1974-09-27 Workshop i
- ~Jur~( recommellded
'will be :,e~,} for Phursday~ October 3~ !?F~; ,;:h ',/: _,,,,~' ......... P 21. ~ ~q] the ~::c,~i cab }~n~ ....... . lhe Clerk ,.mo, ......
....... r_,:~u~.~r council meebiml~. October
; ;I'~;,.:L',:'.N , i):lm{::'r' oooi~'b::(] itkhmrd ..~ i}ou',!a;-: aP }Ii:: co-si;Chef and ,~!li ,¢. 8ehfs- ~r as
'c}-sillner rot '>}uncilman i{ nh in %heir absence.
'iTle Ci:}~,, Ol~'k._, r quer:Ded an additional phone number rot b}t:~ clerk's .,~flc,, Councilman'
:Burk moved ho ~ubhor'i::,e i,h addib:kona! nunt~er~ seconded by CouncilLman Bc:tts and carried.
Ol:?cu?sion:~ ':.:ere [l~t~r'd ~)N ~ppoi~t,in; a pro-ber,.~ fi'or ~he rest~ or the term. Councilman
;'nor:iht .......... o~ Co'*tncilr~n }{un~ s Pro-~em. Councibrmn Burk moved -~'~(. cear,~ nominations,_ ~:econded by Council-
~n B~t'b;s and carr:le~. Co :mailman Hunt appointed a,: Pro-Tern.
: A !et2:,er w~:: r~-~, fror~ (~lade:, '.2 .s Company in whiah ':,hey .... ~,'-:' r~rotesbin,-¢, . the imposition of
utility 0e,~: on :~a~: an,~ pro:,ane con~anies~: and why oil ,' ~, ' '~,,'- .
_ , .... _ . .,o.,:par: ~:ere nob t,,:~:{ed Action was postponed
Presiden5 DoNer .'ep,~rbed a. request fro?: Jim r,
~a~;h_ey, President o}2 the Chamber of Commerce,
~r'e,{az'cinI .nddi'b:ional d,:mat..}n ~lor the pui'p.}-1~ of en].ar~%ng F ' '_
. bzt:~ Chamber or OoFmterce. The Oouncz~
'~[,o talk wi'{,h Np. L~.shL:~ about hit request ab a worshoD mee%inl.
; [ltere bein~ no a. ~ditional mi!ia.~N~ required, hhe Clerk :~a.? authorized %o certify oi%~ tax
m~ .... ~: i'or bhe year L774-~ to Okeechobee (Joonby ~a';c Assessor~ ~,.G. Sherman.
, ~he ti_er!,:-';a:: al 'o ins ;rutted to contact Da¢~d Con!on and .ichard Sautr~ for an interview
:~T',t ...... ~,~a'-y, October :;,' 1},7~'": .:~,~ 6:._,~[~ ¢.i~i.
--~-r. -~- s-.~e,-, er t!'~e street department ~-,'as discussed. Director i'brbner
~ Purchasim~ a ~ ..... ,.:~ .~p, f'or
, reDorted~ ',,ha, i. ..... the ':Jouncil :ould bray-el bo Vero Beach and ,,~ew ',Dhe ,:~w¢~eper, in ,.c' tmon'. The Council
Phc '- ~',., ' ......
P~{~I])~'[' CITY CO~,ICIL
September 27, 197h
lhe C~y Council of *'~a~F C-~_ty' oz O~.:eechol~ee, Florida, meb in a workshop meeting at r~he Cm~y"'
Hall on the s.bov-c dai:,e al, ] ):0() A. i.[. with bh~ i'ol!owinI crescent: Presiden~ itussell V. Domer~
. i~. Jr. Also present ~ere: o.lty n ~ amora Bennett and
~DS_rector of Public ~'lur.~o~ ] C Fortner~ ~ and County Co~ssS. oner Charles HarveF
Mr. dhar~es L. Ja::kson and Nr. ~chard L. Tash, Consultants of the DeparCment of the ~r and
~a.er ~ollution Conbroi Bo;:rd were reco~zed. Mr. Jackson stated that bhe Congress, in the new clean
water bi Il, ;~uthorized sevenby-fiw~
~erce~, Federal funding for programs of building new and improved
publiciy-owm:d treatment plants to
~rant proces:: where sheD one is facility pla~ing, step 2 is for plans and specifications and step
is i ~r const~'uction, i~e State has been authoriz~::~ to designate each (20]) area that will be eligible
for step one acztm~,y pla~mi~g grants and presented a map of the portion of Okeechobee area the Depart-
ment propose~ to identify to
fir. ~ash reeuested setting up a joint meeting with the City Council an~ the County Co, ss -
loners Oato~:r 2It, 1, Ta at ]:30 P.N. to discuss b~e 20] area facility planing with the hope of a
unified mlan~ ~n~ ~roject, one a0plication tha.~ will be acceptable for all mu~cipalities. The Council
.... October 2~bh to discuss the ~la~ng project.
a~ ...... '~ to ~e~.:3 jointly wi~h the boun'uy Co~m~issioners
-~' ~ the Council recessed to Oc'oober 3, 197~ at 6:30 P.N.
