1975-10-02 Recessedi_894 Frank Bennett, Street Supervisor $ 9,800.00 Director of Public Works, L.C. Fortner 14,100.00 Sandra Bennett, City Clerk 10,100.00 Richard Spray, Building Official 9,740.00 Et was agreed to leave Attorney Conlons's salary at $9,000.00 Clerk Bennett recommended additional $400.00 be added to Bernice Elders salary as she is Decretary to the Mayor, Building Official and Director of Public Works. She is also bookkeeper for the water department. The Council agreet with Clerk. Bennett's recommendation. Director Fortner reported that Melvin Lamb had operated the back hoe but had been removed and promoted Forest Gainer to the position. The Council agreed to pay Gainer $7,700.00 for the 75-76 year and to leave Melvin Lamb's salary at $7,700.00. The Council discussed increasing water and sewer rates, tappage fees and deliquent fees. Director Fortner inquired if the Council wanted to place the purchase of the air conditioner in the Council room on bids. The Council directed Director Fortner to place the air conditioner on bids. Director Fortner also inquired if the Council wanted to proceed with installing the new telephone system. The Council directed Director Fortner to proceed with the system. No further business the Council recessed to meet Thursday, October 2, 1975 at 7:00 P.M. ~ ~ .~ PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL ATTE ST: CITY CLERK October 2, 1975 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee met in a recessed session for a public hearing at the City Hall on Thursday, October 2, 1975 at 7:00 P.M. wit~ the following present: President Russell Domer, Councilmen: E. H. Hunt, Edward W. Douglas, Lavon Bass and Clif Betts, Jr. Also in attendance was City Clerk, Sandra Bennett. President Domer asked Councilman Douglas to open the meeting with pr~yer. It being the hour of Seven O'Clock and pursuant to a Notice published in The 0keechobee News regarding a Public Hearing on the City Council considering adopting a Resolution levying a millage rate in excess of the certified millage, President Domer read the Resolution and asked if there were any objections or comments from the audience. Mrs. Faye Lukacs of 904 N.W. 4th Street was recognized. She stated that she didn't object to the Council adopting a Resolution levying a millage rate but she had several complaints she wanted to make about the condition of 1895 the street in front of her house. She informed the Council that there were no street lights or fire hydrants in her area, nor sidewalks. The streets weren't paved and when it rained, the water flomded the street as the ditch was full of weeds and brush. She also remarked that the people living across the street from her keeps livestock. She stated that she didn't mind paying taxes if she could get the benefits from it. President Domer informed Mrs. Lukacs that the County maintained the streets but that her other complaints would be investigated. Councilman Douglas presented Resolution as read and moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Bass and unanimously adopted. RESOLUTION LEVYING A MILLAGE RATE IN EXCESS OF THE CERTIFIED MILLAGE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE FLORIDA: 1. That the Annual General Fund Budget, both operatin~ and debt service, W~s taken up and considered for final adoption at this meeting duly called and noticed for such purpose, and such budget was duly agreed upon as the budget for fiscal year October 1, 1975 to September 30, 1976 and a copy of such budget was ordered attached to this Resolution of Adoption and by reference made a part hereof, and a copy ordered published in The 0keechobee News and by all such action being taken such budget was duly adopted. 