass moved to authorize the purchase of the Bicentennial
Flag from the 0keechobee County Bicentennial for $20.00, seconded by Council-
man Betts and carried.
A re-zoning application was received from Mr. Louis DeMicco requesting
that Lots 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6, Block 29, McMullins Woodland Park, Original Town of
0keechobee, be rezoned from Residential (R-l) to Residential (R-2). Council-
man Betts moved to table action for further investigation from Attorney Conlon,
seconded by Councilman Bass and carried.
A license application was presented for Council's consideration from
Mr. Amos A. Chancey for a peddlers license to sell seafood. Action was post-
poned for further investigation from the Health Department.
Councilman Betts moved to designate December 25th and 26th, 1975 as
Christmas holidays, seconded by Councilman Bass and carried.
President Domer discussed using part of the merit incentive money
appropriated in the budget for the disability insurance plan. Councilman Hunt
moved to take the amount out of the merit incentive fund, seconded by Council-
man Douglas. Councilman Betts and Bass voted No. President Domer voter yes
to bread the tie vote.
Director Fortner inquired if the Council wanted the Water Department
employees to continue with classes at the Indian River Community College .
Councilman Betts moved to authorize the continuation of classes, seconded by
Councilman Bass and carried.
There being no further business, the Council adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
December 9, 1975
The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, convened in regular
session at the City Hall on the 9th day of December, 1975 at 7:00 P.M. with the
following present: President Russell V. Domer, Councilmen: E. H. Hunt, Edward W.
Douglas, Lavon Bass and Clif Betts, Jr. Also in attendance were: City Clerk,
Sandra Bennett, Attorney David Conlon, Director of Public Works~ L C Fortner, Jr
Chief of Police, Edward Chisholm, Fire Chief Olen Godwin and Building Official,
Richard B. Spray·
President Domer opened the meeting with prayer.
Vouchers on the following ~unds were approved.
General Fund $ 45,141.80
Water & Sewer Operation and Maintenance Fund 33,947.68
Water & Sewer Revenue Fund $ 33,902.32
Water & Sewer System Revenue Fund 1,865.66
Minutes of previous meetings held October 2nd and 7th and November
11th and 17th, 1975, were approved on a motion by Councilman Hunt, seconded by
Councilman Bass and carried.
It being the hour of Seven O'Clock and pursuant to Notice of Letting-
Invitation to bid on one new Diesel Tractor and one new heavy duty 72 inch lift
type mower, bids were received, opened and read from the following:
Pippin Tractor and Equipment, Inc., Fort Pierce, Florida
One Massey Ferguson Diesel Tractor $ 5,670.00
One 72" Rotary Mower, D-point hitch with safety
chains 800.00
Total bid $ 6,470.00
Minton Equipment Company, Fort Pierce, Florida
One International 464D 'Tractor $ 7,D00.O0
- One Servis Saturn D-point hitch 72" Rotary
Mower , with front and rear chain guards 9~.00
Total bid $ 8,25D.00
Ford Sunrise Tractor Company, Inc., Veto Beach, Florida
One new Ford 3400 Diesel Tractor $ 5,750.00
,- One new Woods Model 72 Cadet Mower with D-point
hitch and front and rear chains 800.00
Total bid $ 6,550.00
Berggren Equipment Company, Inc., Fort Pierce, Florida
One John Deere Model 2040 Diesel Tractor $ 6,192.00
One Bush Hog Model 306R, 3-point hitch Rotary Mower
with front and rear chains 8~.00
Total bid $ 7,086.00
Alternate bid on Tractor from Berg~ren EQuipment ~Compan¥
One John Deere Model 830, 8 forward speeds and 4
reverse speeds, warning lights on alternator and
oil pressure $ 5,395.00
The Council requested Director Fortner to tabulate the bids and
return a recommendation, afterwhich Director Fortner returned and stated that
Pippen Tractor and Equipment, Inc. had the~lowest bid and recommended they be
awarded the contract. Councilman Douglas moved to award the bid to Pippen
Tractor and Equipment, Inc., seconded by Councilman Bass and carried.
President Domer announced the regular Council mee!ing dates to be as
January 6 and 20, 1976
February 10 and 24, 1976
March 9 and 23, 1976
The Clerk was asked for her items of business. The announced a meet-
ing scheduled with the County Commissioners"'Thursday, December 11, 1975 at
11:00 A.M. regarding the "208" Water Resourses Plan.
Building Official Richard Spray was recognized. He stated that he
had contacted the men the Council had chosen for appointment to the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals and they had agreed to serve on the Board. Councilman
Betts moved to appoint the following to serve as members of the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals as of January l, 1976, seconded by Councilman Douglas
and carried.
Leon Willis Three year term
Cecil Newman ~Two year term
Carl Close Two year term
Lytle Raulerson One year term
Richard Johnson One year term
Attorney Conlon was questioned about City Charter Section 14-4 prohib ....
iting dancing in a bar or any room connecting with a bar. He stated that the
City Charter regulating dancing in bars was enacted in 1930 due to being"
injurious to health and morals". He remarked that said Section was unemforcea-
ble and if Council desired, any further regulation could be done in the future.
Chief Chisholm was instructed to not enforce the Ordinance.
Mr. Reuben Thomas of NW 10th Street was recognized. He described a
problem w~.ich resulted after building his home in 1960 directly on the property
line. He requested the City to donate to him part of the City's right-of-way
to build a front porch. Council informed Mr. Thomas that the City could not
give him city property.