0126 (Imposing Licenses & other taxes)• oR .NANCE/ iJ.`d Ui?L iU NCE .�. il'�l�e✓s.. r'.�I �.J.i.C.�!,irJ..�a ::... -.Z .,i�1,ri..�.'l, i_z...�.�..i, .. ; ' �-i,i�� .� v.a"l ..a .�s i i�t1J COLL.Lry IuN ..al.) .1 .,:. ?OR R .a. t.. 1.. �.: .w .�.. .. �. :L? L 7I S 1 C; S i `T:J RE`Cr . BE IT ORL.y , M .. By THE • ( Ts(AILURE TO C ... a::.n:Y. l MAYOR t A rD CI `1Y COUNCIL OF ' Oily �. Section 1. No person, iirn or corporation Lion sna11 eil:ctgG' in or manage aihy business, profession or occupation mentioned in this ordinance wi tfiirl the corporate limits of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, unless a City License shall have been procured. from the Tax Col.7 eoto_ of aid. City and attested in the name of the City Clerk and the corporate. seal of said City impressed vnereori l; iii; City Clerk, wriose fee for attesting and placing the seal thereon all be twenty-five cents, pa:..d by the person or p rsons, firm or corporation taking out said license. Section 2. All licenses shall be payable on or before the first day of January of each year, and no license e shall be issued for any fractional portion of a year except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, and: ek ti pt t i8 t any licence not otherwise specified ied may be i_;:ie first day of July to expie January first Upon payme(it of one-half of the amount fixed as a, price of such license for one year. Section t. All licenses may be transferre . wit la tie approval of the City- Clerk, with business i'or which they. were taiccn out w: en there bona. fide sale Old transfer of 'the Property used. ;.t:iC'_ employed ,.n the business as stoc; in. trade JIit such tian f "'"ref l:ircen :4.hai /riot be o dde for any ion_' er t i c or f o r any other _) i ,. .e that for wnlch'a- . • it was originally issued. Section 4. The payments of a license under this ordinance shall not legalize gadiblin:z or the sale of intoxicating liquors. Section 5. • Each individual vino acts as agent, and. each individual who acts as business or sales agent for corporations engaged in any business mentioned in this section, shall be required to take Out a license as agent, in his own name. This section shall apply to every person who seeks, negotiates or transacts for himself or for any other business or occupation mentioned in this section, but not to inactive stockholders in corporations or members of agencies who do not attempt to transact any business for any such gency: -3..1.16 enL for, shall pay a license tax o ten dollars. Bicycles, each agent for, snail pay a license tax of ten dollars. Building and loan as6ociations, local, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of twenty dollars. Building and loan associations, foreign, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of one hundred dollars. )Claim and collection agencies, not taxed as bankers or lawyers, each agent or active member of, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars. Clothiers, not taxed as merchants, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of twenty dollars. Fertilizers, foreign, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars. Loan agent's, not taxed as bankers, and not taxed as ,awyers, loaning on real estate, each agent, shall pay a license uax of twenty dollars. Monuments and tombstones, lo0aI each agent for shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. Safes, for sale or exchange, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. Sewing machines, each agent or members of agency for, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. 231104046ed that this'shall not apply to merchants who also doe, general mercantile business. Steamships or Steamboats, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of fifteen dollars, provided that agents operating only coastwise steamboats shall pay a license of ten dollars. Typewriters, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. tailors, foreign, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars: Provided, that this shall not apply to merchants who also do a F;eaeral mercantile business. AUTOMOBILE AGENCIES. - Automobile agencies or persons, firms or corporations, engaged in the sale of automobiles, automobile y ler e6.en place of business a license tax of twenty V.CUL,4b, ,1 NON-RESIDENTS SELLING AUTOMOBILES AT RETAIL.- Any person who is a non-resident of the City of Okeechobee and who engages in the business of selling automobiles at wRtaiI within the City of Okeechobee, shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars per annum. DEALERS IN MOTORCYCLES.- Dealers in motorcycles shall pay a tax of ten dollars. AUTOMOBILE TIRE AND TUBE DEALERS: There is hereby imposed and levied on every perSon, firm or corporation engaged in the automobile tire and tube business in the City of Okeechobee, a city license tax for each place of business of five dollars. Each person, firm or corporation so engaged in such business is hereby required to take out a City license for each place of business and to pay the City license tax herein required and levied for each place of business. SALJLE; W7_7_0 ARE AUTCOEIIE TI: E Ani TUBE DEALERS. - • Every person, firm or corporation who buys automobile tires and tubes or either for resale, or Who is enaged in sel1in automobile tires , and tubes or either, whetner as E separate End iadepeadent bueiness or in connection with aay °tier business, is hereby declared to be an automobile tire sad tube dealer. nUTO.WOBILE GARAGZS.- Autdmobile ,garages for keeeing, etorine:, caring for, repairin8 teutomobiles or other horseless vehicles to the public, shall 2ay a license tax of ten dollar. -Pro- vided, that when a license is ,;ranted for an automobile agency or 6arage caarged i the sale of automobiles, no license tax shall be collected from such autnuobile garsee or agency for keeeing, storing, caring for and repairing automobiles. JlaE713-WIT7 BANEaS, ETC. - Each person,, firm or corporation advertisiag on streets with banners, floats, car- toons, exhibitions, or by any other means, wnere no vehicle is used, shall pay a lieense tax of five dollars. Provided that this shall not apply to ca 'iate ior public oPfice, athletic contests or mercnants who pay other city license. PATENT lie-jDICINE V1,0a6 ADVEaTISIJG. LY MIJELS, Patent medicine vendors advertising by means of minstrel shows or vaudeville acts one hundred dollars. VEHICLE ADVERTISING ON STREETS WITH BANTERS, ETC.