1974-10-03 Recessedwater b, ill~ ;~'uthorized seventy-fiw~ percent e(]eraz funding for programs of b~lding new and improved publicly-own, d treatment p Lan!:,s to oe eligible in 1976. He further stated that b~s was a three-step 7rant proces~~ where step one is facility pla~mg, st, ep 2 is for plans and specifications and step 3 is for const/'uct, ion. 'L~e Stata has been authorize~ to designate each (201) area that will be eli~ble for ~;teo one Facility pla~ing grants and presented a map of the portion of Okeechobee area the Depart- ment proposex to i~entify to E.P.A. hr. Tash reouested setting up a joint meeting with the City Council and the County Co, ss loners Octob~.r 2[[, 197h at 1:30 P.h. to discuss the 20] area facility planing with the hope of a unified plan]ing project, one application thav will be acceptable for all mu~cipalibies. The ~cil a~re~d to me?~ jointly with the County Cormn:zs~moners October 2~t,h to discuss -the pla.~ng project. Up, n motion the Council recessed to October 3, 197~ at 6:30 CITY CO~CIL , :~ CLERK October 3, 197h fnc City 'mmo~ ........ '! ,~'" ,!x~: ~'"',,~b~, ~ of O~,~:~;~nco~,.~~ ....... ~ ...... ~:ot'~ in _~ recessed meeting~ on the above dat~ p~: ~ ..... hayor Audtey Du~)~am~ Fresident Z~ussell '~. D, m,:r~ ;Jo~cil~eu: ~S. ~. Uunt, Edward ~.~. bougia~, Dona!~ L. Burk and C!if C. Bet'bs~ Jr. Also pr'esc:n~: was Siby 3_Ler~, Sandr:~ Bennett. 2r,~,~idenE Domer stated that the pux'pos~ of :,n~ m~(~,~zn~ was for interviewing applicants for bL~ ~o:~L.,ion :~i' City Attorney. he e:~pZainec~ ...... ,:~e d'ubies bha. b would be e}coectc:m~ of the City Attorney~ i-?~ (1) Ohe L1 a:;sisb the City ClerJc~ (Z) itevie:., bne Jiby Charter and all municipal ordinances for future re~s:',:)n~ (~:) z~nOer l~egaJ_ s,:}rv[ces for Department Heads and Council upon requesb~ (~) Attend all :re ::,inCa. ,hal rcci:.:ire ~Le~.~-": aov~cc.~ (~) A'~:,b:-:nd co]~f'~rences ~:auln.~ ~o the interest of the Ciby~ Ab :,he re~:~e~t:, o~ the o ~.. ~,~orneys DavZd ?~. Conlon a~d ~dichaPd Saals appeared before ,]~-c,t~,~'u~hc ~3osi'bion of City~ Athos.ney. ~fb:~r reviewing bobn persona2 and p~of~:ss~ona, l back[~romnd with each Af, b:~rney~ President ~o.3r ~:.x:~)res~_, d the douncil:c a. op~:*eci:ation for bhei. r abuendance al~d ~.,a~ed' ' bha,% thc City Council ..... ~a~o~ ~star in the meeb:tnq bo det,c~'r~ine which Attorney will ue appointed and w'oul~J contac them of their decision. =~,: ...... '.~ ousinex:-: was discussion on appzmcatzons for taxi oer~mLbs anj license. ?rc:siicz',t Do~: ~r informed ~. ~.~. audie~zcc l,hab bi2,: Cit? ~.~,',-'/, received a letter ~.~o~,~'~' thc Better Business ,.omo~a:Zht, o fha; iia.d been l'eCeived f,"o~n :)ublic regaz'din7 ta?:i~ b'.:aL :.ii i nob h:,~,'e bim~ :'abes costed for the public. '/~e Council reco~ized ~oger Jones who ~&Xa_' ..... ,3<~]]b'[llSe to opera:.o anoz.L act[on was taken. :~fter diso'ussion~ the uouncll tr~?;i, d ac'riot for ['ur'ther r,:xsearch a~,c~ inJ'orm~d the taxi cab owner's Obey could coIitinlle opera.-bing pe~zding a:c'b:L~-. ~ of ,,~ ,~uncil ami approval ,~' app._zcas~on. A l~t~cr ';as read f'r3m ~,apvmn Cowarb, ,dlbllc ,~orks Diractor of 'the City of Pahokec lz~nu_..n~ .for 197~ i~ Council instrucbed !],}V~ ~,_fqF'K i'D OoLL,y d'. ',],) ra~~, l]iJ'()r'i:l].i3 ~ zi]LT[ ,0 COI]~f!C[l i)%-~.