0188 Licenses and Taxes)ORDI NANCEIBEI AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING LICENSES AND OTHER TAXES, PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT AND COLLECTION `)~IEiEOF AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR DOING BUSINESS WITHOUT LICENSE OR 0`ll R FAILURE 73 COMPLY WITH THE PRO- VISIONS THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF WE CITY OF OKE.:CEOBE? , FLORIDA: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in or manage any business, profession or occupation mentioned in this Ordinance within the corporate limts of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, unless a City License shall have been procured from the Tax Collector of said City and attested in the name of the City Clerk and the Corporate seal of said City impressed thereon by the City Clerk, whose fee for attest- ing and placing the seal thereon shall be twenty -five cents, paid by the person or persons, firm or corporation taking out ;Aid license. Section 2. All licenses shall be payable on or before the first day of January of each year, and no license shall be issued for any fractional portion of a year except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, and except that any license not otherwise specified may be issued after the first day of July to expire January first upon payment of one •half of the amount fixed as a price of such license for one year. Section 3. All licenses may be transferred with the approval of the City Clerk, with business for which they were taken out when there is wfide sale► and transfer of the P and oapiayed is inass ae stook in trade but such traasfsrred linenso all not d for sny longer time or for any Ober plaae than that for which riginally issued. legal t se ldu as as business o *nod in this soot on, eh in his own name. This seotioa shall apply to every person who negotiates or transacts for himself or for any other buinsss or ion mentioned in this section, but not to inactive etoohho3ders in corporations or ambers of agenoiest Who do not attest to transact a U oenss tax of to otion of a license under e gale of intoxiaati 5. as corpora Or iquorb. aid indifldua"1 who +ad in any business required to tak . omit a 3 iaense as any business for any such agoncet Adding naohinea, sash agen s. Bioyolea each agent for Paya Building and loan associations l osnse tax of twenty dollars. Building and 3osn aasooiati ens• tax of one hundred dollars. Claim and ooiisatios agenoies, not taxed as bankers o tt or motive member of .hall pay a license tax of ten dollars. en* for shall i ers, not taxed as merchants, rich agent for shall f twenty dollars. sere, toreigh, harm. a License tax is pay a lioe>aee ta: of ten se, fair sale or ezah tax of ten dollars. Soling ma+Qah& nes all pay a license tax of ten apply to morghants who also do age samships or steamboats, Typ ate. Tailors, foreign, liars. Provided that this shall not se do a general mercantile business. AUTOMOBILES AGENCIES. . Automobiles ras or corporations, engaged in the sal* of auk rucks, shall pay for each pace of butanes* a lie liars. fifteen dollsfs, pro embers of agency . Provided that this mercantile business. agent for, shall pay a pal dad th4* cgs; boats shall pay a license of ten dollar wri ters, ash rating only for shall pay a lioense taz of tars NON. I SID TS SELLI BATS AT Who is a non- resident of the Uity of Oke+ the business of selling automobiles at r Okesohsbse, she pay a loons* tam of 412. I MOTORCYCLES. Dealer* las a otoroyales shat dollars. AUTOMOBIL;: F TIRE AND TUBE DIALERS: Tbsrs io hereby imposed bile tai of A AIL. .. Any person engages in City of and 10,10d on every person, firs or oarporatiea engaged in tbo auto- mobile tire cad tube business in the City of Oksnohobee tax for *soh Loch person, is by required to t ness and to pay the Olt Lash place of business. AEI. WRO ARE AUTOMOS /L T1 D TDSE DEAL *Ter?' corporation who buys auto btie tiroe and tubs or either of business of se"s ons -hax.f dollars or corporation so engaged in sysh business tit a Oity license for such plans of bust. end tax hovel* required and lifted for who is *nosed in soiling automobile tiros and tubes or as a s partite or independsat besiaoss or in aonneotian business, is hereby declared to be an automobiles tiro Mosier. AMMO axing to the a license of nutomob s LES GARAGES. . Au' tag automobiles or 1 pay a license to d for an autoonbils license tax shall bs collo tsd from idad, that when d in the sal* autobi is garb or 'gently for keeping, storing, oaring for and repairing automob £DYERTISIgd ON STREETS WITH BANNERS, ETO. -. Eseb person, firs Ctr ao tton advertising on streets with banners, floats, oartoona, didats Otty fir adze by Or by any other moons, where no rohiol of five dollars. Provided that this oh public; office e. PAT EE'T M DIQIYE VENDORS AD T dicta' vendors advertises: undr►d dollars. IXSIIG ON STREETS WITH BANNERS by means of banners, float*, pay a 1ioo tae of ton dolled . ProVide4 t spp ly to ooaaere t sZ bedi sa, beards of trsds s lotto contests or merchants this ssotIs the shall pay a ly to ow. ay other NNL$,EX'Q.