- Each \ vehicle advertising on the streets by means of banners, • floats or car , eZ.J toons, or by any other means, shall pay a license tax of five dollars: Provided, this section shall not aeply to commercial bodies, boards of trade, county fairs, when they advertise: Provided that this shall not apply to candidates for public office, athletic contest or merchants who pay other city license. BILL ;.?03IITG-.- Agents, firms, associations or corpora- tions or other pereons en,gaeed ia the business of bill posting shall pay a lieenee tax of ten dollars. LI=u1.1.Nc; ciao m.o.. Agents, aesociations, ,orporatiens or other esLe e dieributinee circular, pamphlets or 1/1 other FIC,V(-,2:.1'.,,j et,„..,t local merchants, advertising in this way tneir own ocib alit :roxidi6e, )z dollars. ACCOUNTANTS.- Persons, firms, oorporations or assooiations eaEag 1 n i ross of acoowating, systematizing, keeping or reg- ulating account s or books of private individuals or corporations, ex- cept bookkeepers reularly employed and under salary by such private individuals orocorporation, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars for each person or member of the firm, corporation or association. DTL:IERS IN KILIGATORS.- Dealers in alligators shall 7,e e a license tax of five dollars for eacn place of busiaess. ANALYI1CAL Analytioal chemists shall pay a license tax of ten dollars each. ARCTIIECTS.- Arcite' shall pay a lioense tax of IDaY ten dollars. AUCTIONEERS.- Auctioneers shall pay a license tax of thirty dollars each. ABSTRACTORS OF TITLLS.--Eada individual, firm, cor- poration or company conducting tne business of abstracting titles,: either in part or in whole, shall pay a license of Tea dollars. ATIESEMENT PARKS.- Persons, firms or corporations oper- ating permanently located amusement parks within which are operated merry-gorounds, roller coasters, theatrical and other exhibitions, shows and performances, shall pay a license tax for the devices, shows, exhibitions and all other forms of diversion and amusement permanently carried on in such parks, one hundred dollars: Provided) that nothing iA the section shall be construed so as to apply to asso- ciations organized for tne purpose of holding annual county fairs. .111ZS.41NT, PARLORS OR 21,1lari ARCADES.- Persons or firms operating amusement parlors or penny arcades, having fifteen or more automatic slot machines, such as lung testes, striking machines, graphophones, phonographs, music boxes, weighing machines, chewing film stands or other evices of similar chracter, snail pay to the 6- City in lieu of all other City license tax, the sum of fifty dollars; when less than fifteen slot machines, the tax shall be one dollar per machine. AUTOMATIC va IJa mACHs.- Automatic vending machines, when opefated for profit, shall pay a lice e tax of one dollar for each machine or device; Provided, lha automatic vending machines, vending drinking cups or postage stamps and operated on railroad trains, steamboats or in railroad stations or public waiting rooms, no city license tax shall be required. ARMS, DEALERS IN, ETC.- Dealers in arms, including pis- tols, bowie knives, sling shots, brass knuckles, Springfield rifles, repeating rifles, or dirk knives shall . pay a license tax of five dollars. ASTROLnISTS.- Astrologists shall pay a license tax of (501) hwire(1 dollars. TURKISH, RUSSIAN, OR OTHER BATHS.- Owners or managers of Turkish, Russian, Vapor or other baths, when operated for profit or public use and who pay no other license tax, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. SWIMMING POOLS.- Baths with swimming pools, owners or managers of swimming pools, when operated for profit or public use, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. B.ROkERS DEALING IN STOCK .ND BONDS.- Brokers dealing in bonds and stocks shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars. BROKERS DEALING IN INSURANCE.- Brokers dealing in insur- ance shall pay a license of tea dollars. BROKERS DEALINCT IN MERCHANDISE.- Brokers dealing in merchandise Shall pay a license tax of ten dollars each. DRAT,ERS IN BUTTERINE.- Wholesale dealers in butteriae, handling original packages only, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. DEALERS IN SECOND-HAND BOOTS AND SHOES,- Dealers in second-hand boots and shoes shall pay a license tax of five dollars for each place of business. 7 BAKE3.- Owners or managers of bakeries other than steam, shall pay a license tax of five dollars. Owners or managers o±' steam bakeries shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. BANKS, BANKERS AND TUT COMPANIES; WHO REGARDED AS BANKERS.- Having a capital of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and more than one hundred thousand dollars shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars. Having a capital of one hundred thousand dollars and more than fifty thousand dollars shall pay a license tax of twenty-five Having a capital of fifty thousand dollars and more than ten thousand dollars shall pay a license tax of fifteen dollars. Having a capital of ten thousand dollars or less shall pay a license tax of tea dollars. • Every incorporated bank, or other bank, and every person., firm or company having a place of business were credits are open for the deposits or collection of money or currency,. subject to be paid or remitted upon drafts, Checks or orders or where money is advanced or loaned on stocks, bonds, bullion, bills of exchange or promissory notes, or received for 'discount or sale, shall be regarded as a bank or bankers and subject as such,to the provic,, is of this ordinance. BARBER SHOPS.- Barber shops, _running one chair shall pay a license tax of two dollars. Two cnair,s, shall pay a license tax of four dollars. Three chairs, shall pay a license tax of five dollars. For to six chairs, shall pay a license tax of six dollars. Seven to ten chairs, shall pay a license tax of eight dollars. Over ten Chairs, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. BILLI4RD OR -.POOL TABLES.- Billiard or pool tables, kept for public use or profit, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars for each table: Provided, that no license shall be issued to a minor. BOARDING HOUSES, ETC.; "ACCOMMODATIONS FOR LODGERS OR BOARDERS" CONSTRUD; WIDOWS.EXCEPTED.