2. That the ad volorum tax revenue portion of such budget be met by tax levy as follows: For General Fund Operating budget a tax levy at the rate of $4,5907 per $1,000 valuation against all taxable property in the City of 0keechobee, Florida. WHEREAS, the 1974 Tax Levy was at the rate of $4,5907 per $1,000 valuation against all taxable property in the City of 0keechobee, Florida, and, WHEREAS, the 1974 tax levy produced $112,000.00 in Revenue and, WHEREAS, the tax levy of $4,5907 per $1,000 valuation against all taxable property in the City of 0keechobee, Florida, for 1975 would produce $124,000 and, WHEREAS, the Annual General Budget for October 1, 1975 to September 30, 1976 requires revenues from the tax levy valuation against all taxable property in ihe City of 0keechobee, Florida, in the amount of $124,000.00. WHEREFORE, the City Council has proposed, considered and adopted a millage rate of $4,5907 per $1,000 valuation as the tax rate for 1975. This Resolution was proposed, considered and adopted under the provisions of Section 166.041 (3) (b) Florida Statutes, and was enacted by no less than a two-third vote of the City Council. DONE, RESOLVED and made effective this 2nd day of October, 1975, at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council, City of 0keechobee, Florida. Russell Domer President of City Council ATTEST: Sandra Bennett City Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS 2nd DAY OF OCTOBER, 1975. Audley Dunham Mayor 1896 President Domer read a Resolution ~umber 397, providing Reserve fund in General Obligation Bonded Indebted Fund. Councilman Betts presented the Resolution as read and moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Bass and unanimously adopted. RESOLUTION PROVIDING RESERVE FUND IN GENERAl, OBLIGATION BONDED INDEBTED FUND WHEREAS, there has accumlated in the General Bonded Indebted Account in the City of 0keechobee, from interest earned and principal refunded in conjunction with the sale of the City of 0keechobee General Refund Bonds of 1971, interest on certificates of deposits on such funds and unanticipated excess income from taxes levied in 1973 and 1974 and the present cash balance is $98,300.17. WHEREAS, Principal payments together with semi-annual interest payments are due and payable on January 1st of each year and addition interest payment is due July 1 of each year. Taxes are due and payable from November 1st in each tax year and are not deliquent until April 1st of the following year, and consequently the total tax le~ry for ~ayment of January 1st Principal and Interest is not fully available at such time for such purpose. WHEREAS, it is determined to be in the best interest of the bond holders and in the best interest of the City to reserve such accumulated funds referred to above for the purpose of always being availabe to meet the bonded obligations as they fall due, and to meet any contingency that may arise. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of 0keechobee has by Resolution dated this 2nd day of October, 1975, designated a fund as General Obligation Refunding Bond Sinking Fund. This Sinking Fund was created for holding and accumlating funds for the purpose expressed above~ and if not expended during the period of the bond issue shall be used to satisfy the final year or years under the issue. WHEREFORE, the City shall transfer and deem said $98,300.17 as an increase to the account of the "General Obligation Refunding Bond Sinking Fund." WHEREFORE, the City shall levy annually sufficient municipal debt millage to pay principal payments, interest payments and Baying Agent fees as they fall due. This Resolution was proposed, considered, and adopted under the provisions of Section 166.041(3)(b) Florida Statutes, and was enacted by no less than a two-thirds vote of the City Council and takes effect immediately. DONE, RESOLVED and made effective this 2nd day of October, 1975, at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council, City of 0keechobee, Florida. Russell Domer President of City Council ATTEST: Sandra Bennett City Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS 2ND DAY OF OCTOBER, 1975. Audle¥ Dun_ham .... I I I'I''?- '! IS97 President Domer read Resolution Number 399 , Budget adoption and Tax Levy and presented the 1975-76 General Fund Budget for the Councils adoption. Councilman Bass moved its adoption and upon being seconded by Councilman Betts was put to a vote and unanimously adopted. RESOLUTION OF BUDGET ADOPTION AND TAX LEVY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE, FLORIDA: 1. That the Annual General Fund Budget, both operating and debt service, was taken up and considered for final adoption at this meeting duly called and noticed for such purpose, and such budget was duly agreed upon as the budget for fiscal year October 1, 1975 to September 30, 1976 and a copy of such budget was ordered attached to this Resolution of Adoption and by' reference made a part hereof and a copy ordered published in the 0keechobee News, and by all such action being taken such budget was duly adopted. 