1974-07-12 Recessed The Clerk was asked for her items o£ business. She informed the Council that a letter ~ad bee~, receive~] from Arthur B. J.'nes, ~lana~er of the Tnsurance Services, Office of Florida in regard to ~he revision of the Fire ~su~ance rates for the City of Okeechobee to the better protection Class B, and t, hat the new ±nsura~ee ~ates h~ve been mailed to the interested a~entso ?resident Pro-?em Domer discussed Marion Stafford salary he received for R~dio D~$patcher when he had been promoted to Patro?_man and should have received Patrolman's salary. Councilman Hunt pointed out that Stafford was working as radio dispatcher at the time due to the Department being short of help . After discussion, Councilman Betts moved to authorize the Clerk to pay Stafford ..~: difference. The motion died for a lack of a second. ~nutes of the previous meetings on March 21, 27, April 9, 16, 30 and May 7, 197~ were read and approved on a motion by Councilman Betts and seconded by Councilman Douglas and carried. Councilman Hunt recommended the Council recess to meet for a budget workshop meeting Thursday, July 11, 197~ at 6:30 P.M. There being no further business, the Council recessed to Thursday, July 11 at 6:30 P.M. -PRESIDENT CITY COI~CIL CITY CLERK July 11, 197h The City Council of the City of 0keechobee met in recessed budget session at the City Hall on the above date at 6:30 P.M. with the following present: President Pro-Tem Russell V. Domer, Councilmen: ,~ H Hunt, Clifford C. Betts, Jr and Edward ~V. Douglas and City Clerk Sandra Bennett Preliminary work was done on 7~-75 General budget and water and sewer budget. ~ne Council recessed to meet Friday, July 12, 197~ at 1:00 P.M. , .q ~R~ID~T CITY C0~CIL CI~ CLERK July 12, 1~7~ ~e City Council of the City of 0keechobee met in recessed meeting on the above date at ~" 1:00 · .M. at ~he City Hall with the follo~.~ng present: President Donald L. Burk, Councilmen: E. H. [ Hunt, Russell V. Domer and Edward ~. Douglas. Also present were: Attorney J. .~ward Curren and ~; City Clerk Sandra Bennett. i ~. ~. O. Jeffers, Chairman of the Okeechobee ~neral Hospital, Board of ~ustees and '--- Mr. Jack ~,'~ite, Super~sor were reco~zed. A letter requesting an exception be made to current ' City code regarding placin~ amobile home within the city li~ts was sub~tted upon the Councils request.~ [.Mr. Jeffers s~;ated that a mobile home would allow the hospital to purchase on open bid basis a mobile i ~;~home to be used as an office for the hospital emergency medical ser~ce Department, although there would be sleeping quarters the use would be fidderent than if used as a residende, it would not exceed eighteen months. Attorney Curren was asked to report. He stated that the Cowcil could consider adopting an ordnance amendin~ Ordinance 29~ (Chapter 19) which prohibits house trailers within ~ the City and to add a new section to enable the City upon proper application to permit Governmental units to locate house trailers on on Government property for Government purposes, setting forth the time limit, use permitted and other conditions. After discussing, Councilman Domer moved to authorize Attorney Curren to prepare an ordinance amending Ordinance #292, permiting Governmental units to locate house trailers on Government property for Government purposes, seconded by Councilman Hunt and carried. Mr. Vern Huffman was present at the request of the Council in regards to drainage ditch in Wilcox Shores that had been filled during the construction of several houses. Alleviating the drainage problem by normal drainage proceedures were discussed. The Council postponed action for a survey of the area and for further investigation. Councilman Domer moved to adopt Ordinance Number 372, an Ordinance amending Section 32 of the Charter Laws of the City of Okeechobee Florida, to provide that the City Clerk shall be appointed by the City Council and setting forth the duties of such appointed City Clerk; 'to further provide that the amendment of the Chapter as set forth herein be submitted to the electors of the City of Okeechobee at a ~ecia! election called for such purpose, upon the second reading, seconded by Councilman Douglas and carried. The meeting with Mr. ',~. I. Rooks .~cheduled at the July 9th meeting to view Block 2~ was postponed due to rain. The Council rece~;sed to meet Thursday, ~ugust 1, 197~ at 6:30 P.M. -'~ PREBiDENT CITY COUNCIL ATTEST: ~/~. (~/~. CITY CLERK Au~st l, 197~ The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida met in recessed budget session at the City Hall on the above date at 6:)0 P.M. with the following present: President Donald L. Burk, Councilmen: E. H. Hunt, Edward W. Douglas, Russell V. Domer and Cliff Betts, Jr. Also present were: City Clerk, Sandra Bennett. Preliminary budget work was done on the 197~-7~ General and water and Sewer budget. Councilman Betts reported receiving a complaint from Mrs. A. G. Fulwider, Sr. regarding property stakes that had been removed from her property during the installation of the sewer lift station. It was pointed out that ~oyal's and Son had installed the lift station. Councilman Betts stated that he would info~ Mrs. Fulwider. A letter was read from John Middleton informing the Council that he would like to apply for the position of Director of Public Works if the position is open. Councilman Domer reported receiving numerous drainage problems complaints. He suggested that he and Frank Bennett, Street Supervisor, survey the city area by air to try to locate the problem. The under,round drainage along right of way in ~ilcox Shores was discussed. No further business, the meeting was ajourned. ATTEST: CITY CLERK