�. rel shows or v us tt' fairs, Shen they advertise; proYtded that this shall not candidates for public office, athlltio oaten* or sat►.. s who pay other city license. apple hang ILL POSTING.. Aguas, as ations or cowpox. attoas or rthsr persons engaged in the business of bill pe>sting hall pay a license to of ton dollars. DISTRIBUTING CIROULARS , *Tip..- Agents of one or ether porsuns distributing eiroulars, rtising matter, • opt local merchants, sdverttsiog is this u their owns geode and me r =dies *kali pay a li asase tax of ten dollars. AO CiiIgT Persons, firms, corporations or aaseai,ations engaged in the business of accounting, s "rtt tieing, kospng or regulating accounts or beaks of psirsts i«ndi+riduals or aorpor hone, accept bookkeepers regularly employed and under salsas by such so tact ! of ten 0.t on of assooiatioa. vats individual* or oosporation, shall p ars for each psraon or somber of the fire, MAIMS IN ALLIGATORS. - i alars is alligators shall pay a lie ease tax of ten dollars for **eh place af' business. ULLYTI# AL Q I:M[ISTS. ARALTTICLL CHEMISTS SHALL PAT A ax of ton dollars sac. AROHXTZQTS.•. kraalot$ shall. pair a license r. AUCTIQ co dollars sash. ABSTRACTORS 0P TITLRS.- gash indlridu ciy oonduotbilit the busts'sss of abstracting titles r is 'bole, shall pay a license to of ten dollars. AMUSIMINT PARIS. Persons firms or corporations operating ramently located *augment parks within whtoh area operated rry- go- roundas, sailor (masters, theatrical and other exhibitions, rid pszforaacss , shall pay a lionise htr oply to ssseeiations e county fairs. Ali *hosing sti pay to the Qit fifty dollars be oas dollar AO p bon sed for the purposs of holding a*nusZ PAALO OR P ar pew ar smolt as lung or 'the ar de lieu of all o hen less than fi r machine. ts, s music bones, 'sighing ■*cant; of similar ohasaotsr, Oh Mitt 'icons• tax, the sum of slot machines, the tam shall AUTOlATIQ VENDIIG YAQHiNU. - Autoaatio reading machine*, Sod for profit, shall pair a license tact of one dollar for s or device; provided that autoaat a vending machines, tug oups or postage etamps and operated on railroad stsaaboats or in railroad stations or pubiis waiting rocs, itt lie* a taz shall bo required. ARMS, HEALERS IV ZVO. Dealers in ass, including pistols, bolds k nss, sling shots, brass knuo rlos, Springfie # rifles, re.. posting ri.flos, a►ar dirk kalgss, .ball, pad a license tax of firs dollars. ASTROL I i9 T8.- Astrologists ohs .'l. pay a llamas* tact of sd dollars. TURKISH? ROSSI ? OR OTHER BATHS .. +mars or aa*agers d for profit or r ltoenge t shall pay a 1Josses of Tuzkieb, Russia* public use and abo pay ton dollars. their baths V* POOLS pools; with aiimeiag pools owners or operated for public) use or profit; liar tax of fiftson dollars. DRONERS DEALING IN STOOKS AND BONDS.* Broksre d tsli»g in stooks and bands shall pay a license tsar of t*nty. fly r dollars. XERS DEALING Is INSURANCE.* Brokers deeding in a- e shall pay a license, tax of ten dollars. KERS DIALING IN MERCHANDISE,- *rokers dsdliog in ser pay s license tax of tea dollars sash. IRS IN BUTTERISZ.- sr*sale dsa are is but rinO al packages oaa .y, eha .t. pay a liosnas tax of fits an LEFT IN SEED ►BAND BOOTS AND pots and shoes *hall nar a ltoi pleas of business. RTES. 0sntr* or pay a livens, tax of s of bait liars. ors in irs dollars stsaa hairerios shall pay a lions s tax of to dollars. BMES, BANKERS AND TRUST OOMPANIEB; 1'oiO REGARDID AS BANKS/10. Haring a capital of too hundred and fifty thousand dollars and sor0 than oas hundred thousand dollars shall pay a li,osnse tsar of fifty dollars. • Raving a capital of one hundred thousand dollars and nor than fifty thousand dollars shall pay a Itemise ass tar of tvsnty fits dollars. Hawing s capital of fifty thousand dollars and ore then tan