2. That the Ad Valorum tax revenues portion of such budget be met by tax levy as follows: For General Fund Operating budget a tax ivey at the rate of $~,5907 per $],000 valuation against all taxable property in the City of 0keechobee, Florida. For Debt Service budget a tax levy at the rate of $1.il per $1,000 valuation against all taxable property, including homestead, in the City of 0keechobee, Florida. 3. That the Tax Collector of 0keechobee County, Florida, be furnished a copy of this Resolution as certification of tax millage for collection for the tax year 1975. ~. This Resolution was proposed, considered and adopted under the provisions of Section 66.0 1 (3) (b) Flor±da Statutes, and was enacted by no less than a two-thirds vote of the City Council and takes effect immediately. DONE, RESOLVED and made effective this 2nd day of October, 1975, at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council, City of Okeechobee, Florida. Russell Domer President of City Council ATTEST: Sandra Bennett City Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS 2ND DAY OF OCTOBER, 1975. Audl ey Dunh am Mayor 1975-1976 CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE GENERAL BUDGET ANTICIPATED REVENUES: 75-76 BUDGET 1975 TAXES $ 124,OOO.OO STATE REVENUE SHARING 176,000.00 ADDITIONAL 2~ CIGARETTE TAX 47,000.00 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 15~000.00 UTILITY TAX 71,000.00 FINES AND FORFEITURES 50,000.00 0KEECHOBEE COUNTY (FIRE DEPT.) 15,000.00 FEDERAL COST-SHARING ASSISTANCE (TITLE IV) 552.00 FRANCHISE FEE (FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.) 61,000.00 1898 MOBILE HOME LICENSE TAXES ~ 2,500.00 BUILDING PERMITS ~,000.00 COMPETENCY CARDS 3,500.00 HUMANE DEPARTMENT FEES 200.00 INTEREST AND MISCELLANEOUS ~, 000.00 TOTAL ANTICIPATED REVENUES $ 594,752.00 ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE 600,000.00 ---- TOTAL AVAILABLE CASH FOR 1975-76 ~1,194,752.00 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES: CITY COUNCIL SALARIES $ 5,400.00 CITY COUNCIL EXPENSE 3,600.00 MAYOR'S SALARY 1,200.00 MAYOR'S EXPENSE 1,200.00 MAYOR'S OFFICE EXPENSE lO0.00 AUDIT FEE 2,175.00 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FEES 1,500.00 CITY ATTORNEY SALARY 9,000.00 CITY ATTORNEY EXPENSE 300.00 ATTORNEY SPECIAL FEES 2,000.00 FEE FOR REVISING ORDINANCES 3,500.00 CITY CLERK'S SALARY 10,100.00 DEPUTY CLERK'S SALARY 7,740.00 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE EXPENSE 2,000.00 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT 4,500.00 TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH 4,300.00 CITY HALL OPERATION & MAINTENANCE 7,500.00 NEW CONSTRUCTION AND ADDITIONS 5,000.00 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARIES 121,300.00 POLICE INCENTIVE PAY 1,300.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 30,000.00 INDIAN RIVER COMMUNITY CRIME LAB 1,886.78 ~ POLICE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT & VEHICLES 5,000.00 COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSE 2,500.00 ~IP~ DEPARTFfENT SALARIES 42,770.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 11,710.00 FIRE HYDRANT DEMAND CHARGE 25,000.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT 17,550.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT WALKIE TALKIES 1, 104.00 BUILDING OFFICIAL SALARY 9,740.00 BUILDING OFFICIAL EXPENSE ALLOWANCE 2,080.00 : BUILDING OFFICIAL OFFICE EXPENSE 250.00 CIVIL DEFENSE 200 00 t899 P~I3IC ~S~ 7~- 76 BUDGET DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SECRETARY SALARY $ ~.,750. 00 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS EXPENSE & EQUIPMENT 1,500.00 STREET DEPARTMENT ~ SALARIES 5~, ~ 00.00 S~ DEP~TMEN~ .~PENSE D5,000~.0:~ ST~ET DEP~TMENT EQU~MENT ~,.