0143 (dogs and animals)• Y.' AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE VACCINATION, KILLING, IMPOUNDING REDEMPTION, MUZZLING, REGISTERING, PROVIDING COLLAR AND LICENSE Till, CARE AND TREATMENT OF DOGS AND OTHER ANIMALS; REPORTING THE PRESENCE OF RABIES TO THE CITY HEALTH OFFICER OR CHIEF OF POLICE; OTHERWISE RELATING TO THE CONTROL OF RABIES WITHIN THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE; PAYMENT OF DOG LICENSE TAX AND FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF; THE MAKING OF RECORDS OF DOGS REGISTERED AND IMPOUNDED AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS. BE IT FUMED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECH©BEE, :OUEOHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION 3. Very person owning, possessing, keeping or harboring any dog within the limits of the City of Okeechobee shall report to the City Clerk within thirty days after the Sth say of in eaoh year his name and address and shall give the na:'c, breed, oolor and sex if each and every dog owned, kept or harbored by such parson and shall pay to the City Clerk the sum of 50 for each and every dog so owned, possessed, kept or harbored and shall cause such dog er dogs to be registered for a license in the office of the City Clerk. Upon the payment of such fee the City Clerk shall furnish to the person paying the came a license tag and number of registry of each dog for which the fee as herein provided has been paid and the license year shall extend from July Sth, to July 7th of eaoh year. All license fees collected hereunder, shall be deposited in the General. Revenue Fund of said City. SECTION 2. Each dog kept within the City shall be provided by its owner or keeper with a collar made of leather, metal or some other substantial material to which a license tag shall be securely fastened. No deg shall be permitted to be kept or to remain within the City un- less the owner or keeper thereof shall have oaused such dog to be registered, liosnsed and provided with a pillar and tag as herein pro - vtded. 8soti 3. The City Clerk shall keep a complete registry in a book to be kept for that purpose of all licensed dogs, describing the saws by name, breed, valor and sex and shall also enter the name and address of the owns or keeper as given and the number of the City license tag. H. shall provide sash year such number of metal tags as may be necessary and have stamped thereon the year for which the tag is paid, and also the number of the tag and it shall be the duty of the City Clerk t• deliver one of such metal tags numbered to oorrespond with the number of the registry of the dog to the person having paid the tax upon any such dog. SECTION 4. 14 poreon Shall cause or permit any -3eSiCtpt" or' harbored by him to run at large en any street, alley or ether public place within the City at any time unless such dog shall be securely muzzled as as to effectually prevent it from bating any person or animal. Nethinfherein contained shall be held to require the muzzling of any dog whilii confined or restrained on private premises or while en any street, alley or other public place if suoh dog shall be led by a chain or in a leash in such manner as to prevent such deg from • biting any person or animal, provided however, that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to any dog licensed and vaccinated as provided herein. SECTION 5. Every person owning, possessing, keeping er harboring any dog within the Oity of Okeechobee, shall have or cause such dog or dogs to be vaooinated against rabies by a licensed veternarian or some other parson approved by said City Council, once each twelve months, and shall attach to the cellar of such dog or doge a distinotive tag showing said dog or dogs has been vaccinated as herein provided. SECTION 6. It shall be the duty of the owner of persons in charge of any dog or other anumal affected with rabies or showing a suspicious symptom of rabies to report such dog or ether animal immediately to the Oity Health Officer or Chief of Police of said City. SECTION 7. Any dog or animal bitten by ar otherwise dangerously exposed to any dog or other animal affected with rabies or suspected with having rabies shall be killed at once, or promptly given anti -rabio treatment and be kept confined under observation for a period of not less than thirty days or linger if deemed necessary; PROVIDED HOWEVER, that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to any dog or animal which has been vaccinated as provided herein. SECTION $. It shall be the duty of the Mayer of said Oity to appoint or designate a Pound Master and it shall be the duty of such Pound Master, his assistants and all police officers of said City, to catch, pick up and impound in such manner as said Oity Counoil may direct, any dog found running at large within said City not securely muzzled or not having a collar around its neok with said tag as herein provided, attached thereto, showing that said dog has been lioener,d and vaccinated as provided herein within the preceding twelve months. When any dog shall be impounded as provided herein it shall be the duty of the said Pound Master or Chief of Police to gibe notice of the same for a period of five days by posting such notice at three conspicuous places in the Oity of Okeechobee, Florida, one of which shall be at the Oity Hall in the City of Okeechobee, Florida, which said notice shall describe the deg and give name of owner, if known. If such dog shall not be redeemed within five days said Pound Master or Chief of Police shall cause the same to be killed or sold. All funds or monies from the sale of said dogs as provided herein, shall be deposited by the Pound Master or Chief of Police in the General Finds of said 01.ty. SECTION 9. In order to redeem any dog which may have been impounded under the previsions of this Ordinance, the owner or keeper of said r the sum of Fifty (50¢) Cents and a further fee of Fifteen (15¢) Cents per day for each and every day it shall have been impounded; PROVIDED HOWEVER that if any deg is impounded without having a proper Dollar and license tag showing that it has been licensed and vaccinated as provided hersinp the owner or keeper of such deg shall comply with the previsions of this Ordin- ance with reference to license tag and vaccination of said dog, before such dog shall be surrendered to him. SECTION 10. If any dog running at large is not securely muzzled or is not provided with a proper collar and license tag and other distinctive tag showing vaccination within the preceding twelve months and if such dog cannot be safely taken up and impounded, such dog may be killed by the Pound Master,by any polioe offioer or dog catcher. SECTION 11. No person shall in any manner interfere with, prevent or hinder any effiosr or person herein mentioned in the performance of any duty required by this Ordinance and no person *not being the owner sf possessor of such dog shall remove or take off or cause to be removed or taken off the collar or license tag or other distinctive tag showing vaccination of any dog within said Oity. SECTION 12. Any person or persons violating or failing, neglecting or refusing to comply with the provisions and requirements of this Ordin- ance, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 05.00 or by imprisonment not exceeding five days or by both such fines and imprisonment. For each and every offense each day on which such person shall violate, fail neglect or refuse to comply with the previsions and requirements of this Ordinance shall be and constitute a separate and distinot offense. SECTION 13. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION ,. This Ordinance is hereby declared an emergency Ordinance necessary for the immediate preservation of public peach, property, health and safety and shall take effect July S, A. D. 1933. PASSED at regular session this 6th day of July, A. D. 1933. ATTEST: 441SO4 City 4 lc %/r- , rest ent, ity Counoi .' ppreved by me this 6th day of Approved as to form : -d oer otnese. Oity Attorney