1974-12-19 Recessed S04
December 19, 1972
The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida m~et in a recessed sessio~ for a
~ublic hearinG at the City Hall on the above date at 7:00 P.M. ~nith the following present:
President, ~uss~ll V. Domer; Councilmen: E. H. Hunt, Edward W. Douglas, Donald L. Burk and
C!if C. Betts, Jr. Also present were: City Clerk, ~ndra Bennett and Attorneys: DaSd ~. Conlon
and Tom Conley 111 .
Attor~ey Co~ley, acrid5 as hearin~ of~mc .... , sta~ ~d that the pu~ose of the hearin~ was to
~?~terr6~ne soi~!~? if oil, fas and elactric co~.~a~es are in competition of each other; not to de-
C, er?ire if m t~'~ will be i~,~posed on the oil ~istributors should the Council decide the complies
~re in ~irect e~e~ition. He further stated that he would be advisory to the Council and infor~ed
the audience theft ]~y ls~ ~hen tbs City h~s such hearing ~he board can adjourn and hold a closed
~ee~i~7 to ~aka their ~ecision.
Attorney Co~!o~ aske~ if any wer~ present representing gas or fuel oil compares or
any o~e i~ the ~.udience to testify, to identify themselves.
Attor~ey Conlon called Cecil New~a~ ~ho testified that he has repaired oil heaters in
ho~es within t~ city; that he o~ly knows of a few homes with oil heaters.
Attorney Conlon called Thorn, s A. ]~alker, a b~!der ~'ho ~estified that in the past he
ha~ built ho~es with oil heaters Because they ~ere ~ore econo:~cal; that he has only built a
few but balie~e~ there are 30 Lo ~0 ho~es i~ 'the Citer ~-~ith oil heat,tha~ are in co~egition with
other utili{,i~s.
A[}torney Conlon called [{en ~'[etcalf a mobile hon~e dealer who testified that mobile
hor~es can be or'.erec] fro}~ the factory vith oil, gas or electric heat at the choice of the
c~s t om~:~ r.
Attorney Conlon ca~d John Taylor who testifie~ tha~ he o~ns a ~obile ho~e w~ch
is h~a~d bM oii~ he 1:,h~ testi~i~ that he purchased the mobile ho~e u~d and ~he fact that
i~ had oil h~aL wa~ no~:~ the r~ason h~ purchased it.
AL ~hLs time A~torn~y ~cha.rd ~uls and ?~Ir. J. ~. Cassels entered.
Attorney ConLon asked if any w~r~ present ~hat wished to speak in behal~ o~ th~ oil
distributors. ~r~ ?~rrc~ Jil Culbr~th, Jr. and ~ght S~th ~oiced t~er opi~on that
distri~utor~ w~ ?e not in compel, iLion. They all s~ated tha~ oil sales were seasonal and only had
a f~..~ c~s',.-,o~:~r~ out of all the ho~es ~bhin the City and that oil was not used for cookir~g or hot
~ater hea~e~s. ~ttorney Sau!~ ca~l~d as ~ witness~ J. D. Casse~s~ ~nager of Glad~ Gas Company.
No o~2:er witness w~re ca~d by any ga~ or electric co~any~ so Attorney ~nlon clo~ed
b7 ~u~Z_tting ~'~ge ~ o~ the yellow pa:~s Ln th~ Tele~hon~ ~rectory as ~dence that the t~m~ of
ru~! u~=ed for h.,atin~ is cor=~.Ci~ice vrit~h gas ar/~] ~ectric.
Abtorney Saul~ recuest~d th~ Ordinance r~C_a~in~ th~ i~osed uLility t=~ to b~ r~ad.
At thLs ti~xe th~ Cour~cil adjourne~ ~o~ a closed session to ~]ecid~ their
afL~m~h~.ch~ th~ re~urn~ and President Do~er stated that th~ Counci~ ~ound the sal~ o~ fue~ oil
~ii, hin ~,h~ ~i~,7 li~ts ?fas not i~ co~ti~'~or~ with the sal~ or natural ~a~ and ~ec~ricib~y.
January ?, 1975
[~ne City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in a re=~ular meeting at the
City Hall on th~ above date at 7:00 P.M. ~th the followin~ present: ~yor Audley Durham,
President ~usse!t V. Domer, Councilmen: E.H. Hunt, v
~ard W. Douglas, Donald L. Burk and
Clif C B~tts, dr. Also ~resent were: City ~ler~, Sandra Bennett and Director of Public Works,
L. C. Fortner, Jr.
Presen~ Domer opened the meeting with prayer by Councilman Burk.
Bills in the a~/ount of $ _, $ , $ and ~
$ were approved and ordered paid whenfunds are available.
Minut~:~ of the meetin.gs held September 26, 27, October 3 a~d October 8 were rea~ and
aDproved as rea~ upon a motion by Councilman Burk, seconded by Councilman Douglas and carried.
Presi.~?nt Do~er voiced his appreciation to Councilman Burk for services faithfully ~
Upon c~mpletion of ~'~ayor Dunham's address to the Council and out~oing Councilman Burk '"
o~ t]~eir outstar'lin~ public service to the City, the Council adjourned.