~)00 00 STREET LI~N~ ~IM~ POUND EXPENSE 2,000. O0 MISCELL~EOUS DONATIONS 1 , 500.00 UTILITIES 1 ~ 700.00 HE~TH INSUR~CE 5 ~ 650.00 GENER~ INSUR~CE 15,000.00 PAYROLL T~ES ~ 6~000.00 U~MPLOYMENT TAXES 1 , 000.00 CITY CLERK RETIRE~NT ~, 739.25 PENSION PLAN PA~ENTS D, 882.00 E~LOYEES CHRISTMAS B0~S ~65.00 0~RTI~ ~, 000.00 CONDE~ATI 0N PROCEEDINGS 500.00 MERIT S~IES FOR E~LOYEES 11 , 700.00 CONTINGENCIES SUB TOT~ 59~,992. TR~SFER T0 WATER ~D SE~R FUND TOT~ ~, ~ D2,187.27 ESTIMATED CASH B~ANCE 62,56~. TOT~ $1, 19~,752.00 .!9~-76 CITY 0F 0~ECHOBEE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDED INDEBTNESS ~TICIPATED ~VENUE: i~5 T~ES ~ 37, 575.00 ESTI~AT]{I) CASH BALANCE INTEREST 0N CERTI~CA'i~ES 0F DEPOSIT ~, 000.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE CASH FOR 75-76 1~9,902. ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES: B0~ PRINCIP~ PAINTS 10,000.00 B0~ INTEREST PAY~NTS D 1 , 2 75 · O0 FEE FOR PAYING AGENT ~00.00 TOT~ EXPENDITURES ~1,575. O0 ESTIMATED CASH B~CE 75-76 98, D27.8~ TOT~ EXPENDITURES PLUS CASH RESERVE $ 1Dg, 902.8~ FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND ANTICIPATED REVENUE FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING $ 73,979.00 INTEREST ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS 5,000. O0 ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE 169,000.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE CASH FOR 75-76 $ 247,979.0o ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL EXPANSION PROGRAM AND DEBT SERVICE 247,979.00 Councilman Hunt presented the 1975-76 Water and Sewer Budget and ~mougd i~e adoption-as read, and upon being seconded by Councilman Betts was put to a vote and unamiously adopted. 1975-76 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE WATER AND SEWER BUDGET ANTICIPATED OPERATING REVENUES ,1975-76 BUDGET WATER REVENUES $ 250,000. O0 SEWER REVENUES 34,000. O0 FIRE HYDRANT CHARGE 25, OO0. OO FUEL TAX REFUND 5OO.O0 TAPPAGE FEES 1 I , 000. O0 INTEREST ON C.D. 'S ,9,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS 6,0OO. OO TOTAL $ 335,300.00 ANTICIPATED OPERATING EKPENSE WATER SUPERVISOR SALARY 10,450.00 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SALARY 14, 100 00 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SECRETARY SALARY 3,750.00 WEEKLY SALARIES 71 , 240.00 BOOKKEEPERS SALARIES 22,200. O0 MERIT SALARIES 4,350.00 OVERTIME 7,000.00 AUDIT FEE 2,175 · O0 CHEMICALS 60,000. O0 ELECTRICITY 53,000.00 E~UIPMENT ] 0,000.00 FREIGHT CHARGES 800. OO HEALTH INSURANCE 2,6OO. OO GENERAL INSURANCE 7,000.00 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE EQUIP. & EXP. 400.00 OFFICE EXPENSE 6,0OO. O0 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 5,000. O0 TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 1 , 005. O0 RADIO MAINTENANCE 605.00 PAYROLL TAXES ( SOCIAL SECURITY) 7,800. OO UNEMPLOYMENT TAXES 1 , 000. O0 PENSION PLAN PAYMENT 1,750.00 TRUCK EXPENSE 5,000. O0 WATER & SEWER REPAIRS 10,000. O0 CONTINGENCIES 9,500 · 00 ~ TOTAL $316,725. O0 EXCESS REVENUES AVAILABLE FOR DEBT SERVICE AND CAPITAL PROGRAM 18,575.00 DEBT SERVICE WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENT $ 14,249.94 WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BOND INTEREST PAYMENT 10,282.50 F.H.A. CONTRACT PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 9,377.68 F. H.A. CONTRACT INTEREST PAYMENT 468.88 ERNEST EVANS WATER LINE PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 7,289.48 ERNEST EVANS WATER LINE INTEREST PAYMENT 946.24 F. H.A. BOND INTEREST PAYMENT 19,884.52 F. H.A. BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 3,750 · 00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 66,249.24 EXCESS REVENUES AVAILABLE FOR CAPITAL PROGRAM $ (47,674.24) ANTICIPATED WATER DEPARTMENT CAPITAL PROGRAM BALANCE PHASE ! 1 PLANT IMPROVEMENT $ 63,970.60 24" WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN 455,000.00 WATER INTAKE AND PLANT IMPROVEMENTS 323,000.00 OTHER CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 75-76 NEW MAIN EXTENSIONS 7,500. O0 NEW METERS AND METER BOXES 10,000.00 WATER PIPE, FITTINGS AND SUPPLIES 25,000.00 AERATOR 16,000.00 AIR BLOWER ( SEWER DEPT. ) 2,000. O0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 902,47O. 60 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE AND CAPITAL PROGRAM $968,719.84 ANTICIPATED FUNDS FOR CAPITAL PROGRAM AND DEBT SERVICE _ BALANCE ON HAND CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT $ 63,970.60 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUNDS 247,979.00 