0155 ( Proposal betwen City & FPL)Upon motion made by Councilman "7"7L and seconded by Councilman &'"Ce_e , , the following Ordinance was duly passed and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. APPROVING. A PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTARY STREET LIGHTING AGREEilENT BEMEN THE CITY AND FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PROVIDING AT NO ADDITIONAL COST FOR ADDITIONAL STREET LIGHTING VALUED UNDER THE TERMS OF THAT CERTAIN MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING AGREE:ENT DATED THE DAY OF 1934, AT APPROXIYATLITY FIFTY 'PER CNT (50p) 02 THE PRESENT ANNUAL BILL FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICE NOJ BEING FUR- NISHED UNDER THAT CERTAIN MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING AGRnENT DATED THE DAY OF , 1934, aHicH Is NO! IN EFFECT BET;IEEN THE CITY AND FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING T1 MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK 02 AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE TO EXECUTE AND ENTER INTO THE AFORESAID SUPPLEMENTARY STREET LIGHTING AGREEITNT JITH FLORIDA POV1ER & LIGHT COMPANY: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF Ti-:"; CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA: 1. That the proposed Supplementary Street Lighting Agreement with the Florida Power a Light Company, set forth in full in Section 2 hereof, be and the same is hereby approved as to form and substance. 2. That the Mayor and the City Clerk of and on behalf of the City be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and enter into with Florida Power & Light Company the said. Supplementary Street Lighting Agreel2ent approved in Section 1 hereof, and hereinafter set forth in full as follows: !MIS AOFFrotAVT0 Isis Kee entered let* by ste between the CITY OT liSRCV-.41!* 771";Iwids* * sueleiptl etlr- sorati4n (hereinafter oared the *TAtr")* *hd TiMIDA POWtt tIOIT COWAU* * **tin oru:tised *rid *sitting uslet tha lwes 4r the Stet* of floriks Otereinsfter salie4 tht ter 4 *ad Illt* there it I - •ffeet b,,,teeen the City and the Coalp*e47 * tips' Site.% iittetint Atreeeett divott €ce ,:fgEbtAil* the Cospany realises the desirebility to the City *nd its residents c,,t' street ItiThtior *erte* 1 adItiz,n to that efsfor4e4 tf.y the Zunisissi Street 4shting isreement snd *greet to '7'sunit, at no td. d itionel cost t the City* *editions' else-trio e't'lergy *el screlee, fr street lisAti44 is av asokart epproriestely fifty pt sett (50$) At.'" e rvvided tor by t',1* lutielpal ::itreet Litt ns issetoet* tXr sei4 ed. 4itionAl eleetrie energy atr: u'ersteel, ';"or street liehetne te be f'litr. nished in sevaristee eith th# tern:qt. ond previsions hereinafter met **it in this Alret,,,,Joht. TrAleT for n46 in soost4sretion tho su* er on* D012** ) said by ergeh * tne ',.eret* t %he otIller* t-f.v*' tor ettter good end '0-l1nable tonsideratAoss* rstel-,t oY tets **Saar-lodged by eaftN tir the vtrttee hereto* er4 it further eonsideratias of the tostoents ogreeoents here-theft., set rorth* the parties hetet* **resent and *sr 44 foilOwee 1. That t',,,.c.ort sre saw thetelleo en4 tt Is'er*tioe under the 4uhi. .treet Lighting isreetertt 1,?4,4* * p-krt sof the street lighting system 'within the City of Oksee'-,ete aed dos- tribe4 therein* the street lights set forth as to tenter* berates 1•0 estAlepover* t7� end ownership on the sehedele ettatbed to* serted *Vshibit i shd *ode * hereof. Thtt there aro nom instrtlei vithth the City -;,:f Okeee441b*** 4* 0 f' or the street Itthttng systeft deseritoo4 in the Suntetrel tre ic4ttnis AgrosmeA dietted42::1-;11‹ 12:.!.440 rwrizio of the street lights "shish are t:let AO, j. c7,,,erqt',,,t3n, sutd str.ot -114tio tiloA -4 Osecrb4 as t nneber* burning seNedule* esn4lopewers tr-pas onts Ger.,er. ship en the schedule stitched herf,to garbed '6tehtett BA end ve4e 4 rear. . subject ts premtst hoo..