0106 (Plumbing Regulations)4 ORDINANCE NO. lid° O 6 AN ORDINANCE TO GOVERN PLUMBING AND TO REGULATE PTIUMBING, INING, AND SEWERAGE, AND THE INSPECTION OF SAME IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY AND BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA: Seotionl. That the City Counoil shall appoint some suitable person to be ]mown as the Inspector of plumbing and sewer oonneotions of the City of Okeeohobee. The said person shall have at least five years experience as a plumber. Section 2. There shall be appointed by the City Counoil a Board of Plumbing Examiners consisting of two Councilmen and one Journeyman Plumber, who shall act without pay and whose duties shall consist of passing on the qualifications of all persons who desire to engage in the plumbing business in the City of Okeechobee. This examination shall satisfy the said Board of Examiners as to the applicant's qualifications as a plumber and his familiarity with the plumbing regulations of the City of Okeechobee. The plumbing Inspector shall act as Seoretary of said Board. Section 3. It shall be the duty-of said Board to authorize the City Clerk to issue license to competent plumbers who have passed satis- factory examinations. Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Inspector to see that all pro - \ visions of this ordinance are conformed to. Whenever the word 'Inspector' appears the Same shall be understood to refer to the Inspector of Plumbing and sewer connections. • Seotion 5. There shall be charged and collected by the City Inspeo- tor an inspection fee for all old, new, or remodeled plumbing in- spected in the City of Okeechobee. The fee shall be Two ($2.00) Dollars for each sewer conneotion, and One Dollar and a half ($1.50) for the first fixture or waste opening, and fifty cents ($.50) for each additional one. Seotion 6. No person shall proceed with any plumbing, drainage, or sewer work,extend or alter old or new work (except neoessary repairs) until he has filed with the Inspector a plan showing the location of all fixtures and the run of all waste pipes; said plan to be approved by the Inspector before any work is started; also giving a complete desoription of building, location of same, the name of owner, and the street number of building; and pay all inspection fees to the Inspec- tor herein provided for. Section 7. The plumbing Inspeotor is to be the judge of the quality of the material and workmanship according to the ordinance. Section 8. The Inspector shall have the privilege at any time of entering and inspecting the plumbing and drainage of any premises, and if the same are found to be in an unsanitary condition he shall order the same altered to conform to the provisions of this ordinanoe. Any person, firm, corporation, or association failing or refusing to make said alterations for a period of fifteen days after such notice shall be punished and hereinafter provided. Seotion 9. Where it is desirable to connect old plumbing with the City sewers the plumber contemplating doing such work shall notify the Inspector who will inspect suoh work and notify the plumber what al- terations will be necessary to place the work in an acceptable condi- tion for oonneotion with the City sewers. 1 x Seotion 10. 111 work shall be executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner and all material shall be the beat of its kind and satisfao- tory to the Inspector. Seotion 11. When work is ready for inspection a notiee must be sent to the office of the Inspector and all work shall be left uncovered until inspected and approved. Section 12. All plumbing work in buildings shall be tested by the plumber in the presence of the Inspector by the 'Water or Smoke' test as he may deem best under the circumstances, and to his satis- faction; and when the work does not stand the test prescribed, con - neotion with the city sewers will not be permitted, but the plumbing shall immediately be put in such condition that it will stand Aid 4 test. Section 13. On all old work where it would be inconvenient to apply the water test the smoke test will be sufficient. Section 14. No waste or baok air pipe shall be tapped into a soil pipe but shall be inserted with the proper fittings. Section 15. All joints between lead and brass, or any part of the plum- bing where solder is used, shall be full wiped joints. No wiped cup joints will be allowed. Section 16. All joints on oast iron pipe shall be packed with oakum and molted lead, and oast iron pipe shall be made with brass ferrules properly wiped on the lead pipe. Section 17. All waste pipes from sinks, bath tubs, wash basins, wash trays, and slop hoppers shall be provided with strainers. Section 18. Cast iron pipe shall not be used between terra- cotta, or Tice versa. All soil or waste pipe shall be of oast iron, tarred brass, or lead. Wrought iron pipe shall not be used for soil, waste, or vent pipe. All soil pipes shall not be less than four inches in- side diameter and shall be continued same size above roof and as re- mote from the windows as possible; provided, however, that galvanized iron pipe shall be allowed above the waste or traps for vents. Section 19. No waste, re -vent, or back air pipes shall be less than two inch pipe except in case where lead is used. When one and one half "D" lead pipe will be allowed and all waste and vent pipes shall be installed in