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER 538,195.24 1975- 76 OPERATING REVENUE 18,575.00 PRIOR YEAR RESERVES 100,000. O0 TOTAL INCOME $968,719.84 Councilman Hunt moved, seconded by Councilman Betts and unanimously carried, to authorize the Clerk to certify the City tax millage for the year 1975 to the 0keechobee County Property Appraiser, Mr. W. C. Sherman. Police Chief, Ed Chisholm. presented specifications on a 1976 Police car for the Councils approval. Councilman Bass moved to authorize Chief Chisholm. to advertise for bids to be opened November 11, 1975 at 7:00 P.M., seconded by Councilman Betts and carried .... NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida will receive sealed bids for the purchase of the following: 1 - 1976 Automobile Conventional Body and Chassis, 4 door Sedan Tinted glass (all windows) power disc brakes minimum 350 cubic inch motor, three speed hydromatic transmission, heavy duty shock absorbers, light blue or dark blue metallic in color, radio and heater, air conditioned, power steering, all vinyl trim interior, minimum ll6 inch wheel base, hydraulic valve lifters, H-78 Fibra glass tiress or equal 60 AMP battery and heavy duty radiator, 2 BBL carb, single exhaust. FORD TORINA - MALIBU CHEVROLET - OR EQUIVALENT Said bids will be opened in the Council Chamber at the City Hall in 0keechobee, Florida at 7:00 P.M. on November 11, 1975. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to accept the proposal deemed most advantageous to the City. Russell Domer Russell V. Domer President City Council 0keechobee, Florida ATTEST: Sandra Bennett City Clerk Okeechobee, Florida PUBLISH IN THE 0KEECHOBEE NEWS: OCTOBER 9 and 16, 1975 Chief Chisholm also requested authorization to purchase a two-way radio for the new car. Councilman Bass moved to authorize Chief Chisholm to purchase the radio, seconded by Councilman Betts and carried. A letter was read from J. H. Arnold, Superintendent of Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company regarding railroad crossings located within the City which are in need of repair. Mr. Arnold stated that he had the crossings checked and as soon as the Seaboards work schedule permits, they propose to do the necessary repairs. Director Fortner presented specifications on one new diesel tractor --~ for the Councils approval. After reviewing the specifications, Councilman Douglas moved to advertise for bids, seconded by Councilman Bass and carried. t City of 0keechobee, Florida Notice of Letting - Invitation to Bid Sealed Bids will be received by the City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, at City Hall, P. 0. Box 215, until 7:00 O'Clock P.M., November 11, 1975, at which time the bids duly submitted will be opened and read, for the purchase of the following equipment: One-New diesel Tractor with a P.T.0. horsepower range of 37 H.P. minimum and'43 H.P. maximum; power steering; 9 forward speed and 2 reverse speed transmission; 2 rear tires size 13.6-28, 6 ply, bar type; 2 front tires, size 600-16, 4 ply, 540 RPM live power take off; 12 volt electric system with alternator; amp gauge; oil pressure gauge, temperature gauge; fuel gauge; hour meter; tachometer; lights; 3 point hitch, category 11, rear fenders; protection frame and canopy; and with all other standard equipment not listed above. One- New Heavy Dudy 72 inch lift type Mower, 3 point hitch; 540 RPM heavy duty gearbox; safety chains on all openings. The City of Okeechobee reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept the proposal demmed most advantageous to the City. Russell Domer President of City Council City of 0keechobee ATTEST: Sandra Bennett City Clerk PUBLISH IN THE OKEECHOBEE NEWS OCTOBER 16 AND 23, 1975. Director Fortner also presented specifications on one-new air conditioner unit for the Council room for the Council's approval. President Domer read the specifications, afterwhich, Councilman Betts moved to advertise for bids, seconded by Councilman Bass and carried. City of 0keechobee, Florida Notice of Letting-Invitation to Bid Sealed bids will be received by the City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida at City Hall, P. 0. Box 215, until 7:00 O'Clock P.M., November 11, 1975, at which time the bids duly submitted will be