1974-03-27 Recessed A job application was also presented on William Jenkins for motor operator. Councilman
~Hunt moved to employ Jenkins, seconded by Councilman Domer and carried.
A request from a representative of the Okeechobee Council for the aging for the use of
~the council room for their meetings was presented. The Council· withheld action until further
imformation could be obtained.
The Council recessed to meet at 7:30 P.M., March 27, 197~.
ATTEST: ~.'.~..,~2~/~,'~. ~,~:, ~'~ CITY CLERK
March 27, 1972
The City Codncil of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, met in recessed session at the City
!Hall on the above date at 7:00 P.M. with the following present: President Donald L. Burk, Councilmen
E. H. Hunt, Edward W. Douglas, Russell V. Domer, Clifford C. Betts, Jr., City Clerk Sandra Bennett
'and Attorney J. Edward Curren.
Also present were the members of the County Commissioners: Chairman H. H. Raulerson,
~Commissioners Clyde R. Durrance, Oscar Thomas, Charles Harvey, L. E. Herbert and County Attorney,
!~W. L. H~ndry.
President Burk stated that the main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the feasibility
i~of jointly participating in constructing a bridge across Taylor Creek.
Mr. J. D. Cassets, Mr. John Sebastian, Mr. Frank Chute and Mr. Vern Huffman were present
ilrequestlng information on the purposed location of the bridge and objecting to the heavy flow of
itraffic in a residential zoned area.
Chairman Raulerson informed the Council that First Street was chosen for the site after
plans and specification were made by the Florida Department of Transportation. Financially the
location was more practical due to right-of-way and access to street from Riverside to South Parrott.
The second choice for the crossing was further South adjoining Wolff Road but would be more expensive.
Mr. Vern Huffman remarked that the bridge adjoining Wilcox Shores and Okeechobee Estates was
not build for heavy traffic.
Mr. Haynes Williams stated that an alternate route was needed to route the increasing traffic
flow on S.R. hhl.
The Council reported that due to budgetary limitations, the City will have to pay its bridge
cost share over a period of four years.
After further discussion, Councilman Douglas moved to pay one third of the cost of construc-
tion of the bridge, contingent upon the County Commissioners approval, seconded by Councilman Betts
and carried.
Upon motion the Council adjourned.
ATTEST: ~ vkd~[([~_&l-~
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