Up n r}o omc n
October 3, 1974
Tn.: City Council o" ::,.~i.e >i'by of Okn~:chobee, ?~eb in a recessed meeting~ on th~ above da~e
a~:. c:i: ~<_~ -:'.~. :~i, bne ii, by lal'k :ri~,n ~,}~e fokio~,ing present: NayoP Audley Dunlam~ Fresiden-b
,~. i;,,,m,~r~ ;;o, ncikmer,: ~:.,. i. nun~3~ Edward ~.~. sougla~ b}na!d L. Burk and ~ll.t.:'' ~' C. bebbs~ Jr. Also
Pr:siden% Demur stated that 'the purpose o~' the meebin~ was for interviewing applicants for
· 5ns nosL,ion of GALs Attorney. ~l~ e:<ol~lnecl t}]ze deL!es bhas would be expected of the Si-by At-borney~
i:.-~ (i) ~5h~ Al assist thc 5ii}2 Cler.<~ (2) ~ie'~ie~.~ Mte City Charter and all municipal ordinances for
fall P.e~%in/ls '}ha~> :'{{12i. re !{,Lb advice~ {~j ~5~.end c:o~fez"~-~nces relabin~ to th~ interest or the Ciby~
~.~} ".~,, ~,' o' ,," Ao~ t, nd -- c~ :~ L! _~ ~ ~-,, 3a*' .... 1 Ir :~+,t :rs and beco~¥ J.'a/n~_!i,aP wi ~Ln~ ;m} !~ws ~ I~"~' - ~ and re ~elai;ions. ilhich
Ab ~}he re,'~uesh of ~,he Council, Attorneys Davic~ 15. Co}~o~ and iiichard ba'~is appeared before
-bt :,o',:tn~li } discus~ the position o[' City
~f~,er reviewin}i ~' - ~' ' '
~o ~n neFsoNa2 anenr 'f Esionai back{round with eabn AtL:~rne'y~ Presidanb
i}n ,.c,-,~x. nr~s: :~d Liri~ CoUNcils a. op.?eciabion ~k}r their aL,,,enOance and stated that b~e CA'by Council
~lo'qlc~ cast a ~eCr<'{~ oallot isbeP in the mee'bin;~ to dct,~rmine which Ah%orne~ will be appointed and
:~oul.,i co2~hac the:a of th~Pir decisi~m.
2!1 nex[ ~'dsr' ,'~f business was discussion on applications ~oF ~axi eer~ibs and license.
PP{~s!dc:~}, bo: er irJf.?rl~!ed t;he audience bha.. 0~ OibF n:.~d r~::c~ived a leLter from bho Berber Business
3u;'e,.~u '.~_r,.,r lng ~' ..... ' of nut ~er'ous ~:o~:-~nlaird:,s bha., - "
t;a3<i~ .,.la;,:' ,,il 71 .n,~b,. 'r~a.',re bl~e ~'a:oes oosLea, fop '%n(,." public . iTle Counc=z~" reco~ized i~oger Jones who
[ncui. red i:' }lc 5:3225 q could c~',nbinue %0 opera~,e unbi_lk ac],5_on was taken. ,%f'ber discussion~ -the Council
b'~l-,1, d a::tti o for ['urbher r:~search ami 'ini'orF. ,: the taxi cab owner, s bh~;y could con%inu~ opsra%in
pondi_nS actA, n o~' 4!. 0ouncil eno approval e!' app!icaLlon.
A ietLer '~as r'ead fl'oN i,:arvin Cowarb~ Nlb!i.c Jorks DiF6:ChOF Or 'the City of Pahokee
r~x,s .dJ n~x .... ;.}b 0iby'~ ni,tES ii'or ,Jhris¥lr~.'~s S'brecb decora:;ive light!.nZ Yor 197~. i%, Council in' ~bruc
bh,~ ,!,~m< ~,~", no't,k['2' , P. ~;~.~arb inf~r':¥~iN ~ hi~'.', ~,o c.m4act bhe Oha~fber oY Conmez'ce.