1974-08-27 Recessed President Burk s?,ated that the main purpose of the meeting was to inform the Police 'Depart- i ment staff of action that had been taken and to answer any Questions the Department might have. ! President Burk stated that the first item of business was Beverly Beasley, Radio Dispatcher, ~.:ithdrawal of re si .~na ti on ~ffective Au~st 30, 197h. Attorney Curren was asked bo explain the laws pertainin~ to resiqnations, afterwhich Councilman Domer moved to accept Beasleys withdrawal, seconded by Councilman Dougla~ and carried. President Burk ecplained the course of action taken at August 20th meeting due to an misunderstandin~ of Chief Staats in which he had filled an appointment. President Burk further stated that according to City Charter only the City Council and Mayor has the authority to fill vacancies in all City positions, therefore, the City Council had rejected Chief Staats appointment. Chief +. St, aats, L. M. Baker and Be,zerly Beasley had submitted their resignations but had withdrawn their ! ~resi%nations after the Au~zst 20th meeting. Bakers resignation had already taken effect, therefore, i the Council had to accept it Presiden~ Burk voiced hi~ desire for the D~partment to overcome any problems and to work to,etCher to make the D~par'tment a better place. Jim Devine was recogni~ed. He asked the Council if they didn't have the power to re- consider Bakers resi~omation. The Council informed Y~. Devine that they had informed Mr. Baker he could re-apply for employment, i.!r. Devine stated that he felt Chief Staats should run the office as he sees he should. 'Pae Council advised Mr. Devine that they had to go by the City laws. · ~ ~' h~:,ard on Dm ~u .... mon was appointin~ two Sergeants in plaice of one Lieutenant and one geant. No action was taken. At this time the Police Department staff was dis~issed and fhe Council went into a worshop i!bud~et session. The Council rece:~sed to meet at 6:30 P.M., August 27, 197l~. ~ PRESIDENT CITY ~OUNCIL CITY CLERK August 27, 197h ~l"ae City Council of The City of Okeechobee, Ylorida, met in recessed session at the City Hall on the ~bove date at ,'~:30 P.~. with the following present: President Donald L. Burk, Councilmen: iE. H. Hunt, lm~ C Betts, Jr. Russell V. Domer and Edward W. Douglas. Also present were City Clerk, ~Sandra Bennett, Attormey, ,~. Edward Curren, Director of Public Works, L. C. Fortner, Jr. Councilman Domer ~'~nnounced that courses on~I~affmc' Homocide at Indian River Co~mmunity College ~.iin Fort Pierce would be strutting ~oon and r~,commended that the City authorize Perry Lamb and Rudy i[Dyer, R=dio Dispatchers~, I~o attend these classes, as they would be promoted to Patrolman ] when the ii po ,~ition. is vacant. After discussion, Counczlman' Domer moved to authorize Lamb and Dyer to take the iicourse, seconded by ouncl~_~nan Douglas and carried. Councilman Hunt reported that City Occupational license ~-,~ould be due in October 1, 197h and letters had been send to each merchant requesting the amount of their stock so that a re-evaluation of their license could be determined. He further stated that the cost of a merchant's license is based on the amount of stock of ~nerchandise according-to Ordinance ec~zon 22 and that the cost of some store o~,~ers license would tripple since the last e~aluat~on. He recommended a study of a more feasible way of determinin,; the cost should be investigated since licenses were more a per,mit than a trax A£ter diseus~ion the Council re£erred matter to Attorney Curren for investigation and to report at the next mee~,in~ £or a po,~sible solution. Raising water rates was discussed. Attorney Curren reported that the agreement, between Okeechobee Coach Water A~soc~ation and the O~ty o£ 0keeehobee s~ee±£±ed a written notice on intention to ra~:~e rat~:~s one year ~:~rior to ehan~.;±n~, oune~lman Hunt moved bo authorize Abl~orney Curren to not±£y Okeechebee Beach Water by letter in£ormtng them bhat the City of 0keechobee intends to change the wholesal~ value of water £urnished to the Association, seconded by Councilman Betts and carried. A Letter £rom the 0keeehobee Chamber of Commerce wa~ read informing the Council that the Better Bus±n~?ss ~_vision of the dha~ber of Commerce brought, to their attention that. ~he City of Okeeehobee taxi serv±ee in Okeeehobee ±~ questionable, due to the £act they had no meters nor do they post any rate~ and requested the !-'ity to adopt an ordinance requir±n~ taxis to have meters and or post ra'te.~ in each vehicle. 'i~e Coune±l instructed the Clerk to make copies of the Citys present ordinance governing ta.xis for each councilman for further study. Pr~:.!iminary work was accomplished on the 197~-7g General budget and the water and sewer budget. Th~.: Council recessed to meet August 29, 197~ at 6:30 P.M. ' PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK August 29, 197h I~e City ouncml of the ~mty of Okeechobee, ~lorzda, met in recessed session at the City Hall on the above date at 6:30 P. M. with the following Present: President, Donald L. Burk, Councilmen: .]~ .H. Hunt, Russell V. Domer, ~wa.rd W. Douglas, Clif Betts, Jr. ~so present were: City Clerk, '~andra Bennett and Director of Public ~orks, L. C. Fortner, Jr. ~lh~: City Clerk presented several applications for part time help in the City Clerk's office. A£ter discus~--ing the possibility of the applicant becoming full 'time if the need arises, Councilman Domer moved to er~ploy Carolyn Gayle Purvis~at the recmmendation of the Clerk, seconded by Councilman Certs and carried. ~'cussion was heard on the amount of fee paid to the jailers for the monthy feed bills President Burk brought out that he felt a better solution could be found and suggested further study. Director 9~ortner presented for the Councils consideration a request to remove the Street Department rc~on, sibitity from his supervision and have ch~ge of only the ~ater and Sewer System. No action t~en. '~e Police Department and Fire Department u~forms was discussed. It was suggested that ~e City ~urcnase six uni.fo~s for each patrolman, ~dio Dispatcher and Fire man and pay the cost of D~ Clea~ng the u~forms. Action postponed until £urther study could be made. Preli~nary work was done on the 197h -7~ General budget and ~'Jater and Sewer budget. Th~: City Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Lee Thomas, Certified ~blic Accountant of Me.pin, Cur:,zs and O~Haire for a meeting to di,,eu~ finalizing the budget. The Council recessed to meet Thursday, September CITY