opened and read, for the purchase of the following equipment: One-New High efficiency air-conditioner unit 3 ton with minimum 10 KW electric heat strip, one thermostat; all duct to be made out of fiberboard; all joints are to be stapled and taped; cold air duct leaving unit to be minimum 12" x 16" from unit to the first two drops and then duct to be minimum 12" x 12" to the end; 4 louvered air outlets with opposed dampers to be installed in Council meeting room, minimum 12" x 12" duct to supply each of the four louvered air outlets; blower unit to be mounted on the wall in a storage room next to Council room with a minimum 18" x 24" return air duct through the wall and connected to unit; one 18" x 24" filZer back return air grille; one new condensate pump to be mounted on unit; electric wiring to be done under sepe~ate contract. Contact Director of Public Works for any additional information. Russell Domer ~r~sid~t of ~it¥ Council mty o~-0keecnxooee Attest; Sandra Bennett City Clerk PUBLISH IN THE 0KEECHOBEE NEWS OCTOBER 16, AND 23, 1975. It being the hour of Seven Thirty P.M. and pursuant to a Notice published in The 0keechobee News, regarding a Public Hearing to determine rates of Taxi Cabs, President Domer announced that the Council would act as Hearing Officers. He stated that to operate a taxi service is a public service like airlines and railroads. All these public services are regulated f~r their own protection and that of the public. The reason the Council passed the taxi ordinance was that it had been called to the Council's attention by the Better Business Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, Taxi Operators and numerous citizens that taxi services and rates were not uniform. Many citizens complained of overcharge and questioned whether the companies were properly covered with insurance and the vehicles properly maintained. He further stated that the City's Attorney researched taxi ordinances from cities of similar size to 0keechobee and gave comparisons of these ordinances to the Council to help tailor these into an :~ordinance that most nearly fits Okeechobee. He remarked that the Council doesn't want to regulate the taxi companies just for the sake of regulations, but these rules will improve the companies image and create public confidence. He indicated that he hoped the Council and interested parties could arrive at a consistent rate of charge. He asked the cab owners what rate they now charged. Mr. Phi~ Schoonmaker remarked that their rates were the same as Fort Pierce. Mr, J. L. Smith was recognized. He remarked that he didn't feel that 0keechobee was big enough to have meters and that the people wouldn't be able to afford the meter rates President Domer assured Mr. Smith that a rate would be approved to meet both the people and taxicab owners needs. President Domer asked for comments from the taxicab owners present if they were in agreement to approve the same rates as Fort Pierce and Mr. Schoonmaker. All parties were in agreement. Councilman Betts presented Resolution Number 400 and moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Bass and carried. RESOLUTION 400 __. WHEREAS, the City of Okeechobee, Florida, has enacted Ordinance Number 375, which provides for the regulations of automobiles for hire and amends Section 29 of Ordinance Number 230 and provides for fares to be recorded on a meter, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, has given legal notice and held a public hearing concerning uniform fares, and WPIEREAS, the City is desirous of setting uniform fares for all automobiles for hire, within the City of 0keechobee, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of 0keechobee, as follows: ]. That all automobiles for hire, or profit, within the 1905 City of 0keechobee, Florida shall provide the transportation of passengers on the following basis; a.) $6.00 per hour for one or more passengers b.) .60¢ on flag drop and .]0¢ for each 1/6th of a mile or fraction thereafter for one passenger. Plus .25¢ for each additional passenger when meter fare is less than Si.00. .50~ for each additional passenger when meter fare is $1.00 or over. c.) Waiting ti~ is .20¢ for each two minutes or fraction thereof. d.) No charge for package carried by passenger. