1974-11-07 Recessed :~. ~ , z es..~:, .~ ,-~': U15V i3-I.erk~ .'~ancira L}.~nne~ and
o,,,~=~. ,~:, ~5 )~.~q::r babe<:i :-,h~ b die ~)urposc of 'bhe }ret:~L, kn'..~ was bo discuss emergency repair on
=a.,~.z~.~.o im]~ediabc :,fork done. After discussion and
~ubni. f-,5~::d from i,a,,~s~,n '[as~ ~.~j' and 'Sonr:i',~ucbion Company in the ;}Y~m]n~ of e6,800.O0 and Breland RaPine
~,,..Beo-b~ (:_pBraof i'!'o~ ha}~s( ,~rsoi-~v. - ,~ and OonsbrucLion ,Sompar~}' i.'oJ:, eo~Ot)O.Ot}~_ . _ seconded by Councilman
A F{-}c{Uel b ,7&S F: .Orb.ld b'v' Oi,?Pk ~5em-~:~lc.f, ?Pc:m z{adio D!s~}~ bcbe~_ B~,:ver~.y' lJeasl ey__ for pa}rment
8cc~]-~a. LsSive :'or~}ensb( r~ tBi. m~} and v~csa5.ion 5.N]e Oalmed 0ounciL ~ ~I'6-,.'~] ~ ' r'eo~es
_ ~]_pp,,2 for ~dio Dispatcher
T',<~, -rag ~r>}F]ei]il;e:l J?or (':O~ :ideratLon. Sonx}iLtran Bebts moved Lo employ Nipper~ seconded by Councilman
A re:,r:~lO'.":], i"rrUt? U kin ,'Ji!so}~ 0onVe}ltion Coor~]i~e, toer of 'bhe FLorida 1~ -.e
~yc~ for bhe Ci~,y bo
~u?'chas<, ~,h/~z':,Lsln~ ?.)p ~ ~eir ~l~[,h ;mn.ual [;onvehtion '~: ren<r ,et',. i~e Co~nc[] denied reaues5
:,L~a:-:',or Forbner discucsed a Puc:los-5 ['l"Om ]{~: Sain~ '.,~ber Piano Operabor~ 5o find out
Cr;.unc~ i :soul:'! e'!'~'.r i'll t,~ work oafb tBi~te iii' he rebire::i. .['he Council a~reed to request.
:3han~in~ ti~c ~,}~:[,,in,,Lours ('F~m ~'()(1 ,!. ~. 3o ~:0() P l.i :,o 7:(}0 A.M. to e.,)O P.R. for bhe
i)i~'ecBor Forbner also ~]fscussed with bne (3~uncii on Subbing some proposals for painting
old Wa'bF:t' bui. ji~g. R 'ter discussion~ the Coum/i pesbponed ac{~ion Jl()F furbher study.
~'nere bein:] ~'z(~ i ;rt, h~r ;}'usitles[~ ;[}e Counci_L &d jog. tried.
-,- '-,.tuj Ol ',.~ .hd~ P_LC) Pi(]~i~ P~{95 Lli regular session on b::e
~t~.s.lB'L~ 7. b,,m~:r~ ,,,)u];ci :ir~ 1: 5 J{. ~':n'¢' 2LJ~;ard W. Dr, ul/as~ ~orm. l.d i ~urk~ and C!if Betbs~ Jr
..... UL~ ~,~o:'m-:2 :J:x'~,'ic:J C .n]on birecbor of ~)ublic ',~'orks~
Bill ',n ~[z~ :,t,.o', tt oJ' [51~,1L1'/.64~, ~19,12~.0)~, ~lrc""~ ...... 1 i i .(),~.~ ~20~000.00 and ~2~109.O0. were
,. .~m, invitation to bid on
p'~''>' ..... o1.' orlr:~ ~.e ~ ~ik~'-o, ,)peiied '5hr,}e ~d~ee.L ;,,~}e sbree5 s~e:eo,sr with .} yard capacity bids
l ..... I " II1' '! i