- Boarding houses, lodging houses and hotels: Havin:z accommodations for three hundred or more lodgers or boarders shall pay a license tax of two hundred dollars* With accommodations for two huadred and less than three hundred lodgers or boarders, fifty dollars. With accommodations for one hundred and less than two hundred lodgers or boarders, Shall pay a license tax of one AUndred dollars. DaY Shall R license tax of one hundred and With accommodations for seventy-five and less than one hundred lodgers or boarders, Shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars. With accommodations for fifty and less than seventy-five lodge s or boarders, shall pay lione tax e_ -J,ve dollars. WIth aceommodations for tweaty-f and less than fifty lodgers or boarders, shall pay a license tax of fifteen dollars. With accommodations for fifteen and less than twenty-five lodgers or boarders, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. With accommodations for ten and less than fifteen lodgers or boarders shall pay a license tax of ACC01116101 0XIS for to mean the aumbe-f of beds habi and not the number of rooms in property valued at five thousand dollars or less shall to pay a license tax for coaducting a boarding house. BOILER, ITCHINE 3H0PS OR vaunaIEs.- Owners or managers of boilers, mahine shops or foundries, having more than one thousand dollars invested in the business, shall pay a license tax of ten five do*lars. lodgers or taalty iept the noase: boarders for such 2rovided shall be construed lodgers or boarders that widows owning not be required dollars. BRICKYARDS OR FACTORIES.- Owners or manaers of briak yards or ftories shall pay a licen se tax of ten dollars. BUILDLG AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS.- Building and loan asso- ciations, local, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars. KNIFE RACKS, CANE RACKS, BALL GAIIES.- Ball games (not baseball), knife racks, cane rack or any other similar game or device, when operated for profit, shall pay a license tax for each such game, rack, device or machine, of five dollars. BICYCLE RINKS.. Owners or manager of bicycle rinks shall pay a re , license of ten dollars for each place of business. BOWLINC- AND BOX BALL ALLEYS.- Owners or managers of bowling alleys and box ball alleys shall pay a license of ten dollars for each place of business. BOILER INSPECTION. Each person, firm or corporation, con- ducting the business of boiler inspection shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. BOAT 7',UTLDERS.- Persons, firms or boats under contra2t, shall be requi-ed to pay Contracting for building boats of tons, twenty-five dollars. Contractinglfor than ten tons, ten dollars. BOOK BINDERY.- Owners pay a license tax of ten. dollars. BAC-E WAGONS.- Baggage corporations, building a license tax as follows: more than twenty-five building boats of twenty-five tons or managers of and more book bindery shall wagons for public hire, when no livery license has been paid, shall pay a licenSe tax of five dollars for each wagon. BICYCLE REPAIR SHOPS.- Owners or managers of bicycle re- e, paid shops who pay no other license shall pay a license tax of five dollars., BOOT BUOY:STANDS.- Owners or managers of boot black stands outside of hotels and barber shops, shall pay a license tax of two dollars for one and not more than two seats; if more than two seats and not more than five seats, five dollars; more than five seats and not more than ten seats, seven dollars and fifty cents; more than ten seats, ten dollars. 10- BOAT HOUSES OR YARDS.- Owners or managers of boat houses or boat yards keeping row boats, small sail boats, etc., for hire or storage, shall pay a license tax of five dollars: Proxided, that this section shall not apply to persons having three or less row or sail boats. CANNING FACTORIES.- Owners or managers of canning factories engaged in the business of canning fruits, vegetables, fish, syrup or c?, 7'7 molasses, shail pay a license tax of five dollars: ?rovided that this shall not apply to farmers, fruit or vegetable growers, who can their own products. CIVIL ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS.- Civil engineers, surveyors: Each individual shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. CLAIRVOYANTS.- Clairvoyants, or spirit mediums, giving seances for profit, shall pay a license tax of five hundred dollars. BOTTLING PLANTS.- Owners or managers of every bottling plant, bottling soft drinks or beverages of any character whatever, which said plant operates a machine for filling, capping, corking or sealing bottles of any style or charaCter, shall pay annually a license tax to the City of Okeechobee of ten dollars for each of such machines having one filling. head; aad fifteen dollars for each of such machines having two filling heads; and twenty dollars for each of such machines having three filling heads, and tea dollars for eac)edditional filling head on such machines as may have more than three filling heads. LiazDaIEch';, Owners or managers of steam laundries shall pay annually a license tax to the City of Okeechobee of five dollars. Owners or managers of Chinese laundries shall pay annually a. license tax to the City of Okeechobee of five dollars. COYMISSION MEaCTALiTS.- Handling shipments on consignment or commission only, shall pay a license tax of twenty dollars. CASH Dealers in oash registers or cash carriers who do not pay a merchant's license, shall pay a license of texi dollars. Dealersil cider shall pay a license 01 ten dol ars. 11- cidao AND TOBACCO.- Dealers in cigars and tobacco, who pay no other license, shall Day a license of five dollars. CURIOS.- Dealers in curios shall pay a license tax of ten dellars. CUSI-HAND.- Dealers in second-hand clothing shall pay a license tax for each individual of twenty-five dollars for each place of business. CARRII OR 0f1 F.LCIaIE.- Owners or managers of carriage or wagon factories shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. ssnsliTS.- Owners or managers of cold storage plants and when not connected with an ice factory, and operated for srofit, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. CHEWING GUM STAIDS.- Chewing gum stands, when operated for 1,,rofit, S11SJ. 1 license taX of f5. m a011ars each: Provided, this shall not apply to stands operated in connection With another business. cEmErT, CONCRETE, OR ARTIFICIAL STONE.- Manufacturers of or contractors dealing in cement, concrete or artificial stone, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars: Provided, this shall not apply to merchants paying tax of a regular license tax. allay. STANDS.- Candy stands on streets, shall pay a license ten dollars for each stand. CO'qTRACTORS.- Contractors of all kinds, not otherwise speci- fled in this toimFtar, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars: Provided, this shall not include any person or persons not holding themselves out as regular contractors as a business: Provided, no license shall be required of building contractors, other than those having an established place. DYNAMITE. Dialers in dynamite shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. DENTIST'S AND PHYSICIANS.