thousand dollars shall pay a license tax of fifteen liars. Hating a capital of ten thousand dollars or less shall pay a liasnse tax of ten dollars. eery insorporatsd 'bsa lr 0a other bank aoapany having a plus of i.eass shore o sits or ool sation of mousy oa ourrsnoy, subject t ► be paid ST dr s, advanoed er loaned era at or promicsarf cotes, Or rea regarded as s bank or banks of this ordinance. BARBERS ens* tax of five► dollars. ar sac x sdd tax of to and ons -half dollars seal BILLIARDS VA POOL TABLES ' . Bil isrds or pool tables, or profit, shall pay a lice nse tar of twelve and ace .. "or each tablet Provided that no license shall be ued to a minor. BOARDING HOUSES, ETQ, ODON DATIONB FOR LORD t8 OR orders, s►r where money bills of •zohsage or sale„ shall be ved for and sub, at o the provisions id. BO E " OQ MR= WIDOWS EZtDVTED. houses,, lodging houses and otelst laving s000m aodattons for three hundred or more lodgers or boarders shall pay a lio ace test of too hundred dollars. With accommodations for two bwadred and 1Mu than three hundred 'lodgers or boarders, ahall pay a license tax o one ihillAtA and fifty dollars. With accommodations for one bled hundred lodgers or boarders, *hall pay a ,i,oens dollars. th s0comd*dations for serren trip five end lodgers or boarders, shall pay a liaenes t With saooa*odatioas ift Ns and less than seventy-ft/CO orders, shall pay a aemee tax of twenty..five dollars. ao Mittens for twenty -fire and less than fifty lodgers or boa rders, all pay a license tax at~ fifteen dollars. h accommodations far fi tses and less than twenty - firs dollars. s, shall pay a license tax of to d to accommodations for ten and leas that fit a ers, *hall Ae+ce emadations mean the number PLY cinse tax of five dollars. r ledgers or beds habitually ars shall bs con.. t for such lodgers ardor*, and not the number of rooms in the houses Providld, doves owning property valued at fits thousand dollars or 1 t be required to pay a license tax for conducting a boarding • a R, MA SHOPS OR TO Ownsr1 ar managers r foundries, ha+ ing more than one thousand seed in the business, shall psi a license tax of ten dollars. TARES OR TAa?ORI1$... Owners or managers of brick yard* shall pay a license tax of ten do11ass. LDING AND LOAM ASSOCIATIONS. .. B'ui ding and. loan asaeoj. shall pay a liosuse tax of teen ►firs dol .rare. CANE RACS$, BALL GAMES.- $all games (not oase racks, or any other staila gala or device, baseball) , knife *ben operated for profit shall pay a license tax for sash gams, task, device or machine, of five dolaars. BICYCLE RIA$.- Owners or managerre use tax of fifty dollars for eats h p1 BOILING AND BALL ALLEYS.- Owners or managers of bowling ty.ftve and box ball alleys shall pay a license Sera 04011 plass of bu,sinsas. INSPECTION. . Each person, of boiler inspeotion shall p ducting th+s ten dollars BOAT ax ooh' 'icon** tax of Ln .- Psr sons, ftras or sor ►o tton ,Wilding aontrask, a1 .I1 require tea p tense tea as follows *trading f`or buildtug boots 4t errs than tw**ty. fiv* toms, r batldiag boa to tea dollars. Y. Owners and m dollars. Baggage tea AG liarery li oemse has bows for soh aeon. RIQTQ AIR SROPL Oar other lice** do of iare tons sad book bindery, shams as for ouiblie bi d, shall pay a Tioense tax of fuse dollars for whop T RLAOK STAB tes and barb* . Owners or m stops d a ag rs of bieyc T a ;License tax of tea o and not more than two seats ere o' e tar of *10 mast seats and t more than furs seats, fins dollars; more than furs seats and twu soots, seven dollars and ftftir ass's.; mo re t ; seats, tea dollars. OAT RUSES OR TAROS. .• Owners or managers of boat houses or t $. seott ds, karpisg row boats, mnali, sail boats„ etc rill or ioease tax of rive dollars : Prodded that this parsons having three or less sail beats. AIMING f`AQTORIES.. Owners or mss of Gaming n the bus e of canning fruits, vegetables, fish; ses, shall not spplir to farmers, fruit or vegetables growors, who San products. QI9I ZSG Tr license tax of tem dollars: Provided that Rg, SORVIYORS. me re, surveyors vidusi shall pair a lto•nse tax of ten dollars. CLAIRVOYANTS. rvoy**tis, oz spirit sodium givi r profit, shall poi► a iaoeaee tar of fi s* hundred dol sw Qr annually a liais tax to in ..044 AAD iQse. • vs or o tt Char ter anatomy, as oeritias or 0 of tea dollars far s ifteen altars sooty dollars for *soh ten dollars for tt tilling has* so or i ter a of Obtaaee Okeeshobee of •.» landlias shits a i%u*nse tax of