1974-11-19 RecessedS it,i.,r~ri"~° ])~r~';-~'(._r' i"orSn~...'.' t,o n'u.r'ciiase thc ::~i,~] :~hr()ppc~ s:J(;oncmd by Councilman Beht, s and carried. ~n:~r,:)!-i.~s~ %he ~2/pe.:ri%,:,r~ : eec. haled 'by C~,uncihaan Douglas and carried, l%morancm:, P~ - )t, ock ibc:mS needed ab i,he wac;er o ia~nt, NireaR)~' F~ r'bne~' gaw.~ a~ ~rogr. e~ r'tporb on bite re'~a'Lr oi' t,he old sebtling basin, at the t~i.0~F OIsn%. ~,~::~" ~'eDOZ'f3~ d ~hsi, J.,. ~' ~q,~ i'~e(](]~' ~OF SS. fld~,_~"]a'-'~'~,.~ ,~_1 ~'~. He_ ;~iso reporl',ed~ after inouiries, .... ~:, 5e:~Let%,::r 10th ~:,e~ Ln~:~ kzd' been ~!ac,~d. ~]!,.,,'-< uc .L'iild :,'~% i.J' !,h~: :,,)tlNi)~r (3om~ssir. ne~''~ ~l~t(] rec,:,,ivori any r-chiLies S~rc,:.~. u~[',~rt, ne~,;;. _,~Su~erv'isor. F~'ank Benne'b~ was reco~ni:,ed. He r~.u;~t~d'~ ,.~o ~ per~ssion frorr :,i~ Co'until for' -0he use o: ~he al. lez ~ay on bhe lo't, r',e~zt t. oshe ()k~ec'hobee l,&ssionar ~.~,:~ becel "_,,az-.u, for ,~se. At'borte~ .~onlon :knoui.~:',':ed :Ll' f,he Chu.Rzh would s~gn an aiTeement bhat it iS~nuk.~s nf the ~. ~et, inr~'s bel. d :,ug,~s' , '-,, I , 6, !.l~ '1_>'~ ,i:(), 2'2, 87 and 29bh, Seobember 10, 12bh , ........ ,. ~ .... , st:con~ .... ~ Councilman 8urk and unanimously ''..'.~'~..uPr'.~ ~:~.NIl%~ S ere ~r~[)~. .")vpd_ 8.~ FeB. cl. 'Pile Cou!icii rec. ssed -tun meet "['ues~iev~ November u~.~ COUNCIL CiTI' uL~R ~ November 17, i97~ The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in recessed session at the City Hall on the above date at 6:30 P.M. with the following present: President Russell V. Domer, Councilmen: E. H. Hunt, Edward W. Douglas, Donald L. Burk and Clif C. Betts, Jr. Also present were City Clerk, Sandra Bennett and Attorney David Conlon. Re~rision of the zoning re.~ulations and spot zoning was discussed at length. Attorney Conlon recommended hiring a planning consultant to assist in the master plan. Action was postponed for further study and consideration. The City Clerk presented a list of candidates in the ~eneral city election to be held December 3, 197~. I ! I I[ 'I [ i7! 7 MAY OR Audley Dunham P. P. Evans William Harold Turner, Jr. Sandra Bennett Viclet (Bea) Briney C OUN CIL~I~ Thadis Lavon Bass Leon Edward Deviney Russell V. Domer Edward W. Douglas J. E. Faircloth Harry David Hilliard Mose Joiner, Jr. H. Spencer Kirton Paul Eugene Storey William L. Tedders Councilman Hunt moved to accept the list as presented, seconded by Councilman Douglas and carried. The Council instructed the Clerk to have the necessary ballots prepared for the voting machines also to have the absentee ballots printed. NO. OFFICIAL BALLOT INITIALS OF ISSUING GENERAL OFFICER CITY ELECTION Siynature of Elector CE'Pr OF OKEEGHOBEE, FLORIDA STUB NO. DEC~iBER 3, To Vote for a person whose name is printed on the ballot mark a cross (x) in the seuare at the RIGHT of the name of the person for whom you desire to vote. FOR F~AYOR That the City Council of 'the (Vote for one) City of Okeechobee, Florida, is hereby authorized to adopt an ord- AUDLEY DUNHAM ..... inance providing for the election of a city marshal or chief of P. P. EVAdeS police at the same time that other city officials are elected, and .WI.LLIAM IiAROLD TURNER~ JR. _ providing that when said city " marshal or chief of police