1975-09-23 Regular 1889 suggested that each Councilman study the matter and present their recommendations at the next budget meeting. Councilman Betts pointed out that last year, the Council had increased Director Fortner's salary and had agreed to release the responsibi~ity of the Street Department from Director Fortner. Director Fortner remarked that at the time he had agreed to shoulder the responsibility until the Council appointed a Supervisor for the Department. President Dl~mer suggested the Council investigate the matter further for a possible solution. The Council discussed and approved an additament to the sick leave policy~¥hereby any employee working for the City for five years or more will earn eight hours per month instead of four hours. Upon motion, the Counci~ recessed to meet Thursday, September 25, 1975 at 6:30 P.M. PRESIDENT C~Y COUNCIL CITY CLERK September 23, 1975 The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, convened in regular session at the City Hall on Tuesday, September 25, 1975 at 7:00 P.M. with the following present: Mayor Audley Dunham, President Russell V. Domer, Comncil- men: E. H. Hunt, Edward W. Douglas and Clif Betts, Jr. Councilman Lavon Bass w~s absent. Also in attendance were: City Attorney, David Conlon, City Clerk Sandra Bennett and Director of Public Works, L. C. Fortner, Jr. President Domer asked Councilman Douglas to open the meeting with prayer. It being the hour of Seven O'Clock and pursuant to a notice published in the 0keechobee News regarding a public hearing to consider re-zoning the following described real property; Lots i through 6, Block 29, McMullins Wood- land Park, Original Town of 0keechobee and Lot 1, Block 44, Vickers Woodland Park Original Town of 0keechobee, from Residential (R-I~ to Residential (R-2), President Domer asked if there were any objections to the requested rezoning. Mrs. Melba Louthan was recognized. She stated that she owned two lots that borders the north side of said property and her sister owns 9 lots that borders the west side. She expressed her objections that in the present zoning structure a change would devaluate the property. She also pointed out that the property surounding maid property is underveloped and in the future she could forsee the property purchased and rezoned to Residential (R-2). Mr. Louis R. DeMicco was recognized. He stated that the duplex cost $60,000.00 to construct and he didn't see how it devaluated the property. He remarked that his parents would live in one side and he would rent the other side. He also plans to build another duplex on the other section. Building Official, Richard B. Spray, was asked to report. He remarked that he didn't feel like Mr. Demicco's duplex devaluated the property. Mrs. Louthan again voiced her protest to the requested rezoning. She contends that if the property is rezoned, the surounding property could be rezoned Residential (R-3) if requested. Attorney Conlon stated that by ~pot zoning certain areas, by law, all adjoining property can be rezoned to the present zoning. He pointed out that the Council has to decide the highest and best use of the property. Building Official Spray then stated that through his error a permit had been issued to Mr. DeMicco to construct the duplex on an R-1 zoned property. That the duplex has already been build and ~n~pe~. Councilman Douglas remarked that he felt the Council should personaly view the project area before making a decision. After considerable discussion, no final decision was made pending personel inspection by the Council and action was postponed until next regular meeting October 7, 1975. Mr. Allen H. Duncan and Mr. Woodson B. Duncan, Pension Brokers of Miami were recognized. Mr. Duncan informed the Council that FS 185, Section 061, regarding use of annuity of insurance policies states that individual policies shall be purchased only when a group insurance plan is not feasible. He also stated that there were other areas in the plan that were weak. He requested the Council to appoint them as the City's insurance consultants to endeavor to determine whether or not the City's current pension plan complies with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and if not, to determine ehe menson. 'He requested exclusive rights to evaluate the City's plan and to make a study of other plans which will provide better benefits and which will comply with Florida Statutes and present these plans to the Council at the November meeting. He informed the Council that it would not cost the City for this study and that the Council had the right to reject their purposal. Councilman Betts moved to appoint Mr. Allen Duncan and Mr. Woodson Duncan as exclusive agents for the purpose of evaluating the Trust'Plan and to determine whether the City's present pension trust fund complies with the Laws of 1974, to present a plan which will comply and to provide better benefits and a long term disability protection which can be included with the trust fund if the Council deems it feasible, the City being under no obligation to accept such purposal at no cost to the City, said purposals to be presented at the November 11th meeting, seconded by Councilman Douglas and carried. Mr. Jim Lashley, President of the 0keechobee Chamber of Commerce was recognized. He informed the Council that a tremendous amount of labor was re- quired in putting up Christmas lights and decorations in the park and requested two men be authorized from the City to help in putting them up and taking them down which will require two or three days at the most. Councilman Hunt questioned the insurance coverage on the men. Attorney Conlon stated that the City could authorize two employees to put up Christmas lights as it was to the public's interest and that the City's insurance would cover the men. Councilman Douglas L?.5 -'".