teesty dollars* alexa eash regiatera or cos throe filliashoe416 stems ates off Urs. 0 ay annually a ]4cuaee at tea dollars* der Shill p a ti0ease of tern dollars* +$ asks is ets a , tiho pay *ease tax of fills 114•46 tas shell pa a itemise of tea dollars. . Dealers is oecondo.hand elothi shy vidnal of tireektrofive dollars for each VS Ort shell a a 1t0 tax of tea dollars =MOO OUX nottlo Chewing gm or a ere of oarriase re of old at0 rasa plaMOS operated liar profit, profit pay 1 3iosass titre dollars Provided sppl to stands oiler ted ixt anection with ,:,,r re dealing 11* assent „ ,n. or artifieial Ni 0M40 mall pay ax of ton dellass, Provided, this shall not apply to a regular li to ANDY qT iiow Candy attends on streets dollars tsar stash and. T o- Contractors ' all kinds, not other r **triad 0, all ply a lieenaa tax of teen 4al.l, set P 'a dodo say person or parsons not bnldiag thaws a out ad of building *antra ntSTI T$ incest _ Providado no license dhall b ram thin than a having , tAbliabod C14 ists and physicians, rmenantly 1 pay lies tat at' ton ►11 entiato, non.r eaal.dont or travel , i X11 eveva and horse tr a se/ el otherwise horset males ear oust live .to* lime *u of ton and every neoe shall be aubj t thi license. Tht a *halms.. *vary parson bringing a et d into this +pity ter ems. LIET TIy« ti Ry 4 lot e tax yi deteotiv, ti3ra or Corp Oration t twasty.tive dollars individual who is leyad as e private tax of ten doll.ai* p rovidod . that pay Y p fir'} '44 ifs, of to 0. s or oo;st **fox fo ► pe of bmaisass of o Aollasso WTNIO 14 r'" tt OA tztPT. Ally person, or pootvr . 1 �µr t, . ; o r at t v i1F t. above set out: so ► °ompsssstes or iadt ?i Massa s ells*** o P Y dolle . cloaasts tax of ,0144 the furaiab ter' dssi, snot ausioipai oo t shall sot him frOR 0144; p customers AAA maki ex' twat rats; more than as Airy of 1p in sootloa aU t! *$ 3 0 ply piton of 000 t r sii+si first so•► d of 8 part of a year The term the business rera or esti i is ire this the 1t Itaef eoepsni U t 1',. i, a de rn in gasolin. doll paying no other tax of throe to I ati t profits ell 0 and even as Shuffleboard , throat t the reto* spsoifted in this ordinenoo, en dollars midi, 0 PLANTS, •, any Ok oboe, unions and until th tai cO actor of said Qity e hundred dollars, 3/PNOTI1T3. ,. Professional ►ypnotists Shall and dollar', VLND4A3 OF U30 4 patent medicines e of any kind , intended for pay a lioense tax of fifty dollars rers or makers of harness end dollars, TALI, ; ` 0. anitarieme or d»isda ese or i*bit°, far x profit, *hall a ty + ee s. dodi that this Shall fli. e Sharnaterp e onduotei by el Pori buotatino of bat sot five dellosik ony bontyislivo donors. boort of to oompo of yof t omits + d therewith and the arigh lioeneo t* z ? A ti ospaOit ; of to do.i rs, th a capacity of mord t ah iii license tax 'th a i t d ed enid fit' y d011 axs. day s pant. e 1, pay 4 on tons and low) than taty #iftoen dollars. cyr f twonty toes and AO ra than thirty toss se az of t ►tyfive j an thirty ton tax of fifty dol a s. 4 olapao y0 7. all pay as ty Of soro to sixty tons and ions the ono ali p y ii ttw to Z neva a ty dollarn. oity cat ane hundxod t !Ind lean than ono bun- per dmyr, nhall p ~y 1 e tat of ono hundred . to at retail #fit Or ' Wf1.0011. . do !, no of nth doll axe Oft t !` , rd an be 03 naming by power LAW I. . "u or loons to o required to pay a lioosso tax of for biro or public use, l reouirod to livens* t of dollars for e lath with a *treaty + f twenty lass :;, ;, exit sore. and Is* t ctss thart t > . st awnars ax amagere pay alie • buokote liars for each launolt laith f°'f'.- .AFB• taster f five dol 1 for nr).. LASISOO $ dialers, -y to 1o1l ars, *en pav se tax of fifty 414anuftaturors tits ohs of t facto . rrs of candy t y Ines] a. barrels, tub., vitt ton dollars* shall pay 1, livens. tas oa on bead ,five dollars. trim* of five tax do Uinutaatuso t.a d11X*. ganufacturera of terra ootta„ henearo„ "otter other 1ar products, 0411 pay lions° tax of tan dollars. P„aufactorero of tile, shalI pay a license tax of dol i4anufaoturors of Sh, 400 of ton dollars. 'anufacturero of moss dollars. menufact oe p pi I pay a tax of ten :L7An , 01441 pq e4 doUar�. 