is FOR CITY CLEPd( removed from office by the mayor (Vote for one) he shall not be reinstated except after trial by the City Council where said 'Council, by unanimous vote, authorizes his $A~D~A B~NETT reinstatement. - "' - (Ch. 1762~, & !, Special Acts 193~) VIOLET (BEA) BRINEY SECTION 7, CITY CHARTER FOR CITY COUNCILMEN (Vote for one) (Vote for three) The office ofChmef' of Police shall be elective according to -THADIS LAVON BA~S Section 7 of City Charter. LEON EDWARD DEVINEY ., RUSSELL V. DO~kq FOR EDW;J~D W. DOUGLAS AGAINST J. E. FAIRCLOTH HARRY DAVID HILLIARD MOSE JOINER~ JR. H. SPENCER KIRTON PAUL EUGENE STOREY WILLIAM L. TEDD~iRS _ ~ Councilman Burk moved, seconded by Councilman Hun(, and carried to appoint the following Election Officials for De~cember 3, 1972 City Election. Officials to be paid $2~.00 for services. Clerk Doris A. Carde~ Inspectors Ethel D. Rogers Annie M. Raulerson Ruth D. Jeffers Avilla McCrocklin Deputy Oscar Lowe ~chine Custodian Ellie Waters Councilman Burk moved to close absentee Ballot voting time ~:O0 P.M., ~ecember 2, 197~, seconded by Councilman Hunt and carried. President Domer reported that Director Fortner had received prices from Concrete Eq~uip- ment, In.c, of Hialeah, Florida at $~0.00 and C. P. Enterprises of Melbourne, Florida at $~20.00 for automatic truck covers for the City's open top body trucks. Councilman Douglas moved to authorize Director Fortner to purchase two truck covers from Concrete Equipment Co~any, Inc. for Sh~o.o0 each, seconded by Councilman Burk and carried. President Domer also reported that Okeechobee Beach ~ter Association had contacted Director Fortner re~uest~ng a meeting as soon as possible to work out the details on the water rate increase. The Council postponed action on setting up a meetin~ for further study on the city's cost of producing water and instructed Attorney Conlon to study the agreement between Okeechobee B~ach Water Association snd the City. It was reported that Ralph Reutebuch, Water Plant Operator was in the hospital and had used all his sick leave accrued. ~.~. Reutebuch will not be back to work until December. Councilman Burk referred the Council to the present sick leave policy the City adopted. Attorney Conlon recommended the Council investigate the possibility of a disability insurance. After more dis- cussion Councilman Burk moved to maintain the policy of the City's sick leave, seconded by Councilman Betts and carried. Councilman Hun% moved to instruct the Clerk to order flowers for Mr. Reutebuch, seconded by Councilman Bet%s and carried. President Domer reported a reouest for a culvert at S.W. 10th Ave. and ~th Street. ~tter referred to Councilman Douglas. Councilman Betts reported that Clifton Li~htsey had donated a building at S.W. l~th Street to ~he Fire Department for instruction and training of the Volunteer Firemen. He stated Lhat Mr. Li~htsey had sai~ that he would si,.~n a release for liabilities and claims that may occur. Councilman Burk stated that The Department of Pollution Control has prohibited open burning. After discussion the Council instructed Chief Godwin to apply for a permit from the Department of Pollution Control for permission to burn the building. Upon motion the Council adjourned. ATTEST: CITY CLERK