- Dentists and physicians, perma- nently located, shall :pay a license tax of ten dellars. Dentists, non-resident or traveling, shall Pay a license • tax of twenty-five dollars. DROVERS.- Drovers and 'gorse trade7.s selling at auction, trading or otherwise selling any horses, mules or other live stock, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. Each and every person so en- aged in such business shall be subject to this license. This Shall apply to and include every person brintock of any kind into cit for sale. DETECTIVE AaENCIES.- Each person, firm or corporation operating a. detective agency, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars. this D'173- Each individual who is employed as a pri- vate detective. license tax of ten dollars: Provided, that nothing in this section. shall be construed to apply to any person or persons employed by the State, county or a municipality as an authorized peace or police officer. DIRECTORIES.- Each person, firm or corporation making or offering directories for sale, shall pay a license of ten dollars. DYE WORKS AND STEAM CLEANERS.- Dye works and steam cleaners shall pay Erlicense tax of ten dollars. DRY CLEANERS.- Dry cleaners, Who pay no other license, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. OSTEOPATHS.- Each osteopath shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. ELECTRICAL MACHINERY, ETC.- Dealers in electrical machinery or supplies for profit, or contractors for, shall pay a license tax, for each place of business of ten dollars. ELCTHI: LIT-1.1 OR POWER PLANTS; PROVISO; MUNICIPALITIES OWNIZG PLANTS EXEIVIIT.- Any person, firm or corporation furnishing electric lights or oower, or both, shall pay a license tax of twenty dollars. 2rovided, fartner, that any individual, company, firm or corporation furnishing- 1 4hts or sower to its customers and making a charge by aleter t-ncL who shell make a taihimum cAarge wituiut reference to the meter, saell pay licehee tax of fifty per cellt. more than as above set it iiroviaed, however, tle above uroviso shell not apJly 13- to companies or individuals, who furnish meters without cost to places of business and. residences: I'rovided, that municipal corporations who own end operate their own plants shall riot have to pay any license tax. EMIGRL.XT AGEJT; LICENSES -23R 0-ZE YEAR; AMOITT OF LICENSE. No persoa shall conduct the business of an emigrant agent or solicit rats or laborers in City of Okeechobee without having first se- :7e1 a license. .411 licenses required in this section shall be ;good for a period of one year and may be secured by aa a:21ication to the tax collector in the City c:)f aisecob e and the paymeat of a. fee of two huadred the liceneee year es contemplate d. herein shall bein Jaaay Lio fivt of each ye', and ao lloLe for the oTt of a year shall be issaed. The terl'il "emiraqt ET...ent" as ir,ted ia tLis section. shal1 . ap-oly to any .erson, aeat, solicitor or .recruiter engaged in the busi- ness of hirin, or solicitiz- leCoorers or e!li.rato in this City to be transported and employed beyond the limits of this City.. EX:22.; Each express company operating in City of Okeechobee shall pay a-license tax of twnety-five dollars. ACEZCIE.- Owners or managers of employment agencies and intelligence offices shall pay a license tax of ten FORTUNE la,LERS T'ortune tellers shall 2ay a license tax of one thousand dollars. • JiiJJiL Delvs in furniture, with a capital .4 a4s1P • c 1..4 o 43 460= of seventy-iive thousand dollars or more, Shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars; with a capital less than seventy-five thousand and not less than fifty Ciousand dollars, shall pay a license tax of thirty-five dollars. FOUNDRIES.- Foundries, whether connected with machine shops or otherwise, shall pay a license tax of twnety-five dollars. X.-la e- = 14- Wholesale dealers in gasoline shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. GHEEN GROCES, FRUI1.- green grocers and dealers in fresh fruits and nuts, paying no other licenses, shall pay a liCense tax of three dollars. 4.11 persons Who have taken out reOlar mercnantsr license Shall not be required to take out an additional license to w handle and deal in. ,c=:reen groceries and fresh fruits and nuts. L-rn(rKOY.a.- rl'aphophones, when c-r)erated for profit, shall pay a licse tax of one dollar for each machine. • L.iTICE.- Games and devices, automatic or otherwise, and such as snuffleboard, tl'hrowlf4:; balls at figures and Ak. the like, and not otnerwise specined in this ordinaace shall pay a licerre tax s cac.a. ny person, firm, cor„)oration or company furnisniag gns for 1,,r)it, shal' pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars. It shall he unlawful for any band or troop or aggregation or other traveling or wandering or nomadic people to amp, pitch their tents, stop end pursue and engae;e in their business of trad.in ped1i.u, tradiag, or oter occupation in the City of Okeechobee, unless and until they Shall procure, an annual license from the tlx collector of said_ city and .t)E-V a license tax of one hundred dollars. 7112110'il61.- Professional hypnotist shall j..;ay P license tax of One thousand dollars. RiLW VENDERS OF LEDICIIT2.- Hawkers or street venders of medicine, dru 'S or patent medicines, or any kind_ of drug, ointment, expedient or device of any kind, inteaded for the use or treatment of any disease, injury or deformity, snail pay a license tax of fifty dollars. 15- 7:ARNE-SS AND SADDLERY.- Repairers or makers of harness arid saddlery shall pay a license tax of five dollars. HOS2ITALS, ETC.- Hospitals, sanitariums or other places for the treatment of diseases or habits, for profit, shall pay a license tax of twelve dollars and fifty cents. Provided, that this seafl apt apply to hospitals, sanatariums or other planes of like character, conducted by charitable associations or societies. HAI CLELNING AND BLOCKISN.- Person or persons engaged in the business of hat cleaning and blocking shall pay a license tax of five dollars. ICE FACTMUES.