1974-01-22 Recessed January I0, 1974
The above ~orkshop ~.~,c.c+~.nS ,~as postponed.
Janua~ 22, !97[~
The City Council of the City of ~eechobee, ~orida, met in recessed session at the City
Hall on the above date at !:O0 P.~{. with the follo'.gng: ~yor Rudley ~am, ~esident Donald L. B~k,
Councilmen: Fd..rard t~. Douglas, ~ssell V. Domer, E. H. H~t, Clifford C. Betts, Jr., City ~erk S~dra
Be~ett and ~rector of ~b~c l~orks, L. C. Fortner, Jr.
President B~k called the meeting to order.
~ector Fortner presented a job application for Motor ~erator ~uipment n~er I Trainee
from Wallace Wa~e Norton. ~rector Fortner stated that Norton had worked for the City for 7 months
before going into the a~. Co~cilman Hunt moved to e~!oy Norton at a Trainees sala~ until he
proves ~mself, seconded by Co~ci~ Douglas and carried.
Closing doc~ents were ~r~ished by the City and accepted by Farmers Home Ad~stration
on the $400,000.00 loan . ~e Comcil authorized the City Clerk and ~yor to execute the Bonds,
after, ch a check in the amount of $400,000.00 was presented to the City.
Councilman Hunt ~oved to authorize the City ~erk to transfer the bal~ce of $32,152.53
from the old account , ,~ster and Se.ger Sys'tem Construction Fund to the new account, City of Okeechobee
and Farmers Home Ad~nstration, and transfer $68,847.47 from ~e Cigarette T~ Fund into the ne~.z
account, seconded by Co~ci!~n Betts and carried.
Councilman H~t ~oved to authorize the City Clerk to issue voucher checks from the new
account in the amount of $1,424.65 to The 0keechobee County Ba~< to pay the interest on interim loan
to date, seconded by Co~ci!man Domer and carried.
Upon motion the Co,oil adjourned.
F~brua~ g,
~e City Council of ~e City of Okeechobee, ~orida, met in re~l~ session at 7:00
on the above date at the City Hall ~th the following present: P~yor Audley D~am, ~esident ~o-tem
Russell V. Domer, Co~ctlme~: E. H. Hunt, ~ard W. Douglas, Clifford C. Betts, Jr., City Clerk
Sandra Be~ett, Director of ~blic Works L. C. Fortner, Jr., Attorney J. ~ward Curren, B~lding
Official Rich~d B. ~ray, ~ef of Police, De~tt H. Staats and ~re ~ef Olen ~n.
In the absence of ~esident Burk who was absent due to illness in the f~ly, ~esident
Pro-rem Domer presided over the meeting.
~esident ~o-tem Domer opened the meeting ~th prayer by Counci~an Douglas.
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