1,anufacturers of fartilizor $ sha twenty. ollIra for etc lant. vonufacturars oS cold tar* iiU g license tsx dollara. or aothiz 1 n vanufacturar tax of tan ollars ki 1.4 nay license iNtS Inop3 RIPAiR IdOPS .nUTTH IHOF chins •boss, repair shops and blacksmith ohopo for public uao, a all pay lioonee tax of five dollars sash., mAlt2L YAnusi. Olnors or a tax ot ton dollars. MR�1 !:70rchantm, d rugitn ad teepers, Shtll p a noon,* ttx to follovas Iror the first ono thousand or traction of dollars of stook et nexaboullso, fis* dollars for oast plow* *X tusilloSso and too mad on/4141f dollar* for Hs& additional thousand Or traotica L%Xb1t all pay thereof; but dealers in merchandise at Aholosale only, shall p4 a lioenee tax of two and onewhalf dollars for each on thouoand dollars Of thair etook of merchandiael Provided, that the 'words Natook of mairchandise shall be held to mean thc caah value: of merohandiso or goods on 'Aand and not the amount of capital stock invested is the build- nese: stook for nnle ta tho ,iws manner Is other morchandise„ *hall not b0 taxed an a sewing machins *goat or dealer. WA0,004TTLO; AGWACIKS4 Mercantile ai4cmoioa 011112 tax ot twAty..ftTt dollar*. MMOtiAgT rTLas.0.0. ,Ilechant t3i1ora 0 a I ply a 1toon� tax of ton dollars for o'...3sh plc, o bUoineOo. TL AL4$, KTO.. 'ental heai-,Irs„ or cal prIloon to heal toy absent treatment, Shall prey license tlx of four hunired dellarn oaChl Provided, that nothing, in thin section retell 141 oonntrued as affecting the mmmbero of any Christian denomination "be pray for the rsoovery of the sick. u'en3Y0.MtmA071/0$4 Mlni.60ro oz OWatral of m Shell pay a license tax of teenty.flve dollars. MALERS ID MEATS, iSlalere in fresh meaty: products at Axoleoale, peeked or refrigurated, *an not connected with an Los factory, Shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. usalers in frosh meats, selling at retail, shall pay a livens* taz of ton dollars: rrovided, that a lic,so tgx ahel.) not be rewired orovided0 further, that any morchant 'wooing miming %%chinos in Of any .person nailing frosts meats of their own raising RAJ CO2! their benifil by such person Or his or her se:snit ?rovided, that this nh111 not apply to morchants Nho also do a gc-narel mercantile business. IMMIQ Osuare or managers of music bozos, whet stad for profit, Shall psy a 1100090 tax of five dollar* for alma inetrumont. f o *tax apply ton do oro Tx *«* 0 nowripap u 0041100 p often Jul aim are. traVaIieg, 11 a of %Ian poste day, w so et/„e for *tab in °lomat Val of twenty rt o to poe $Ctof with power ,Hared : ' duo vas z of of carrying oa hundred dollars do no motionoar Until the owner of perms tb license. d fre+ot `ol lie�►s any sum ,go ►ds wares or ebb artiols to be reold shall be 1 plead ,here the sale is and stile of such rti4l d in the regular ardor in Irish thsy le offered for sale e% emotion be Meade, to bona fide bidder, •a 'd ela permute such art bent fide soak arti thereof and et the plow and i t ►o ut any ware aeon* el +or er ay one cling for or 0 hay for repee such >_uoti.on and there sh411 be but 11 ertilee 0 ddrr fherefor„ if t • e be snob► b eb'11 sake out a list of each art 4 in conspicuous afore such est1e; uoh posted Bete, mob lists and oach offered, if tk bid iule is offered bidding or bidding loner, she1l be no reserT0 prioe an e owed for stile shell bo promptly mold to e 714 its person selling o sold and the pried 0 name of the puxch *seer, and filial poet the die eonsptouously f mach sole for at lest fit„c+ days neact aft(' r such sale* N.f ..a< - lkgaf` w ;9 k' sr PrelleMMI, corporation or reside within this Q$ty, *ring pa id a iiosnse tax to too 1 it shall bo malaiful fs r any pealing oeli,tfr offer tor sale, who ao 00% $roetes or SlOwit plants eitho u* first ea oolleotor of the Qtty of Oks chob0e the sum of five dollars par Pi UM% Palmists shall pay PAT Naafi), ,. Amy pore selling say patet itioshtssabsill pay a Uaaas teat o; five biadrod 00 T O1'ING PAINTERS; PAP HAN{ R . ► Qontracnag painters and paper a,t doing their own work, shall pay a li °ense tag of ten dallrs. PAINT R NU)?AO'! 1J I1.3 ... Manufacturers of abut s r five dollars. PID LliAs OF MOH, D! a.» Peddlora of merch dis , not othorwiae c numer.. ated specifically herein, she .i pay y: lion n e tax of one hundred and fifty Ao lara. PUMAS OF ; ° 40 0IACXS F OM WAGONS.— P*Were of stoves, rang3s and clocks, sold from wa cans, sh=all gay a license tax of seventy ., five Millers. PIDDLING IN AOATs ... O iere, operators or Managers of a ch boat used wholly or in tart for - eddlln T, shall pity a license tax as follower Boats more than fo ;. ty feet in ength, shall pay a license tax of fartp.. five dollar. y a license tax of Bests of less than forty feat in length, shall pm y license tax of fifth Sa X oft dollars. All boats •n:ga.ged to the aal.e of vegetables* the arc ducts of the farm or plantation, fisi$ and oysters, all not be ocnsi.lered as laeddliag boat *. PHf'8 ICIANS AND 3URGZOND... Physicians and surgeons, all. kinds, shall pay a loenee tax of ten dollars. PIANO TUNER'S. Piano fusers all pay a 1 c nas tea of five do11 .re. PHOTOGRAPHERS.