-f5 ] moved to authorize two city employees to help the Chamber place Christmas decorations and lights in the park and to take them down, seconded by Councilman Betts and carried. Mr. Lashley also described a problem the Chamber of Commerce experienced during the Speckled Perch Festival regarding people setting up booths in the Park. ~e inquired if City Charter stipulated the use of the parks for the purpose of exhibiting or selling of goods, and requested the Council to advise the Chamber which organization or persons are allowed to set up booths in the park. After considerable discussion, Councilman Betts moved to authorize the management of the Speckled Perch Festivals in the park to the Chamber of Commerce to determine and decide if interested parties meet City requirements. Attorney Conlon read and explained Resolution providing for the dis- continuance of parallel parking on certain portions of State Road 70, afterwhich Councilman Betts presented the following Resolution and moved its adoption and upon being seconded by Councilman Hunt was put to a vote and unanimously adopted. The Clerk was directed to forward a copy of the Resolution to the Department of Trranpportation. RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE DISCONTINUANCE OF PARALLEL PARKING ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF STATE ROAD 70 WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest of the public to improve the traffic capacity and flo~ on certain portions of State Road 70~ lying within the City limits of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, and; WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Transportation is desirous of expanding State Road 70 to four (4) lanes, and; WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Tramsportation ~e-iuires the discontinuance of parallel parking on certain portions of State Road 70 in order to' proceed further with the process of expanding State Road 70 to fon~ (4) lanes; WHEREFORE, the City declares that as of the date the Federal Highway Adminis- tration auth~izze the funds for construction of the following protion of State Road 70, to-wit: East of Taylor Creek Bridge to Hancock Street~ and West of Taylor Creek Bridge to State Road 700, (u.s. 98) It shall thereafter be unlawful to parallel park on State Road 70 between the above described East and West boundaries of State Road 70. DONE, RESOLVED and made effective this 2~rd day of September, 1975, at regular meeting of the City Council, City of 0keechobee, Florida. Russell Domer President of City Council ATTESTED: Sandra Bennett City Clerk Mayor Dunham reported receiving numerous request from persons on getting the train to stop in 0keechobee when needed. He emphasized the need for the train flag stop in 0keechobee due to the growth of 0keechobee and stated that Ft. Pierce and other surounding cities encluding 0keechobee County had a~reed to adopt a resolution requesting the fAag stop and recommended the Council adopt a resolution to the effect of requesting a flag stop in 0keechobee also. The Council a~reed to Mayor Dunham's request and suggested he advise the Council when the Resolution is needed. Buildin~ Official Spray requested plumbing permits be increased from $7.OO to $10.O0 up to seven fixtures and ~2.OO per fixture thereafter. President inquired of Mr. Spray if he had other items he wanted to recommended be revised. Mr. Spray answered that there were other projects he was planning to present to the Council for their consideration. After discussion, President Domer suggested Mr. Spray submit all recommendations for the Councils study after he had combined all purposals. President Domer reported that the price for the two walkie talkies to be purchased from 50~ of Federal Funds has increased from the original cost. He stated that the State has new cost coming out in the near future and Motorola has requested permission to present a bid on the walkie talkies. President Domer also stated that the Fire Department requested a frequency change on the base station as the Water and Street Department were on the same frequency. He reported that Motorola had suggested the height of the antenia be increased and submitted a cost of $218.O0~to change the frequency and to extend the antenia. No action taken. The Clerk was called upon for her items of business. She presented a a statemtn from Engineers, Robert E. Owen & Associates, Inc. in the amount of $171.O0 for Item 2 - Witness pressure and leakage test and disinfection procedure and call for appropriate clearance by the Health Authorities, Job number 75- 1055. Councilman Hunt moved to authorize payment, seconded by Councilman Douglas and carried. A letter from Terry L. Novak was read requesting a position with the City in the field of Urban planning or Urban Adininistration. The Clerk was directed to file the application. Councilman Douglas requested that several members of the Council meet with the Florida Power & Light to go over the street light request. Councilman Betts reported that Mr. Marvin wher~ell wanted to meet with the Council at the September 25th meeting to discuss his building on N.W. State Road 70. Upon motion, the Council recessed to meet Thursday, September 25, 1975 at 6:30 P.M. President City Council City Clerk September 25, 1975 The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, met in a recessed meeting and budget session on Thursday, September 25, 1975, at 6:50 P.M. at the City Hall with the following present: · President Russell Domer, Councilmen: ,. E. H. Hunt, Edward Douglas and Clif Betts, Jr. Councilman Lavon Bass was absent. Also in attendance were City Attorney David Conlon, City Clerk Sandra Bennett, Building Official Richard B. Spray and Director of Public Works L. C. Fortner, Jr. Richard B. Spray, Building Official, was recognized. He stated that the Council requested that Mr. Frank Hogan, Building .~m~e~r, of Fort Pierce,