*f the toseny. netety. ...,Igres 1*e* tr o'aretiab *articles* of the street iitt7its, Auted in•*lithibtt• A!' hereof *a t%tt it* - bill for ch street It4hte 4es er1be4 Ittthiblt $1.1t mere e4ftpetts4 st t tr. $.114. lhvIlttp*A. .trest .110SIts: Aetseeemt 4404 ebusl spprosiostely rifty par scut ( ,s suet bill -,oulgt * the prolent suhusl bill for electric *eq,.,-rgy and ev,rettes° Vast 04414 Agree-beet end dIrtek the ter* of t,,ts Agreement Aft etv t rytaa taa ad. dLtt/'„get2,1 Csuanr wIll supply' electric *--.ergy sme. sermIe- rIt the operstt$xl 'thereof es pd* f,.4..- in the sel4 Uunleissi etreat Ltr- ins Airesseat . Iltftd OXtoLtito *11,51f414*Aters test the, Cit7 N91 We *t1tetits4 to ofty aurthisr wbettoever far t%* electric clergy ae"-:?, services supplied ta tat City far the operetl-lo of tA* adaltional 1Iffts desIgnsted i e ardosee eit ction t.14,4/# elty shell detsmate by OrAtetnee tomelutten* d soted by its gov4entrtg boy, certslu tne street lixAti irL.t t Ittshibit Os nerset es tho. ttt 2. lie%ta to es ;laced, in service es preetaisti for in $octi4an T* it bsiz nneurstoad th* *a•e ttthts sAaii be disci/tested to said Oreinence or 7esblution definitely 414 t0 100itt000 try.* e_Ildispaser* toursing sud own4.1rahl-0. S. lhst far the ,!..-111r* 1-42t. or tts .citettoell, the wards *street litttsv shall s, 4.ened to include street itahting stardards* flniur. rerset-ro* csbLel* tri:'',..ttarnerl* glassware* or other op tetv'teen «fl o the proper *et gerttloo es, r street lights. That nth* e toteinet, in this Agree'ushi shall obligate th* C4A;14Ay a rspi. ee repair try of! the street Liget* 4satritt4 In ttehihit a* obleh arc not in good operating condition om the effective idete hereof, provided. hoverer* thst it *,he City wishe,,, the Comohy t plea. to eve-rail -ft *ay such strnst light or street tights g4i j ood operatics cot4ition *A the effective 4ste hereof, the C01;tA*Alir *Ili, elth eive diligent*. glee, the some t service an,!', vit1 vax& gft* ritoplArg neeossary to such :,',7toctxt is service avrtatt hy t tit, to tn. Cogogny t* Ct lacing the 441,';11.* soot operating conditin,.. It i$ undorggo4g •ati agreed, h,„'eever# that t� C1 t7 1411 tg ogeordage* mitg *aid XatitipF1 =',,-,trot Lighting *******At Anted 14 oll a7,eirtrit energy *eel services fortithe4 ty the Cowpony ta the City t (1) trg*t Igoe* •ptrikegg t-Aeretgt& it actorato iV th*. terve Ind Or said Wi.L utrest Lighting assconett, an, ftietintuished tram ttis Atro*nitt4a otnd (r) *40itional street tights inst-7.'en im aeg.;ro-415gg .atth %utit tool Street 1,Ighting agreement It is further understood and ogres-i Phut •street lights pieced in $flt umrsuset Agroamst anall M4t be 4te,5te4 to tes **ditto street tits Ingil)og **A !,lagag tg operation in acer'sonce tt the said Zunitiv.P1 :ktreet Lighting agramortent 11:M. 1. ?net it is u condition of this resset th*t from aai,: after the effective date heref the City pty to tne rnan,eny in tath mi' o4athiy hill* ror street iithttn& seriPtet Pr4.14,:tir ie tik414'4":"4 4400, in t keiAortt =a of the ustierterings or tht