— ten dollars sac'. „permanen tly iocatad, shai]. pay a license ON -• RS ID3NT or traveling, all pay a liaenee tax of twenty dollars. homographs. Owners of managers of phonographs, Alen operatod for , eha l pay a lioanso tax of five dollars for each machine. PLANING MILLS Planing ail.le and novelty works, not canneoted with ls, shall prey a license tax 5.00 PICTURI AGENTS.. Traveling plot ure agents shall pay a license ten dollar*. 23 five dollars; Provided, that agents for tho sale of religious 000ks only shall not be required to pay '; license tax. PEA4LIT UART3 AND STANDS.. Peanut ()arts and peanut stands, on streets, and paying no othor lloonse shall pay a licence tax of five dollars each. CONTACTING PLUMBER9.. Contract1ni:7 ilumbers, not doing their own work, shall pay a license tax of tea dollars. PILL DRIVERS.. Pilo drivers, for public hire or oo act- ing, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. R132/W.i.AT3,0AFES, LTC.— Owners or manangers of restaurants cafes and public eating saloons shall pay a license tax of ten. dollars. Pi-vaNBROKLBSI aE,uLizL TU MIEP ALOORD 0? TAANJOTIoN8; RZ0ORD3 JU3J4OT TO IPLOTION.. Porsons, firms, or corporations engaged in the pawnbroker business, shall pay a license tax of one hundred dollars. RAILROADS.. All Railroad buses and trucks lines who operate a Freight Line and a Passenger 4.gency throut,11 s:3d Uity of Okeechobee,Florida, sh3,11 p-v a license tax of tweaty.five dollars oach business. SLAUGHTER PENS.. Owners or :fanaers of slauGhter pens Shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. S"OS"; TAX nuio ON ;,DLIS,'IO 0-1AGE;TAX Cij 0;#0 FaiWTI For ti u so 'h thu Uity Liconad to all:111 os fifty dollars for 0.;.Cl dt For oaeh sido oto tee oity lions e Tax shall be tuty five dollars o..h clay. For any ooncession, whether operated in connection with the Main 6ho, or any side show ux as a sopate unit The City license Tax shall be fifteen dollars for each day. Concession shall be const:cued to mean tne salu la of any article and confections of every kind wh?tsoever. J.O.OS, OR TATILING 1-Iat.Y.,;10 AND MIN3Tita3; 4riAVA,ING MOTION PIOTUlE 3HO1S; PRIVISO.. Theatrical shows, or tr. veling shows or cr,: taX of ten ,layors and minstrels, in buildings fitted up for such r oh nerforace, sh-11 :lay a liemso dollars. Travelin moving.;Aeture shows:ia ouildings or tants slx pay a liCense ta4 for ech day of fifteen dollars. Provided, if they have t7ly other fetures than moving pictures, they shall be subject to the license tax as otherwise provided . for shows: Provided, that owners or managors of theaters or halls umployiais travolita troupes, theatrical, operatic or ainatrel, giving porfornces in buildings fitted up for tiuh purposes Or movin g. picture shows giving exhibitions in buildings permanently used for such purpose, shall be allowed to ive as -nany perforAances or exhibitions in Oa b u1idings or theater a they wish oh payment offifteen dollars. Provided, however, that this section. shall not apply to local =ateur performances: Provided, further, that this section shall not apply to any hall owned or used by any charitable or fraternal organization. &lying prforriInces or exhibitions for thoir own benefit. 1400 00.01,1;aT HALL; RWF GA,R.00 11;TO; k*R.OV13.. L;oncert na1l,7, or places where entortain:ae(ttL; or exhibitiJas are given, 2uch as concerts,balls, daness, variety orformances musio.i or other. W130 ,,,or profit, includia roof C ardens or ::,1.2.cs 'hero refreoh meats are served by fewale waitreses, ;than pay a license tax of two hundred dollars per annum: Provided, that a license, may be issued for one night only, u pon the payment of fifty dollars, but in shah cases the tax collector must write across the license the words, "Good for one night only." Provided, further, that this section :lull not apply to entertainments given for charit. able purposes, the prooeeds of which are given to local charities. SIP 1.1On3. . Ship broker shall pay a license tax of tbn dollars each. UONTa;WTING 3TEV1=R3 .. COntractinc stovodofes shalli pay a license tax of fifteen dollars. Any person em21oyine, other men than the artie od ores of the Vessel Wnich he Own2 or commands, in 1oadin67 or discharing any water craft of any king in this city, shall for the purpose of this Law, be deemed a stevedore. STAIKING JLAUHIN48.. Owners or munaers of striking mach- ines, when operated for profit, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars for each machine or device. SLOT MACHINES.