0226 (Taxes)IAN; E NO, 22E • • GOTT7 (OP °E.OoXIMBI.iIE., FLORIDA, LEVYIN(.1., ASSESSING AWO .A O;',AOX ITON THE AL1 AND USE OF TRADE AND AMUSEMENT PUNCH BOAXDg T, j N ••••0,TO fOlOITY; PROVIDING FOR THE C OLLECTION OF SAID TAX; PC4 VIOIA. TTON lihREOF, AND '14'OR CR PURPOSESp. X Trade Boards or punch boards for amusement purposes Rri. to be boards . used for the distribution of merchandise or -ori7.es rr witOloo of value In tbe of Okeechobee, Florida, ,TTION 2, WOOUO.:.,•OnO•NOL TAX: There is hereby levied and assessed kgainst snp,aginp; n the business of distributor of trade bosals oo outJo. -b0000...e. for amusement purposes, and. occupational tax of :50.0-0 for tac. fiscal year, or part of year so engages in such buslneoss, nd. tl'000 Ousinass Shall not be included under any other 0 11S tne a cAr o o (oo)oi to ,on or 11 c ena occupational License Tax for rerria .1.noatt 1947 license year shall be on a pro rata basis. LO,..ICT-O.•N OOO • Di...FINE;D: A distributor of trade 'boards or punch b,:7,,ikra :4 for. amusement purposes is defined. to be any person, -11Lo engages in s e1I1n or distributolog, or convsy- 5r: r:N trd s t o o ther person, fi rr, or corporation ti s Plo•rida, for ultimate use b7 the public, 4, An op erat or le a merchant or other persoj displaying 3,4 AA boards o • punch boards for amusement purposes in Plaoe of to.,o.1, s r .4n o ther place, and of f 'ring to s ell c hancies urer s ar patrons. Anyone attempting to $ ell W".n.0-10t oo oord rather tlan individual punches or chances, s naal be a distributor, 3O:CrION. 5, A.17oTTODUN)R It shall be the duty of the d a tri but or of trade t )MAC} I b oards for amusement papas es to affix tax_ 7A:21711)1 ty of Okeechobee said Tax stamp to have serial •atai:ber t tax stamp in ink to correspond wi th k the serial •woer •0000 Ovide board 'unch h oard or amusement purposes. Each llaemod tor: t3h nil be issued. a number by the City of Okeechobee o.04 dispelui!Lng SR d trade or amusement board, shall x iurUt 1:Lott ed by the Ott y of Okeechobee on the back of said b;1..,Tof:•:i. by. 4z..t.T1 rubber stamp by said City, Tax stamps shall not • placed on f4.n-y. trade board or amusement board not bearing the number of licenoo6 Oro ix or stamps shall be securely affixed to 3.;y::!. 1r4.cle f■oards and amusement boards being glued thereto, nd to& ;tar s hid1 not be transferred from one board to another. It iiI loo urIPTta for/ Any iistributor to distribute, or any operator t. off fa7o • use, any such board Which does not contain a stamp, ro5ocroerlo' o.‘o htrei 31 liprovided. All licenses for the op erat 1. on mre ltdrel) sutlect to e eey eeee Aiteln6e. rotrelnafter tssueS. snsli o and 4nd >v the is1 rc f SUCh licenses eee e..ee rve3 the orivilege of eeterine any piece bclrde f&r.1 ,leepleeed for .publd -pst in order tleat tee, eeee eee leeeeceed. Any each bcere or boards being so displayed for tee eeeJA.e. eee vithoct the proper tax stamp affixed may be imediatel confImdtated ..v2H:ience of the illegal operetion thereof, and all licenees leeeee e2ee toeissood for tUe operation . of such board or boards 0/1/ e?3.elereeee. ldet, to duct) rlzht of confiscation. th Illegally operated -board: or eeeree„ en addltion to the penalties otierv1a. set forth. eeeeene or ee.e,tie]m of tees ordenance, 11; is expressly provld d beereee ee tee eeeenee of anyd istributor or operator of such boards 1t 2' be eeeekee ee- the parvell for a period not to exceed 60 days froJe 1.t-2'e eade eiolaeion, upon eonelction of the violetion in the -yuvt4.0 e7ee ji he t'ne dut7 pi; all aistrebntors name, ft1ous, corporate ',r reAL Atb t o.cupatin. or bueinesswienthe license Inspector of lad 39.;Tr. 7, ee Teeeeeee: txade board or punch board for pupdpor displayed for sele be * distributor:, or by an eleeretor .oJlirLnt or other per. •on in his place of busi ness or 7)14;.4 • the public or 'ix consumers or patrons are perm tted tn rce-e, or punches thereon, shall have affixed thereto of Okeechob400 Florida, on the face of the fiA forIowa BOARD. :,00 holes inclrsive TI:,4rA4 t,1 1000 holes inclusive 50V B0ADS 5,1 nett punch h1PC'harlit Board 25/ punch 1000 holm eharlie Board 1.00 10/ per purlc. 