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session of the City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, this 2nd day of October, 1975. Russell Domer PRESIDENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL ATTEST: Sandra Bennett CITY CLERK APPROVED BY ME THIS 2nd DAY OF October , 1975. Audley Dunham MAYOR Councilman Betts moved to allow taxicab owners sixty days from October 1, 1975 to purchase and install meters, but could apply for a permit, seconded by Councilman Bass and carried. President Domer recommended the Council allow more time for the paint- ing of the vehicles and lettering as per Ordinance regulations. Councilman Betts moved to allow sufficient time for taxicab owners to paint and letter their vehicles until trade in if necessary, seconded by Councilman Bass and carried. Councilman Betts reported that the School Board had requested informa- tion on the amount that would be required on the purposed 8" water main to be installed North 441 for the new school building. After discussion, the matter was referred to the Water Committee for investigation. President Domer reported that Mrs. Sarah Price had contacted him re- questing authorization for the 4-H to place a banner across S.R. 441 in celebra- tion of National 4-H week. Council agreed pending the Department of Transportation approval. President Domer also reported that Mr. Ardell Breland had informed him that he had two 124 KW Unites Generators he would sell to the City for $5,000.00 each. After discussion, the Council requested Director Fortner to request Engineer, Robert E. Owens and Anderson to check the size of the generators to see if they were adequate. Chief Chisholm reported that Prison Inspector, H. R. Ackett, had inspec- ted the city jail October 1, 1975 and had informed him that the polyurethans mettresses now used in the jail are highly inflameable, that the State Fire Marshall is investigating the safetest and best mattress to recommend and will contact them of their conclusions. Chief Chisholm also reported that the Police Departments Inter City radio was transmitting and receiving poorly. He informed the Council that for proper transmission, they would need an antenia and cable. This would cost approximately $700.00 ~ncluding labor. Councilman Bass moved to authorize Chief Chisholm to proceed with installing the antenia and cable, seconded by Councilman Betts and carried. President Domer informed the Council that to be able to change the Fire Department frequency on their radio, Motorola had submitted a lease cost of $300.00 per month. No action taken. The Clerk informed the Council that the three calculators in the Water Department and Director of Public Works office is in need of repairs or replaced. The Council authorized the Clerk to investigate trade-in allowances on the present Unicoms and price for a new calculator. There being no further business, the Council adjourned at 9:00 P.M. PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL ~ITY CLERK October 7, 1975 The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, met in regular session on Tuesday, October 7, 1975 at 7:00 P.M. with the following present: Councilmen E. H. Hunt, Edward W. Douglas, Clif Betts, Jr. and Lavon Bass. President Russell Domer was absent. Also present were: City Clerk, Sandra Bennett Attorney David Conlon and Director of Public Works, L. C. Fortner, Jr. In the absence of President Domer, President Pro-Tempore, E. H. Hunt presided over the meeting. President Pro-Tempore Hunt asked Councilman Douglas to open the meet- ing with prayer. Vouchers on the following funds were approved: General Fund $22,872.99 Water & Sewer Oper. & Maint. Fund 22,684.01 Water & Sewer Revenue Fund 109,145.66 Wa~r t ~ewer ~ystem Rev. l~und 2~109.OO I & S Refunding Bonds Fund 7,000.00 Minutes of previous meetings held August 5, 7, 14, 26, 28, 1975 and September 2, 4, and 9th, 1975 were approved on a motion by Councilman Betts, seconded by Councilman Bass and carried. First on the agenda was Mr. Tom Conely. He appeared before the Council in regards to 0keechobee County School Board's request fdr water service to purposed new school on N 441. He introduced Mr. Bill Gardner, 0keechobee County School Superintendent. Mr. Conley requested information on the amount and