— Slot machines, for vending Tierchandise, owners or managers of, ,en operated for orofit shall pay a license tax of ono dollar each. SAW MILLS,PLANING ',,ILLS DRY KILNS.. Saw mills, including planing mills and dry kilts, shall pay a license tax as follows: :_With_a_daily Qapietty.of tem tho saXid . fa rt or low, shall PaY a tic mae t ix oL ten do1 lars:12,,:ovided, that caw mills cuttin loss than throd thous-ind foot for day eth11 pay no liconso; 4ith a daily Qapaitj of :ilore than tun thusand foot Aid loss than twontpodiyo thousalv'„ fedt, shall r:ly a lime tax of tventy—five dollars. With a daily capacAty oi tiwaty.five thousand fet and less than fifty thousand feet, Shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars. With a daily capacity of more than fifty thouzand foot, pay a license tax of one hundred dollars. SHINGLE. MILLS.. Shingle mills, Whether connected with a saw mill or not, shall pay a license tax as follows; With a daily carp3,city of twenty-.five thousand shingles or more, shall pay a license tax of twenty.five dollars. With a daily capacity of lee than twenty.five thousand shingles, shall pay a license tax of twenty—five dollars, With a daily capacity of loon than twenty—five thousand shirO.os, shall pay a lice-hoc tax of tan dollars. OKATI RINKS.. Owners or anaGors of Skatinq rinks shall shall pay a liconne tax of one hundred dollars.eadh. SHOOTING 'ALI,R112:S... Owners or managers of shooting gallories shall pay a license tax of twonty dollars for each place Or business. TLJO SY3Tii;thS.— 4ach tele6hone coany operating in eilry of Ukeetthobee Shall pay a license tax of twenty—five dollar°. SY61:3014 ILach telegraph company operating in City of Okeechobee shall pay a license tax of twenty—five dollars,. TAADING 1.1J...,, Persons or firms or copporations known •as trading stamp conpaniea, shall pay a Oity license tax of one thousand dollars, • UNI,K 14J Undertakers, who -3.ra not embalmers, sia11 pay a liconse tax of fifteen dollars. Undertakers and embalmora shall piy a license t x of ti7enty- five dollar. WATQIIMAIUAS.- 4atchmakers ah,1 repairers of jewelry, who 7,ay five no other lioanse, Sha!1 pay a license tax of tindollars each. WEILIING M iIi3. Owners or :4anui::,ers of woi6hing machines, wh n oporated for )rofit shall jay u license tax of one dollar for each machine or device. WAGN iTOiU3. agon fuctorios snail ply a liconse tux of ton dollars. iiAdILAJJ.. Owners or managers of bonded or storage warehouses shall pay a license tax of ton dollars. OUPiaNS; 31 JU Tu LA,; Persons, corporations or associations operatin;' Yator comnanies shall pay u cone tax o twenty-fivo dollars. For tho pUrpOSO of this section any porson, or persons, partna ship, firm or eofilpany, or corporati in, iurnisnin water for profit, shall be construed to oe a water corn any: Provided, that pereons having o11 for ,r.ivatt,3 uso, ho ay furniSa not more than twenty five neiaboro ,ith v:ater, shall be exempt from the rovi$ion o this section. 131AIN 2MT130.- 411 confirmod cripples or invalids physically incapable of ,n_nual labor, or all Uonfedorate Veterans of the Qivil ';;ar and _Lows who are copandont won tacir 0fl exertions, Shall be allood to peddio viitaout paying , license, using their own capital only, not in QACOSC; of five hundred dollars, and in counties in whioh they live: Provided, such exemption sii,11 be alloy,ed only uPen upon taa ,;eztific:;to bi td ;,.:oanty LL 4b.r reutaole paysician of the didability to te of soirituoas, via )1.13 or ialt liquors, lightning rods and irott. ZAAATTIOh OISh,L,o V1 oF ieohi) 'AR rtaiAA WAN Any arson who servo h. as an officer or enlisted man in the United State try, Navy or gi::Lrine orps darin the world war bet,een April 6th, 1917, anb November llth, 3_916, or the Spanish . American ar, and who was honoraOly discharc;ed from the service of the United States, and who at the time de his applicatio for license is hereinafter provided shall be disabled from porformin,„ manual labor, shall, upon sufficient indentifisation and production of