Colt;'-$07 u1114101* tocer ill hatter, It is lietinctly understood rnA agreed thtt i the it ynsli fail t;z0 14y any of the soil tills d'as under tht *old Matioijoe4 Street Lighting Agreement tsit0,_ th* Com7tit'ny st its eption4 .0,* to to,!.',17 elottrir and servici,YI to the City in ocoueetion siith end all street 71q'llts in operAt7,--',o 4.,1t1,1 A11 moms 4o* the City to the ComAcy tyr streot lighting servIces reederse after the effective date _,-terte,-2„,r bees it is farther understood end *greed u$ the esseneg. of t4Is Agre hlvelters the'tt ft 4itecr,tinu4c the ettp,ly of eleetrie clergy •sod service shell be isqued t be * brece of tle sate AgreeleYto se4 suc‘I, diacobticconces of tlie 1j or electric eeergy eo4 services by t%* Cy shell st bates/ or oodify tny c! tt.10 ter%s unl co,ditons t e saLi Vonleipol trt LI;htits agritelo,?,t tete.1 1,, That nothing herein conteir'ted th 11 ohligste t Coq 4,1.7.1.y to cov. stroet, instmlI or ei,crete, *ny additions/ street lights n ,t *rioting tle date hersOf sh4 ,/escribed in t cont taros City Ttat thAt•ttiiv*r, tAls 1 1 Vt. ,,z1 -4 1 esd it in servile and vist4he .f ,1*Gr t to oiscoei Jed 00) tt!y .„ 4 f4 its 4.4 and nethibit eitoert blo Our (1) 7c,..,tr frot the env ration o sciA ,er* I rest e wit A ee,,Ne,t shall he City acere''nes th itrost Li,eting re, det ATW Ailnd ISO 4 4 ' ritt cri,r o the Arst o 1pf the r-otiCto M* tht *or u th..7tay Thttp eate,t *s seeress/I r1,45e4 in t'his Acres *teal Street Lighting aerewleht "tete,7 le in iv full force t,,n4 *free+ an4 nothing herein contained shell, tileF' to *sive, sessentt or tbrogete shy of the torux mini conditions ,f s%td ci,-,411 Street Agr** nt0 /00 Itet this AgreoPheut *hail inure t* thi!, Skilosfit of c't,14 to* teg u„-,.441 the el,,ieeeee-ore Q,A'. the City the s,scemsters and settee* or t4e Cooptmy. Id VITVW WICSZOrp ths pantos horst* have eauss4 Atroadont to b* duly ossets4 in trtvitssts 'eta <lay and yorr first *bays orittono NI,tnossa fA to eltit *At to Colt:tsars AOPrG,410i *10 to farm em4 rtosts thia dAy of At,torosT f4r Otaet!,,-,,4bts, CITY 1, 4Artr"rn* 71.14t.r-A. MIS att _tt ,V 4y* CAN DU POnit X311317T *A. 11n oF FIXTV..14. EX 31BIT .4.11:* 111.113M OVInt. 3 17 stwas4 etiVIti C It* %TM Clfl 1 Olty af Okeee That the above an fora opy of QrMix noo No of the 01 ty of Okeechobee , day of i do have r Iriti y' lo a true and oorreot doneed by the Cool arida, on no 1 r mot *onowaal9hbyaao uao :Ima4 Brett,:: atitiLs®oondbd by ,Counoilman Wacker; the. Aaing 4�r4iiaance was duly passed and adopteC: by the following vote, r, t 0 i l!�3 ",t,,;1,,,, .��' -'s ', - Ayea,a'.`'. '�: Nays 'w tiS �r ''1�� .. '}� a 'r. 1� ,.1 'Watford J. D. Brett O'fl_,. .r.�Y� 1`, ' ' ; , � 4,'",+ �'- � � A. W. Brass r :,''H., Walker, - Sr. ORDINANCE l!10. 154.... . s ,.4 tregpROVING A . PROPOSED . MUNI CIPAL�. STREF�T LIGHTING AGREEMENT ,- BETWEEN THE CITY 'AND? FLORIDAOPOWER & ,LIGHT COMPANY''PROVIDING Olti,-THE" .ELECT:EIC ENERGY AND SERVICE ' FOR FORTY FIVE (+5) -+ 3.OTXVE. STREET 'TIGHTS WITHIN THE CORPORATE;. LIMITS' OF OKEECHOBEE,... ,'�$'LQRIDA ;, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY:. CLERK . H , .AND ON BEHALF' OP THE CITY' OF OKEECHOBEE TO EXECUTE. AND? ENTER ONTO THE SAID .MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING AGREEMENT 'WITH FLORIDA BOWER & LIGHT' COMPANY. ‘,: BE.. IT ORDAINED.. BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 1T$XK( MXIEXZEXIIIIS;� OITY; OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA.' -- -' -- It