- lee factories, Including cold storage plants connected therewits, and tie right to sell at wholesale and retail, Shall pay a. license tax as follows: With a capacity of ten tons per day or less, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. With a. capacity of more than ten and less than twenty tons per day, shall pay a license tax of fifteen dollars. With a capacity of twenty tons and not more than thirty tons per day, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars. With a capacity of more than thirty. tons and not more than sixty tone per day, shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars. With. a capacity of more than sixty tone and less than one hundred tons, shall say a license tax of seventy-five dollars. With a capacity of one hundred tons and less than one hundred and fifty tons per day, Snail pay a. license tax of one hundred dollars. With a capacity of one hundred and fifty tons or more per day, shall pay a license tax of two hundred dollars. ICE WAC.4-66.- Ice wagoas, peddling on streets, not owned and operated by ice factories who owl licease, shall pay a license tax of five dollars for each wagoa. ICE CaEAM GARm,.- Ice cream carts or wagons, selling on streets at retail, shall pay a license tax of six dollars for each cart or wagon. 0 16, ICE CREAM MANUFACTURERS.- Manufacturers of ice cream selling at wholesale, shall pay a license tax of t.en dollars. / JUNL D2,111..La.J.- Dealers in juak shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars, of each transaction of article of their stock and Shall keep a full and complete record their business showing from whom and when each was purchased or acquired, and to whom sold. and date of such sale, and such record shall at all times be subject to the inspection of all police or peace officers. JOB Owners or manazers of job printing offices, running by power shall pay a license tax of tea dollars. LATY-3.- Lawyers shall be required to pay a license tax of ten dollars each. 10111=3 FOR HIRE.- Launches, steam, electric kept for hire or public use, five dollars for each launch 4 naphtha, shall be required to pay a license tax of with a capacity of twenty passengers or more, and two aad one-half dollars for each launch with a capacity of less than twenty passengers. EATING FLACLS AT -1/ILHOAD L20.- Lunch stands and eat- Lag house at railroad depots: Owners or managers of, shall say a license tax of ten dollars. LUNCI IESTERS.- Lune testers, when operated for profit, shall -0ay a license tax of five dollars for each machine or device. LUI.13a2 DEALERS.- Lumber dealers, carrying a stock on hand and selling at retail, shall pay a license tax of fifteen dollars. LOCLEMIS =NIL REi'AIRERS.- Locksmiths repairers, who no other license, shall pay a license dollars. and trunk tax of five LIrLi DEALRS.- Dealers in lightning rods shall pay a liesase tax of ten dollars, when persaanently located. pay resident shall,a lieense tax of fifty dollars. MY.,S:=CTURER, Non- ETC.- Manufacturers of barrels, tabs, and 17- buckets, by machinery, shall pay a, licxense tax of ten. dollars. Maimfactarers of tarpen.tine barrels, st,all :7)P.7 a license, tax of ten dollas for each factory. Manafactareres of dandy and confectioery, shall pay a. • license tax of ten dollars. 1.1ahactrers '± veetable crates or fruit crates, shall li,cense tax-. of ten dollars. Maaqfacturers of sash, doors and blinds, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.. Le.u.factl,zrers of moss'. moss 9acers, shall ioay a license tax of tea aollars. Laaufacturers of ibre, shall pay e license tax of ten Eollers. oay 1:vnufacturers of furniture, .ihallAa license tax of ten oliars. Manafactre s of terra cotta, earthenware, oottery or other clay products, shall a license tax of ten dollars. 11;anufa3turers of tile, shall pay a license tax of ten aollars. dollars. tea c]ollars. Man.:.]fac'curers of roofing, shall pay a lice tax of 'Ctn. of fertilizer, shall pay a license tex of (Iliars for at'en piant. Tar lian_rs of col shall pf.:_y a. 1..1.c(,Lse taL of Mfacturers of 2eraci1s or cedar slats shall <;ay s license of tes dolje,rs. PLE2AIR kaChitae sn.oi?s, repair and. blacs:Ath shops for -public ase shall pay a ii.cense tax of five aollars each. yii.aDs.- Owners or ulanaers of marble yards sall ay Lie t:23.x o ta dollars. 18- 14.erchants, druistsand store keepers, shall ;7?,y- a license tax es follows: For t-ae firs one thousand. ot fraction of one tao.:.sand dollars Of to of mercandi.;:;,e, five dollars f ecch place of business, and two and oae-half dollars for each additional tnousand or fraction thereof; bat declers Li merchandise atwholesale only, Shall iJay a licence tax of two alid one-half dollars for each one thousand dollars of their :stock of illandise: irovided, ti&t words "stock of ine,rehaLaie" ti. Lae 3as'h value of mercnadise or doods on aryl not tie amotLat of capital i:took invested in tie busi- furLcier, thet aay merc'!12nt keep)if.k sewing machines in stock for sale is the sae, manner s oter (ilerchaalse, ia.11 not be • ta,xed .;13 a sewizig maching agent or (.e''aler. lia;;HOLZilLE. aeacies shall ;pay e. licau-;€ tax of tvveaty-five dollars. 'ercharLt tailors, .pay a license tax of tea dollars for each place of business. Eij. 1 healers, or all persons claim- in g to heal by e.bit treatment, sha- ay. E license tax of four hundred dollars each; irovided, that nothing in this section shall be construed as affectlh the members of any Christian denomination who pray fNOthe recovery of the sick. • YERRYiJ.0-11OUJI.- lanasers or owners of merry-go-rounds shall pay a license tax of tweaty-five dollars.. DERS IN MEAT.- Dealers in fresh meats and packing house rodacte at wholesale, packed_ or refrigerated, when not connected with an ice factory, ha11 pay. a license of tea dollars. Dealer in fresh meats, selling at retail, shall pay a license tax o tea .dOIlars: -irovided, that a license tax shall not be required of any person. selling fresh meats of their own raising and for 19- their behefit by suc.hi person or his or 'LLer aw:ze ovided , t thi.s skia. 11 not a. pply to a er s 71. so bus i s . eerl mc..‘rcrn 1.1U6IC Owhers oi ;:,La.n..:ers ofipusi c bOXe2) ce.o 0.2 - arrtteI -7or t , pay !7.: li of f ve 1,01.1a2s, each 11.16t1"...111-1.iate 1 • OW dL 12Z oz ot ae coyfies .... 8.h.E.11. 2E.;" a lic °rise tax" of fit ty a ollars : ...1 hot 1.1pplyto news dealers. 1 7:721.-'13 :2. li..'..:::.1,S . - Owners or managers of s sta ads , ',..;11.er e , t t s daily s.l.eWSJeY;i0 magazines, periodicals, ,postcards„ are sold, ioust pay a license a s pro viled for mer Chan .Gs.) druggists nd. s t or o Z.j. s OIL 1e. i i1lui ti ng or lubrj..E. ti oils t who Le sal shall 2)t,.. y a license tax of twen ty-fi ve doll ars for ea eh p1c e of business. oLol„-AalkairE DEkLER2.- Wholesale dealers in oleemargarihe,, 0 twenty CI. 0 1 .