1974-02-07 Recessedby Councilman Dou~!as an(] ~.arried. Chief Godwin reported 'that the Citys new fire truck is due to arrive around I~%rch 15, Counci~an suggested a workshop meeting to discuss exten~ng the fire station roof. A letter was read from ~ton G. Cox subregional Representative of the State of ~o~da Department of ~o!lution Control. Mr. Cox stated in the letter that they have received several co~r~ I plaints concer~ng open butane in and around the City of Okeech0b'ee. He requested to be put on the City Council ~yenda so details could be e~lained. A letter was read from ~eechobee County Cha~er of Commerce inviting the City to take part in the~eck!ed Perch Parade. ~e C~tical shortage of gaso~ne in Okeechobee was discussed. A tele~ sent February h, 197h to ~vernor Reuben Askew and State and national senators and representatives to seek i~ediate relief from the gas shorta%e was read: Fuel shortage ~eechobee area c~tical. Req~re i~ediate emergency relief. Constitutes serious t~eat to Health, welfare, safety, economic and en~ro~nental well-being to our citizens. It was reported that ~ty Co~ssioners scheduled a meeting Wednesday Februa~ 6, 197h with City officials, U.S. Gon~essman L. A. ~falis aide to seek assistance. Following the session a delegation will travel to Fort Myers to meet ~th some Federal agency officials. ~e Co~cil discussed Director Fortner statement for 13~ hours overtime d~ing December 1973 and Janua~ 197h in the amour of $7~2.~0 for hours spent ~th ~neer, Contractor on new clari fer. Upon motion th~ ~ci! recessed to meet at 6:30 P.M. on Februa~ ?, PR~ID~T CI~ CO~CIL CITY CL~K ~e ¢~7 ¢o~e5~ of ghe ¢~g7 o~ ~eeehobee~ FlorSda~ neg 5n recessed session a~ ghe Hail on ghe aboTe dage ag 5t30 P.M. wSgh gh~ ~o~o~ preseng: ~7o~ ~udle7 ~am~ P~es~don~ Donald L. Burk, Co~cilmen: E. H. Hunt, E~ard W. Douglas, Russell V. ~mer, Clif Betts, Jr. ~d Clerk Sandra Be~eP.t, also all me~ers of the Police Department. President B~k stated t~t the ~in pu~ose of the meeting was to bring out proble~q and any wetness existinE within the Department. ~ i~ormal discussion followed with C~ef Staats and me~ers of the I. aw ~forcement Department. Chief Staats staled %~t the $2~.00 per month U~fo~ allowance wasn't enough to r~lace umiforms and d~c~ e!eanin~ bills. ~'~t%er to be checked out. Sergeant Mob!ey 7e!t that each D~artment Head should issue their, own purchase orders. ~e Council ad~sed that any p~cbase over $100 h~s ~o be approved by Council ~d ~yor Du~am approves up to $100.00. l~e Hu~ne Department was discussed. The ~ci! reported t~n~ to negotiate v~th the County to come to an agreement on a dog ordinance. Chief Staats ~scussed ~%h the Council the p~chase o.f the $2,100 mobile radar u~t. I ....I I I .... ! " 1709 President Burk expressed the Councils appreciation for the attendance of the Police Deoartment and for work well done. Chief Staats voiced his appreciation to the Council for their corporation. Upon motion the Council a0journed. PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK 2,- q .... February 19, 197h TO: iHON. DONALD L. BURl<, HON. CLIFF BETTS, JR. HON. RUSSELL V. DO~H ~HON. ~WARD ~4. DOUGLAS i:M~.~3ERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA I, ~UDLEY DU~E4A~4, l~yor of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, do hereby call a special meeting meeting of the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, to be held at the Council Chamber, !within the City of Okeeehobee, on the 19th day of February, A.D. 197h, at the hour of 6:00 P.M. for the purpose: DISCUSSING CITY STREET I!AI~TENANCE You, and each of you are hereby requested and notified to be at and attend the aforesaid meeting at the place herein named. IN JITNESS WHEREOF, ~ have hero'&rte set ~ hand as I~yor of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, and caused the corporate seal of said City to be affixed hereto and the same attested by the City Clerk, i~this 18th day of February, A. D. 197~. Audley Dunham MAYOR OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA . ATTEST: ~: CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA (S~) Donald L. Burk Russell Domer Edward W. Douglas Clif Betts~ Jr. E. H. Hunt M~BERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OKEECHOBEE OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA The meeting was called in due form. in accordance with charter and upon written notice signe5 by each Councilmau, the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in a special session at the City Hall on the above date at 6:00 P.li. with the fol!o~*ing present: I'~yor Audley Dunha, President Donald L. Burk, Councilmen: E. H. Hunt, Bennett, with Attorney J. ~cb~ard Curren and Director of ~Uublic Works, L. C. Fortner, Jr. Prezident Burk advised that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss certain critical