1974-07-11 Recessed Budget _1'753
'Fnma- Clerk was asked for her items of business. She informed the Council that a letter had
been received from Arthur B. J. nee, Manager of the Insurance Services, Office of Florida in regard to
the reviaion of the Fire Insurance rates for the City of Okeechobee to the better protection Class B,
and that the new insurance rates have been mailed to the interested agents.
President Pro-Tem Domer discussed Marion Stafford salary he received for Radio Dispatcher
when he had been promoted to Patro~lman and should have received Patrolman's salary. Councilman Hunt
pointed out that Stafford was working as radio dispatcher at the time due to the Department being
short of help . After discussion, Councilman Betts moved to authorize the Clerk to pay Stafford
~f*e difference. The motion died for a lack of a second.
~nutes of the previous meetings on March 2~, 27, April 9, 16, .30 and May 7, 197~ were read
and approved on a motion by Councilman Betts and seconded by Councilman Douglas and carried.
ouncm±man Hunt recommended the Council recess to meet for a budget workshop meeting
Thursday, July 11, 197~ at 6:30 P.M.
There being no further business, the Council recessed to Thursday, July 11 at 6:30 P.M.
July 11, 197h
The City Council of the City of Okeechobee met in recessed budget session at the City Hall
on the above date at 6:30 P.M. with the following present: President Pro-Tem Russell V. Domer,
Councilmen: ]~. H. Hunt, Clifford C. Betts, Jr. and Edward ~. Douglas and City Clerk Sandra Bennett.
Pre.kiminary work was done on 7h-7~ General budget and water and sewer budget.
The Council recessed to meet Friday, July ~2, 197~ at 1:00 P.M.,~/~[
ATTEST: ~' /
July q 2, l?Th
The City Council of the City of Okeechobee met in recessed meeting on the above date at
!:00 P.M. at the City Hall with the following present: President Donald L. Burk, Councilmen: E. H.
Hunt, Russell V. Domer and Edward ~'~. Douglas. Also present were: Attorney J. .~ward Curren and
City Clerk Sandra Bennett.
~r. W. O. Jeffers, Chairman of the Okeechobee General Hospital, Board of Trustees and
Mr. Jack ~'~nite, Supervisor were recognized. A letter requesting an exception be made to current
City code regarding placing amobile home within the city limits was submitted upon the Councils request.
'.Mr. Jeffers stated that a mobile home would allow the hospital to purchase on open bid basis a mobile
ilhome to be used as an office for the hospital emergency medical service Department, although there
would be sleeping quarters the use would be fidderent than if used as a residence, it would not exceed
eighteen months. Attorney Curren was asked to report. He stated that the Council could consider
adopting an ordinance amending Ordinance 29~ (Chapter 19) which prohibits house trailers within~ the