- ()culls t ;:',,-r..:.u.ariently 1ooEteci, shall pay a, on1siall ay a licehz,..,e tax of 1ioas t..-y: of .t.:3.ra ollars each. -ot(eLLt or t re..411.1.16 , ll pay a lie &floe tax of twe lye Lo 11 s - Op ti ci aio, vvon .p erthailen.tly loca...ted, shall ..pay a 11 oe tax of te.o. dollars . o t or traveli.nz , sna 11 pa y a li cense tax of twenty-five C.,..)11a2s. - Dealers i1 riental .;;Lpods shall pay a twen ve s as.i C. suOject ih • all re se cts Lo t . D Ue ollvJ.ii oectioia. OfdE CiODS.- Owners or persons or eorporatioile Li poseeesion.with oower ef sale of stooL of Crieatal or imeorted or fancy manufactured s°■6(7, ware or merchandise of 8 1.le kind, who shell by .S.eeelves or others sell tTe same or any part thereof at auction as a oJeaas of carryin on a, bueiness, Shall pay to the Olty a license te-z of five hundred dollars annually, aad obtain a license to do ici Lifiesif and no aaetioneeeKdall sell any such goeds, • wares or merchandise Xet la sued stocks Tuntil tde owner or person in ..MSS5.i.W1 shall have obtained SUCh 1icie. -.c) fractional license Shall be issued for such business. Before any such goods, wares or :sereise shall be sold at rsuctions each article to be sold. shall be listed and shall be posted in a conspicuous place where the sale is to be made, at least two days before such sale;' and sale of such articles Shall be made only from such posted lists, and in the regular order is waich they apeear upon sdch lists, and each article offered for sale at auction shall be sold as offered, if a bid shall be made, to a bona fide bidder, before another article is offered for sale, and without any unreasonable delay, an no by- biding or bide:ling by the owner or any one acting for or represent- ing the owner, shall be permitted at any such auction, and there shall be no reserve price on any such article, but all articles offered for sale shall be promptly sold to a bona fide bidder therefor, if there be ouch bidder. The persons selling such article shall make out a list of each article sold and the price thereof and the name of the purchaser, and Snail post the same conspicuously at the place of such sale for at least two days next after such sale. NON-RESIDENT NU6ERIMEN.- It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, corporation or firm to sell, or offer for sale, who do not reside within this City, any fruit trees, or flower plants without first having paid a license tax to the tax collector of the City of Okeechobee ia the sum of five dollars per annum. 1 PALMISTS.- Palmists shall pay a license tax of five hundred dollars. PATENT RIGHTS.- Any person selling any patent right or the right to sell any patent rights, shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars. CONTRACTING AINTERS; PAPER HANGERS.- Contracting paint- ers and paper hangers, not doing their own work, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars* PAINT MANUFACTURERS.- Manufacturers of paint shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars. PEDDLERS OF MERCHANDISE.- Peddlers of merchandise, not otherwise eaumeratea specifically he.ein, shall pay a license tax of one hundred and fifty dollars. Ok PEDDLERS OF STOVES AND OLOCKS FROM WAGONS.- Peddlers of 4 stoves, ranges and clocks, sold from wagons, shall pay a license tax of seventy-five dollars. PEDDLIG IN BOATS.- Owners, operators or managers of each boat used wholly or in part for peddling, shall pay a license tax as follows: Boats more than forty feet in length, shall pay a license tax of forty-five dollars. Boats of less than forty feet in leth, shall pay a license tax of fifteen dollars. L11 boats engaged in tae sale of vegetables, the products of the farm or plantation, fish and oysters, dhall not be considered as pedaling boats. PHIS-6 AL SURGEONS.- Physicians and surgeons, all kinds, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. 2IANO ITNERS.- Piano tuners shall pay a license tax of five dollars. PHOTOGRADT:EhS.- 2Aotographers, permanently located, Shall pay a license tax of ten dollars each. Non-resident or traveling, shall pay a license tax of twenty dol]ars. 2 el • 2aJ.NOGRAPTI!b. Owners or manaze 2 S 32 p,...,oriograpn.s, 'Mien op- erated for profit, shall :pay a license x of five.. dollars for each macnine. Plashing mills and novelty .works, not con- nected with sawmills, siall jcy a license tax of. ten dollars. Y'4454' Traveline picture agents shall pay v. licehse tax oAfifty dollars; Provided., that agent:.:J for the sale of religicms 'books only shall not be required to pay a license tax. PEANUT akal3 AND Peanut carts and peanut stands, on streets, and paying no other licen*, shall pay a license tax of fiv.e dollars each. COZTRACTING 2.1;IMBERS.- Contracting plumbers, not doing their own work, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. PILE DRIVERS.- 2ile driVers, for public hire or contract- ing, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. RXYLO.R.1 CAFES, ETC.- Owners or managers of re s tau- ran ts* cafes and. public eating saloons shall pay a license tax as f allows: With seats or accommodations for ten persons or less, sts.1i pay license tax of five oliars. With seats or accommodations for more than ten persons and less tdaa fifteen., shall pay license tax of seven and one-half dollars. WitI'i sestsor accommodations for more than fifteen and less than thirty, shall pay license tax of fifteen dollars. With seats or accommodations for more than thirty, shall pay iicense tax of twenty dollars. REQ:JIRIO 'ID 'KEEP }CURD OF TRANSACTIONS; RE- , CURDS SUBJECT TO IiiSPEC'IION.- 'Persons, firms or corporations, en- i_seed in the pawnbroker busines, Shall pay a license tax of one nund.red. (1311e rs \)\ A I 0 115.1/ - i11 railroads operating in or through said city shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars. (0, SLAUJHTER PEES.- Owners or marif:zers of slaughter pens shall pay a license tax of ten d011ars. SHOS; TAX BASED ON ADMISSION CHARGE; TAX ON EACH TENT; 22,0V160; 'To FRACTIONAL LICENSE.