1 iT)0 hole to 1200 hole inclusive 1.25 ef.el per puneh. 106C holm to 1200 ho/le inclusive 1.50 '04r 11.1 hole to 1200 hole inclusive. 1.75 '.00 pwr, 10- hole to 1200 hole inclusive 2.00 AeUereMENT egreek 1')■/- Dt,t‘ peech ee L 4i0 holes inclusive par arts 400 noles to 750 holes inclusive per punch, 'e50 boles to 990 holes inclusive et/ pmr een& e. ee0 holes to 1790 holes inclusive ee pee punch over 1209 toles la/ Per Puneb "ee te-pOdboles Inclusive 10 gtr Punch -2,o1es to 750 holes inclusive 10/ per puno'h r1.- holes to 1000 inclusive 10/ per punch ovr 1000 holes 25e 50d 75/ 1.40 2„ 00 50/ 75j 1.25 2.00 300 halls inciusi7e 5Q' -.,6.b1 es t 500 holes inclusive 1.00 -25e r,cr 7:.'17,1fil 0 tol.ae to 1000 holes inclualve 1.b0 l000 laoils 2.00 ..c,, blviob. bT1 ',,Jo 300 holeo inclusive 1.00 P4'..,r• 774r.7• ',_!:, ;h4.3._.00 to 500 boles intilusive 1.60 50C bbb' p.un.c. ...:0,:::, '-.,rbies to IOC° holes inclusive 2,00 50? br ounch orr 1000 holes 2.50 1.00 .,o4r 'owl..f.*,. -lb t:..:.; ZOO hc.la tnell:I.Aive 1.00. 1.X por protA .:DG toles to 600 holes inclusive 1.50 r.,,..:..',:.: ..loles to 1000 h1 inclusive 2.00 1.00 per ouncb. over 1000 boles 2.50 Aly peraon OlapU7ing a I3oard for salt without having the tax stanp affixed, Ity of violation of this Ordinance. The displaying of a trade bok.r 1Tor 1/.1.a0, r tile possession of a H rd which hss been punobeloay0 ,g'i:'Ach the tax stip is not affixed shell be primafaoie FOV-Id.ttflA t" violation of this Ordinance. • 'T.:54.17'.1.13 AS TO Tia ,:,';MPS; The tax stamps to be affixed shall.. he of rn allA size. es ne7 be designated by the '7,1,t'T of Mee - ohobee, Y,1110h. tax starlp *nd affixed under such. 7,.,1 es and regiamtions tH.:n Olty of OkeeChobe, may prescribed. A tax ta7' sball ha oiled.. oh:17 or the board to which. It was cripJhaliy affixed, 1 no7 •the allle of such. ntamrs aTholl be bald.. into the Troasulrb ;b1t7r of OkeeCobee, Aorlds, n;j 71'6 B0.4,,ADS T,,C4 GAMBLING: It be unlawful aod tis c'haoter to ree such trade boards or amuserrert 'bobrda for OF4.0; nr waerinF purposes, or for any. purpose tber than 1 t;PJ,I., bAlr:',d or amusenent board. 10. ;10j TC PIXY: It shall be unlawful arl 7T0lAtn to brit an.7 minors actua1l7 or apparently, to .ola:7 .oh. &v,b41.bm or bunches on sail trade boards o smusernent falaa boardel operator or nerchant nernItting same bersonally„ or ::,Ti4..\(t or ebTloyer„ sball be punishe1 . an hareinafter U4k. V103A17()N.;. An7 person, firm, or cornoratIon IJA11 ,T.Any. of tbe.terrls of this ordinance, shall upon . o1i nlihf,4 b7 a fine of not .19re than .:::::„5.00.00. or b7 cl_t7 or at hard labor upor the public ror 4 tern not exceeding 60 lays, or b7 sucb. fine the lIscretion of the MUnicinal Jud7e. " 'r This ordlnance shall b f3r, 17, 4,f.fectl.v 177T the. ,J0-onntl snl an'proval by the 1 7.„ 7rvw.m lnd partn of laws In conflict 1-,orewith be and 6 4447 p4a ,9414d t 0 S*0 r di A-rit., 17, p.9 s tt ird Arl.cf f.1.11,11 1r41.7 b.7f thls K. Yililiazal OP CI. TY (7.775777.17, 7.11 orak t Brobt fl) 0 " c30T11.; 0,1,;(11!)C • 1), 1947 • • :1, rs MAYOR '47Y. 1Y omEcTiOBEE ',L'L() {1 DA