buildings in what is known to the trade as "continuous waste and vent system ", and no closet shall be allowed over three feet from stack center measurements, and other fixtures two feet, except bath tub which is hereinafter provided for. Section 20. Soil, waste, and vent pipes in an extension shall be extend- ed one foot above eaves of roof of main building where otherwise they would open within fifteen feet of the door, window, or ventilator of the main house or an adjoining house. Section 21. No holes will be allowed to be out in any cast iron or terra- cotta pipes for any purpose which cannot be properly closed with plugs. Where it is neoessary to open a pipe the broken pipe will be removed and a oleanout be put in instead, that it may be accessible for future use. Section 22. Gast iron soil drains and waste pipes shall connect with terra -cotta pipe not less than two feet from the building, and not less than six inches under ground. Section 23. The arrangement of soil, waste, back air, and ventilating pipes shall be as direot as possible. All changes in direction in t horizontal soil, waste, or drain pipes shall be made with "Y" fittings suitable bends, and cleanouts. Seotion 24. 111 oast iron, soil, waste, or revent pipes shall be proper- ly secured or supported with satisfactory hooks or hangers, double -hub fittings shall not be used on cast iron, soil, or waste pipes. Section 25. All branches on soil pipe when over fifteen feet from main line shall be extended same size one foot above the eaves of the roof. Seotion 26. All horizontal four inch oast iron pipes above or below the ground shall have "Y" fittings, the placing If which is left to the discretion of the Inspector, Y's to have four inch brass tap screws inserted inside, and to be plaoed on the main line not over thirty feet apart for the purpose of cleaning the same when stoppage occurs. Two ineh east iron pipe to have oleanouts in them the same as pre- scribed in this section except not over twenty feet. Y fittings and oleanouts shall be placed at the bottom of all four inch and two inch oast iron stacks. Section 27. Each fixture shall be separately trapped as near the same as possible and each trap shall be vented by a pipe not less than the size of the waste pipe except a four inch trap when a two inch revent pipe will be sufficient. Revent pipes may be run separately or may enter the soil pipe three feet above the floor on which the highest fixture is located. Seotion 28. When there are two closets on one stack or one oloset on the first floor the closet on the lower floor must be vented. Section 29. No water oloset or urinal shall be permitted to exist in any location or apartment wnich is not thoroughly lighted and ventilated with three square feet of ventilation to outer air. Section 30. On all new work where it is impossible to revent a trap or on old work where there is no revent pipe an anti- syphon of impro- ved pattern will be permitted. Bath drum traps shall be considered anti - syphon and the revent will be required for the same when the trap is connected to the closed, vent, or side outlet, sanitary "T" when the trap is located within three feet of the stack. Section 31. Traps shall be placed as near the fixture as possible and in no place shall the trap be more than two feet from the fixture except a grease trap which shall be six feet from the sink. Section 32. Waste from kitchen sinks in boarding houses, restaurants, and hotels shall be provided with a suitable grease trap which shall be installed under the supervision of the inspector. Wash racks in stables and garages shall be provided with a properly constructed sand trap, which shall be constructed only under the supervision of the inspector. Section 33. All baths above first floor shall be provided with drum traps and shall have oleanouts above the floor when baths are located on the first floor, and the plumbing is inclosed. The drum trap shall also be provided. Section 34. Wooden wash tubs or sinks shall not be placed inside of building but tubs and sinks shall be of non - absorbent material. Section 35. Waste pipes from refrigerators, safes, ice boxes, and beer coolers shall not connect directly with soil or waste pipes but shall discharge into an open sink properly trapped. Section 36. All drains oonneoting with main sewers in streets shall not be less than four inches and of oast iron or terra cotta pipe; provided, however, that concrete pipe may be used when properly water - profed and glazed. Section 37. Material of drains in streets or underground yard drains shall be salt glazed vitrified sewer pipe burned hard entirbly thor- ough, homogenious in texture, free from flaws and perfectly smooth on the inner side, or oast iron pipe properly trsated against corrosion by immersion in hot coal tar or some other process approved by the Inspeotor;'provided, however, that concrete pipe may be used when properly water proofed and glazed. Section 38. All drains and horizontal soil and waste pipes shall have a grade of not less than one eighth of an inch to the foot. Section 39. Bydraulio elevators, water motors, floor drains, spittons, and similar fixtures not mentioned may be oonnected with the sewer only as the Inspector may direct, the surrounding oircumstandes gov- erning the same. Floor drains and shower baths shall be considered fixtures and shall be provided with a deep seal trap cleanout and strainer. Bali traps will not be allowed. Section 40. Rain water leaders shall not connect with city sanitary sewers. Rain water leaders when connected with private sewers shall have oast iron traps and oast iron pipe five feet above ground. Section 41. