1975-02-27 Special1818 municipalities f'ov 7h-75 was projected. Also r~ported was a memorandum from ~rald A. Le~is, Comptroller from the Office of ~omp~,ro.~ler, State of Florida ad,siring the City of their progress in ~rescribing a uniform acco~mttn~ and financial reporting syste~ for use by Florida cities as required by Sectio~ 2~8.33, z ~Lor] (~a SLaLute~. -~ ap~].ica, tion for a city occupational license from Willie F. Gi-~e~s for a retail sales ~ ~h~ Council a~eed to request ~ef c_~_ wigs and accessories fro~ his car. ~ter discussion ~ ~ vao~;s .~o invest Zgate the application and report. ~esiJ~-nt Do~uer reDorte~ a request from Mrs. Ron Furr to fill in a hole on h06 S.E. 6th Street.~+*,~.~ ~eferred to ]~rector Fortner. ~ounc~iman Douglas reported receiving co~olaints on 7a~rants lottering between N.W. 6th Street and the raiZroad, i/~.tter referred to C~e'f Staats. Counc~iL~a~ Douglas also reported that he had in~esbi~gated .Games People Play, an amuse~enb Pa]slot ~d had seen ~nors playing pool. He st~te~ that debri was scattered in front of the estab!ish,.ent, i'he Council instructe~ the Clerk to sen~ an application to "Games People Play" for a City occupational license to be cor,-~leted. Increar;ing the Buildin~ Officials weekly e~pense due to gas rates was discussed. ~ouncml~:an Bet'ts moved to increase the e~pe~se $~.00 per week, seconded ~y Councitms~ Bass and carried. ]~utes of m~atmn=o held October 28, ~1, No~ember lz, 19, December 3, 10, 19, 197~, Janua~M 7th. ., 1~o.~ ann_ ~'~., 197~ ~ere read and ~on motion by ~ouncmlman Douglas, seconde~ by Councilr~an Bass and una~mously carried, ~nutes were approved as read. Uaon ~/,tion the Council a~journed. CI'~ CL~{K February 27, 197~ T0: HON. LAYON BASS i{ON. CLIFF BET£S, JR. '~ ~w' T If. ~ION. ~ .'SS~. D 0}~ lION. EDW~ '~4. DOUGLAS ..... ~n~ CITY CO~CIL, CiTY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLO~DA I~ AUDLEY D~Mf, I~kayor of the ~'* -' · uzoy of Oxeechobee, ~lormda, do hereby call a special meetin% of the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florid% to be ]~eld at the Council Chamber, within *~ ~ une City of Okeechobee, on the 27th day of February, A. D. 197~, ab the hour of 1:00 P.M. for the purpose: ~Ol,~l~f~ BMqK A~'~ SUCH OTH~{ MATT~IS A;q ~Y BE BROUGHT BEFORE SJ~H MEETING AT '~E DISCRETION OF 'rl~E CITf CO~qCiL. Y(:u, and each of you are hereby r~ouested and notifies to be at and attend the afoi~esaid meetint% at the o!ace herein named. I! 'WI~ESS ~!tEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand as hayor of the 'City of .: .... . ................... ' t 19 0keechob, ee, Florida, an~ caused the corporate seal of said City to be affixed hereto a~ the same attested bM the City Clerk~ ~his 27th ~ay of Februa~, A.D. 197~. Aud!ey ~nhara iMYOR OF ~E CITY OF OKEECHOBEE OKEECHOBEE, ~LO~DA i~TTEST: CI~ CL~ti( OF '~E CI'~ OF OKEECHOBEE Ot(EECItOBEE, FLORIDA ~lussell V. Domer Lavon Bass E. H. Hunt H~,"~ERS OF T~ CI'i7 COU}~CIL CITY OF OKEECHOBEE OKEECHOBEE, FLO~IIDA The meef, ln!{ v~a.~'; called in due forra in accordance with Charter ~'~nd upon written notice si~ed hy each councilman. ~e City Council ot~ the City of Okeechobee~ Florida, met in special session at the City Hall on ~he above da[~e at 1 :O0 P.N., ~:.rith the following present: i'~yor, Audley ~am, Pr~:~l!ent Russell ~f. Doner~ Uounci!men ~]. it. Hunt and Lavon Bass. Also present was th~-: City Clerk, ~sndra Bennett. Presidcn-'-, Doner stated that fha ComRercial Ba~ of Okeechobee had offered an interest taU:: of 6.~ 2~ /~ for funds of $1 ~,'~..u,~oa..O~)., ~,, or more deposited. ~ouncmlman'~ ' tIunb moved to desi3mate Cotm~e~'cia~ Ba~: as an official deposi-toz'y and authorized the Clerk to transfeF $~00,000.00 from Ci~{~r:?t'Ue Pax money to the 'Com~r~rcial Bank~ seconded by Councilman Bass amd carried. ~resi~lemt Domer informed the Council that the Trustees of the Police, Fire and ~eneral Erployees :{etireraent fund hsd a~eed to invest $20,000.00 in C.D. 's at the bank offering the bsst perc~ ntale of interest. He stated vhat FiPst Federal had offered the best percentage at 7.7~ ~bP .:ix yea~"s. Councilman Iiunt moved to approve the action of 'the Board of Trustees in acqu. irin~ 3.Dls at the First Federal, seconded hy Councilman Bass and carried. Presid~:m[~ Domer discussed 6oxin.i in, disposal and cost of stora%e of aban4oned veb~c!es. S~:-,'?ara! r~:cop~endations "rare suqIested for a ~etter system of handling the problem. After more discussion, Pr~sident DoFe-r reoueste~ Councilrr,an Bass to investizate char~es, places of storage end oroce, 'lures f~ron Sia+~ions i~: Okeocbobee ~bh to, ring set, cas amd report at next meetinf~. Presid,~n6 Domer a~ounced that a Neetin~ for i~ursday, 2hs.rch 6, 197~ at 6:30 P.I'i. ~.,;i~,h Oke~,hobee Beachi.'/~ter Association and -'~heir En.[~neers, Robert and Cor~any Associates sch'~d~:~d u~ess ~'-"e~ will be to d' oo ~. meetmn~ .lscuo~: proposed chan,~les at the .:step I ~-+~ :, - Plan~-, and ,proposed contrachs he%}{e~n the Oity and Beach ~{~.ter ~sociation. ['here t}einI no ft:rthe.t' business %he Cot~ncil Pecesse,l to March 6~ ]-PT~ at 6:30