- Shows of all kinds, including cir- oases, vaudeville, ministrels, theatricl, or any exhibition giv- ing performances under tents or temporary structures of any kind, whether such teats or temporary structures are covered or uncover- 0 ed$ shall pay a City license tax for eecn day as follows: When the charge for admission, including the charge for r4grved seats, shall be fifty cents or more, the City license vtax for each day shall be twenty-five dollars. When the chare for admission, including the charge for reserved seats, shall be twenty-five ce.ats and less than fifty cents, the City license tax for each day shall be fifteen dollars. When the cnarge for admission, including the charge for reserved seats, shall be less than twenty-five cents, the City license tax for each day shall be ten dollars. Provided, that any of the shows mentioned in this sec- tion who have paid a license according to the charge for admission as provided in this section shall be allowed to operate a "side show" upon the payment of the following license tax: If admission charge including reserved seats for the main show or, structure, shall be fifty cents or more, the license for a "side show" shall be ten dollars for each day. If admission Charge, including the charge for reserved seats for the main show or exhibition or structure shall be twenty- five cents and less than fifty cents, the license for a "side show" shall be seven dollars and fifty cents each day. If admission charge, including the charge for reserved seats, for the main show, exhilion or structure shall be less than twe,ty-five cents, the license tax for a "side show" shall be five dollars for each day. 1 2 4— Provided, trat no license shall., be issued for a "side show" unless a license has beea paid for a main show, or exhibi- tion or structure: And provided, further, taat both licenses Shall be issued to the same party and for the same day. The license taxes provided for by this section shall be collected for each and every tent and for each and every day to Which admission is charged.: Provided, that annual licenses may be issued to any of the Snows or exhibitions mentioned in this section when such anew or exhibition is permenently located in one place, upon the payment of six times the full amount of the daily license tax, according to the charge for admission and population as de- fined and"rescribed by this section, but a license so issue& shall be good only for the place for which it was originally tak- en out, and the tax collector shall so state in writing on the foe of each such No fractional license shall be issued under this provision. For the purpose of this section, a show shall be regard- the City of Okeechobee When said slow is within one mile of tie said city or town. ed as being adjacent to held or given at a place And the licenses hereinbefore.provided for such shows shall be collectible one mile from city limits of the City of Okeechobee. ETICL SOW, aa TaAVELING 2.LasRS AND YINSIRMS; TTJI 13171:0J ii1017RE SHOS; PRovI6o.- Theatrical shows, or traveling players and minstrels, in buildiags fitted up for such shows or exhibitions, for eaoh rformance, Shall ":.)ay a lioet-Jse tax of ta aollars. Iraveiiil w0ViA picture shows in builOias or tents shall asy a license tax for each day of vie, if t2iey ?lava any other features t'!1.ey shall be subject to tle license tax as othorwise provided. for ctows: fifteen &Oilers. Pro than moving pictures, 45- Provided, that owners or managers of tnea• ors or halls employic“ travelin troupes, teatrical, operatic or minstrel, giving performances in baildins fitted up for suCh yJr,)oses, or moving pict.lre sAosivi7ng-exAibitions in buildias• permanently used for suca )11rpose, shell be allowed.. to 4ve as dany perfornances or eXhibitions in such building or tLeater as they wish on payment of fifteen dollars. Privided, however, tint this sectton shall not aply to local amateur performances: Provided, fur ter, tha t this section shall not apply to any hall owned or used by any charitable or fraternal oranizat4on giving performances or exAibitions for tneir own CONCIT Hiii; ti rl • aOc1.0 Conc'ert halls Jor places v,Lere entertainments Or exhibitions are given, such as concerts, balls, dances, variety performances, musical or other- wise, for profit, including rOof gardens or pis .es where refresh- ments are served by female waitresses, shall oay a license tax of two hundred do lars per annum: Provided tnat a license may he issued for oae night only, upon the payment of fift:i dollars, but iri such oases the tax collector mast write across the license the words, "J-ood for one ni8nt only". Provided, further, that this section shall not apply to entertainments ,iven for charitable purposes, tne proceeds of nie are ;.ive.n. to local charities. 57,IP Ship broicers ehall pay s license tax of Ten dollars each. Contracting Stevedores sill e liI iL 1-. of fifteen dollars. luay person employin 4:e.n tes articled crew of th.n vessel iA loadin.6r or diecni,., Jj,7. n.i.o.4.n this 3i ty shall, for the ptkrposes of I.)e deemed a steveder. 26- STREILL YI,CHINES.- Owners or managers of striking machines, when operated for profit, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars for each machine or device. SLOT MACHINES.- Slot machines, for vending.merchandise, owners or managers of, when operated for profit, shall pay a license tax of one dollar each. SAW MILLS, PLANING MILLS, DRY KILNS.- Saw mills, includ- ing planin mills and dry kilns, shall pay a license tax as follows: With a daily capacity of ten thousand feet or less, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars: ovided, that saw mills cutting less than three thousand feet per day shall pay no license. With a daily capacity of more than ten thousand feat and less than twenty-five thousand feet, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars. With a daily capacity of twenty-five thousand feet and less then fifty thousand feet, shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars. With a daily capacity of more than fifty thousand feet, snail pay a license tax of one hundred dollars. SHIN:4-LE MILLS.- Shingle mills, whether connected with a saw mill or not, shall pay a license tax as follows: With a daily capacity of twenty-five thousand shingles or more, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars. With a daily capacitz, of less than twenty-five thousand shinzles, shall pay a license ta 0± ten dollars. SEATIFG RINKS.- Owners or managers of skatinz rins shall pay a license tax of ten dollars each. SHOOT:S.1J GALLERIES.- Owners or managers of shooting galitries shall pay a license tax of twenty dollars for each place of business. TELIPHONESYSTEMS.- Each telephone company operating in City of Okeechobee shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. tH ,, TELEGRAPH SYSTEMS. ach telegraph company operating in City of Okeechobee shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. 40( — Persons or finis or corporations known ss trading stamp comoanies, shall pay a City license tax of one thousand dollars. AN.0 Undertake2s, who are not embalmers, shall pay a license tax of fifteen dollars. Undertaicers and embalmers shall pay a 1 ense tax of twenty-five aollsrs. 