= ...... Gha~[oer of Co~r~rtez'ce ..... l~n. ~J_~ .... .,t Jolx .... called for s secret, ballot to be baken exoress~n? the Councmls desir~ ro~. ~he Cl~,y i~,~;~.:~.~ and in' .ruc0e,i Dawn Gtc loire cZ t~he ~rw-: vc,.e~ Thc vo'* '" w ..... a~: .follows: Da. vid Con!o:~ )~ and i~ich~,rd ~.uls 1 ~ne Clerk wa~: insw-ucted bo notsiry Rt. SauLs and N-. Conlor~ of th~ appointment. .......~a,s~ conoviJ,&no of f, ho JJeparSmr:rlf, of Pollucgion uonhro~"' ' was read confirming a joi~, :~Le~%:i..~ seb i'OF Oobober 2~ al3 1 :]¥) P.J~. ~rA%h bhe Q~b3r Council and The uoun,,y Comxiss'[oners_ for h}":ecur'. o,~so of a unified Councilnan 8e'4~,: and 8urk report}ed receivin:I nume:'ous come!aints from the p'~oiic and business >~ne~'q oN }a~es Peonl~ Pl~y Nahher ~,-. ...... . re:c,.r~c~ 50 the Ieynr ?or investisahion. Pres~ denb D,:xr,~r ' ' - ,. k,,ecnob,.~e bsbz'ach Company rep}r~,~{~ a reouest [~o,' ciea~ng T, hc alley behind 0 ,~ ' '- ~ ' ~r, 202 ~'~..~. _i,~t ;St;reef, ,}nncii?~arl Dcm ri_as s%abed bha',5 h~ uou,,_d investisate reql.les%. i%ere b~:in{~ no 'urther busines:~ 5he meebing was edjourne:~. C['~Y CLEi~K 0cbober 8,1,1~99` The '"' ~ ' i-~ ~ bl. uj' Co~mci,. of ,~,~: {,~Uy, ~ of Ok,-~echobee~ florida maS. .. in r~s~laP session on Puesday~ Ocbober $~ .L~7~ ab /:(;0 P.~i. at bile O_Lby ': '' _. D ' ?r'esi(-Jen:~ i{usse!~ .... V. iJnm: p~ Couz~cilmeu: E. i[. [{unt~ ~,;a'Fd ~';. llnn,,l~,,e_~ DonAld L. ~llrk and C'I ¥,tt,~ Jr. ~so r~resent' :~re: ,,k,,3. ~ker~{~ San(ira BeImett~ ALtorne2r David Con!on and Direc%or of m:~b~n:, and requested prabrer by ~ounc~]_man Douglas. Bill~. in'~.,h:~' am~:.~nt of $J4~]20.1.!~,' e.Lo,653_~%,' ~ '.u° ~3:)$.7~'" and SS~jOo.ol' "v were approved and ~ rdered oaid when *h~,.,'~`- are avaibtbie 'l]~e C, ounc%! rec~ -NJ ~eJ }.irs. l-iildr,~d Hiiliard represent.Lng the 0keechobee Garden Club. i"Ps. ,.=L .... ;}d inl?or~ted the (Jou~u3i! '.,[x~v tree 0keechobe,~ (ebailers Associablon had corn}acted them irt regards uasier Park. She nresented o!an preoa~ed by Nr. Floyd of ~qe Bay [~ursery. She f.'ur'<,her shai.~d {shat there were funds available from t,~le American l%evotubion Bicenbermial :tdPir~ishration .... ~'of the ,ncr'.~aPt--, ,.3ouncilman BuPX inouLred ii' the 5tr'eeb D, parbment could handle the addi'bionai uoz']{ load of c~z%ng for %he par~. Direcsor Porsner stated bhat additional personal ':~'>~lld b(:,, needed. [ur.,2:,_,~, ,: AustLn was reco~i~. ~ed. lie irli'oFne,] ,,;1~ ~-; '~ Council that hhe Garden Club had t/Lanned 50 use plaints hha~ required ~ninlal care. Al'her more discussion President Oomer requeshed I;r. i[arrs HiiLi~.r',~ bo i.n'}'~ .sti,~a.I ]~o~q' much r~oney can be received from 'bhe Bicenbem~al ,{al t ....-" >-" back t, _}::.' uo: -mil. Lacy B .... bOiL was r'eco{~ni4ed from bhe auc~iencc. Jle prct, sen'b(t.d plans For consbFuoulon houses on Bobs !l 5hpou.qh ~3, ~-omc .~t~. }ia reported seveFa! junked cars a~d boats in the area also_~r l~.~o~-r~,q_...~t ~.:, 13-5!~. '~+,-'e:~' be ooened Both items ~::' r~:-~ou~;.:t' ~' nor: ~poned._ for Curt, her investigation. Pnl-suant +,- no21;'e p~lOzJ. Sfle. iN L,~!c, '" -- , ..... ...... Jk~.:echobe,~, ;~ews rer~ardin~ a public hearing ho consi<kF : reol(R ill ]l)OlieP as:,[o(3 J_J' ';;~ere were any objeohions h(;) bna rE:f?,3.-":" 3ed l"eze~ng, u.,o obgec,,,mons was