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, oorporation, or association to injure the sewer fixture or appurtenance to the sewer or to deposit any garbage, foreign or refuse matter of any kind in any catch basin, manhold, or other fixture, of the oity sewers. Section 42. It shall be the duty of all plumbers or drain layers in the City of Okeechobee when a oontraot is taken by them to eonneot any building or premises with the city sewers to begin work under such contraot within ten days from date. The permit is issued and to com- plete the work according to the rules and regulations herein prescribed in as short a time as may be practicable, and consistent with thorough workmanship; provided, however, that it shall constitute a defense to the violation of this section in the event the plumber or drain layer shall be prevented from complying therewith by sots of God, railroad congestion and embargo. Section 43. Where it is desired to use old sewers to oonneot with the city sewer they mist be uncovered for inspection and if found to be in bad condition their use will not be permitted. Section 44. All closets and fixtures shall be on the connection for the house mentioned in the permit. Section 45. 111 work mentioned or implied herein shall be satisfactory to the Inspector, he acting in good faith,and all materials or appar- atus mentioned or implied herein shall be of standard manafacture or better. Section 46. All work and materials appertaining to storm water sewers or any other sewers or drains in the City of Okeechobee shall be governed by the above regulations, where consistent, and in any oas* shall be made satisfactory to the Inspector as aforesaid. Section 47. 111 trenohes or other excavations on public streets or alleys shall be properly wetted down, tramped, or otherwise made satisfactory to the Inspector. Where there are pavements the openings back- fillings, and repairs to the pavements will be done by the Street Department wherever possible, and the cost shall be charged to the plumber doing the work; said cost must be paid before further permits will be given to said plumber. Should the amount of work on hand in the Street Department not permit as above indicated the plumber shall do the work himself under the supervision and to the satisfac- 4 tion of the Inspeotor; but in this case or in the oase of any other work done on the public streets or alleys except that done by the plumber by the Street Department the plumber shall make repairs on all such work at any time within one year when called by the City so to do. Section 48. No plumbing shall be conneoted with the city sewer until a certificate of inspection for same has been issued by the inspec- tor. Section 49. Any person, firm, corporation, or assooiation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be tried before the Mayor and upon conviction shall be subjeot.to a fine not exceeding One Hundred (100.00) Dollars or thirty (30) days in jail, either or both at the discretion of the Court. Section 50. All septic tanks must be at least eight inches below grade level and said tank shall be not less than three feet by three feet by six feet in diameter and inspection will be made on all septic tanks and a fee of One Dollar will be charged on same. Section 51. All roof flashings shall be made from sheet lead and same shall cover all exposed staok above roof. A turn over the top of staok hub flashings will be allowed where required sheet lead shall be not less than four potnds per square foot. Section 52. No combination ferrules or raymon ferrules will be allowed. All ferrules must be brass fully wiped on lead bends or lead pipe. No soldered joints will be allowed. Section 53. Where the plumber has to make connections with the oity sewer and there has not been an opening provided the sewer may be tapped but only in presence of the Inppeotor, and the sewer shall be properly saddled. In no oase will the end of pipe be allowed to con- nect into the sewer. I 4 v Section 54. All residences and business houses shall be provided with what is known as "a property stop cock" for use of the plumber in making repairs on the premises, and in case there is not one the plumber shall get permission from the Superintendant of Water Works or the Plumbing Inspector before cutting off the water; only in case of bursted water pipe, then he shall install a property stop cock. Section 55. 111 places of business and residence within a reasonable distance of water and the sewer shall provide one closet and one sink. Section 56. All lead work where concealed or inaccessible must be wrapped with galvanized wire cloth of one - fourth or three - eighths mesh securely fastened by wiring or soldering same in place. Section 57. All Ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Read a first time and by unanimous vote passed to a second reading. Read a second time and by unanimous vote passed to a third and final reading. Read a third time and passed in open session of the City Council this day of Approved b me this /5 X day of , . D. 1926. A. D. 1926. i President of t City Council.