4 e; WAICE,IIALLRS.- Watchmakers and repairers of jewelry, who pay no other license, shall pay a license tax of ten dcllars each. WAGOI; FACTORIES,. Wagon factories shall.pay a license tax of ten dollars. 1Ii LaCTIN.- Owners or •managers of weighing machines, When operated for profit, shall pay a license tax of one dollar or each maChine or device. WAa.i.:;HOUSES.- Owners or manaers of bonded or storage warehouses shall pay a license .tax of ten dollars. COL,2AIES; .2E1.:;O1' SUBJECT 10 LAWf Per- sons, firms, 'corporations or associations operating water companies shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars. For the purpose o± tais section, any person, or persons, partnership, firm or cobapany, or corporation, furnishing water for profit, shall 'be construed to be a water company:. Provided,. that per73o,s ilsVii :g wells for -pri.,:rete use, aad who may furnish not more t.,aan teAty-five aei;hbors with wa.ter, Shall be exempt from the provic.ions Li section. 77-1LYITS; PROVISO.- All confirmed orioles or ,h:?• ihce2able of manual labor, or all te 7G4t2alo f tc C:Lvii War, add wi,d 1,c) tLeir own exel.tioas, shall be al loed to a li0,iL.:et th.eir 37iJ in excess O. counties ih tey- live: Frovid.d., such e;t.emption sit,111 tA0 ...),JqLL, or other reputable nis t E 1 the sale of 721 tuous, Ti.CLOLL• IOU6 " ... -7 '710 '1.1.D Any or Ste telb .1;avy or Larin.L (:;orps 5th, i17, :and. 7ovembeT 11ti 1)i, or was honorably dischsr,sed from • the se-,--,?-13e Uni ted Les, and vb.° t tie o lia application for license a reLntr provi,led ;=,.nall be disabled from, perfc)2±:.,.ii labor, shall, upon sufficieht iadentifica- t' ,.,,.2ou(..,tion o certificate, or °tiler evidence, showins an honorable dischare from tne service of the United States in the TTijt 3t tes kraly„ Lavy or Lari he Corps durin, the World War be- tween the (.s, Les n,2oresaid, or the Spanish.-.Lrterican be ranLed. a license to e.-ate in any business or occupation in the of without the payment of any license tax otherwise provided d for by law; and it shall •) be the duty of each and every tsx collector • of this City, upon with t he terms of this section by any person, to issue, without cherJ:7e, to such er so a a license to engat;e in. any business or occupation sudn person may wish to en- •6.aie in in this • City on the produ (Alan of such reasonable proof as may be required by such tax collector to establish the inability of said veteran to ..)erf3rm manual labor; and said license wnen issued shall be marked across tne face• thereof "World War .V4eranTs License; j,ot !transferable," or "Spanish-kmeri can War 'Veteran License; • Not lansferable,." which license shall be issued on the same forms as. other licenses are issued, but without 3•11.a.r,s.e, fee or _other pre- requisite of any kind; and said license when issued shall expire at the same time snd under the same conditions as other licenses expire. L9- 1';a■,'; AZD -1,4'aoDUOts u.1044. All farm and grove product, and pgoducts mentOactured therefrom, ex- cept iritoxioatia iu3r, wihe or beer, shall be exempt from all for of lioene tax Whed the same is being offered for sele or sold by the ferifi.er or grower producing the said products. • OF LICEJZE I.;a16.- The payment of all license taxes shall be enforced by tae seizure and a5t.le of the property by the x collector. 'LAY IU1 V.A.R.ILIT TO COLL:0= 1-AXES.- Whenever it shell be necessary the Tax Collector to enforce ti payment of any license taxes he is hereby authorized aid earpowe.red to issue a warrant directing the chief of police or any olice officers of the City of Okeethobee to collect the sane by levy and sale, and. aLy such warrant Aave the some force aaa effect as a e from the clerk of ti:le circuit eourt, aJla t.e o1ice fficer J.,.F11 receive the :bamefees as zrovid- ea. b:r 1FV, the case :).F" execlItionz from tie clerk of Lae cIrcuit court.' CO-L=C;i0 10 DUiLILE very City license s'LLall cits. cleric, under his seal of offie, blahs Pfter signing the SEthE: F,LC1 takin his receipt t...,cL, collector shall L7.3 tO tie person 01' oat •ollea. • :-Aft6u.t tor s1f.?11 77.:fic a sst.„1 1:h •.:,(oolt fur - d. clerk for vilt purpose, E.116. shall file such ,)6rsoa or .dei.60. 11,cehse & LI ee2 te cohsjdicuously at biaihess aha ih such a illah.her as to be oen to the view of tLe T1io ana subeot to t:ie inspection of all duly authorized officers of the City, and upon failure to do so, shall be subject to the payments of another license tax for en- gaging in or managing the busines or occupation for which such license was obtained. CITY CLERK TO REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL; REPORT TO BE PUR- LISTED; TAX COLLECTOR REQ,UIRE'D TO Vv t KE 'WEEKLY PAYMENTS TO CITY CLERK.- The city clerk shall ttansmit to the city council on the first Monday of each month in each year, a statement show - ing the amount of money received for city licenses under the provisions of this ordinance, and shall publish said list in some newspaper printed in said county by one insertion in each year, and to the city council a statement of all .money received for license tax during the preceding month, with the name of each person paying the same, the amount paid by each, the date of each payment and the business or profession for which the same was issued, and said statement shall be signed by the tax collector and city clerk, a.c1d the tax collector shall make week- ly payment of amount collected by him for city licenses to the city clerk. LICENSE NOT TO AUTHORIZE GAMBLING.- The payment of a license shall not authorize or legalize EamblifIg in any .manner whatsoever, and no provision contained in this ordinance shall be consti d to repeal or. amend. any law 44010400,004cia or ordi- nance of municipality, prohibiting or penalizing gamblir. in arty f Section 6. I dddition to the procedure provided hereinbefore for the collection of license imposed in the ordinancejany person, firm or corporation_ operating )24 a business in this city of which licase ia required heretn, acid wno Shall fail or refuse to 2ai the se, oe punishable by fine not exceeding Fifty (50.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days or both. Read a first time an -ty unanimous vote passed to a second. reading. Red. a second time End by unanimous vote passed to a third aftd final reading. Read a third time and passed in. open session *ca the City Council this 40frj day of December, A. D. 1949. ATTEST; Approved by me tds day of December