his certificate or other evi enco, showin6 an honorable dischrce from the service of tho United States in tho United 3tates Army, Navy or Marino Ooros during the 'iiorld bOweon the dates afoi'esaid or the Spanish American =,ar, Oj granted a license to onL;ac,e in any business or occ- upation in the City of Okeechobee ,ItAout the 2ayment of any license t';.x othortrise provided for by 1.,,w; and it shall be the duty of each and every tax atkavaximpixauditat, collector of this Qity, upon compliance with the torrn oi t115.s section by any peon, to isoue, without charge, to such person a licenoe to engaGo in any business or occupation such person ay wish to engage in this City upon the production of such reasonable proof as nay be roquirod by such tax collector to establish tho inability of saie, veteran to perform manual labor; and said licenso when is ,ded shAdte marked acl-ow:; the face thereof " World War Veteran's Licex3e; Not transfer:a:flop " or Spanish. American War Veteran idconso; Not Trmsforable, " wb1h license shall be issued on the same form aa other licenses are issued, but without • charge, fee.. or-other• .er.quisite of anTkinlik-and said•lieense•-• than•isued hall expire at ..the same time and under the oi� oondia. tions as other lioorvi.o:3 expire. tkalt-k0 GAO' PRODUCT3 IfAEAPT FROM LIONOEti TAX,— All farm and grove producte and produets ,I:Inufactured therefrom, eScept intoxp. icating liquor°, wine or boor, shall be exempt .from all forms of license tax when the tagrie i3 oeing offered for vtle or sold by the farmer or grower producing tho sA.d. products. NFOCET OF LILra3E 1AXE3.— The payment of all license taxes shall be enforced by theseizure and sale of the property by the tax collector. TAX COLLEUTOA AY IS U 11RANT TO COLLECT LIC.a3E TAXES.d- Whenever it shall be necessary for the Tax Collector to enforce the payment of ay license taxes he is hereby authorized and empowered to i1331,14 a warrnt diroctina the chief of police or any pelice officers of the City Of Okeechobee to eollect the ewe by leiwy and sale, and any s uch warrant shall have tho same force and offeet as an exevution from the clerk of the circuit court, and the police officer Shall Ivo- eive the same fees as provided by law in the ease of exeoution from the clerk of the circuit courj. CITY truc 64; TAX cULT,eA To ,,,a311 folieazs; DUPLICATE LICASES; PENALTY rij,( iAILOAE TO DISPLAY LIC,AE...* Dvery City license Shall be furnished by the City Ul•Jrk, under his seal of office, to the tax oollector, on the blanks after ei6ning the same and taking his receipt therefor, The tax collector ehall !ff.:ke a duplic.,te of 0Qt1 license issued in the book furnished by the City Clerk, and the person or persons obtaining Mach license Shall keep the sme displayed consp- icuously at their place of buaiMaa and in such Matt= 30 as to ee open to the view of the public an. sub to the inapecti•n of all duly authorized officers of ti e ana upon failure to do no, shall be subject to the :Tents of nother license t.,t for in or :aanatin the busineaz or occupation for such license ;,;a173 obtained, CITY ULX iTO a..EpaT TO CITY OOliNOIL; LI;Ti OOLLAAVR aEquTazo L;KiLY .PAY.ENT TO :;ITY =NI(' The city clerk shall transmit to tho city counotl on tho first Monday of each 44onth It each year, a statement howing the amount of money received for city licenses under the provisions of this ordincel n4 h:.1i publish sai list in same newhoapor .:)rinted in sid county by one insertion in each year, an to the city council a statecnt of all money received for city license tax during the preceding month, with the riamc of aaen person payin, the sam0,0 the awount paia ey each, the dte of an payment anc the business OT profession for which te same issued., Xxdxtixixbastai aauxax qzXuxxUx XXxxsaxxxxxxxXxxamd, A1d said statement dhall be signed by to tax collector a1,1 city clerk, and the tax collector shall make weekly payent of hIllount collecod ey him for city licenses. to 1;1a:a city cleric. LICE:R,F3 (AMBLIAC%—. The payinoat of a liceno e. shall not authorize or le&dize gamblilv, in any manner rtrlt,0 soever, and no provision contained in this ordinance shall be cons—. trued, to real or amend any law or ordinance of this municipality prohibiting or penalizing gambling in any fr)rip. IiConoc ju1ru. , ho ar rJfuso- to .:)ay 1.410 3aaj shall Oo by fiao not o.z_000dia•iifty G60,00) ,dollar, or i4 im.prisomnont not 3x0.2din thirty day or both. Al]. Sootion 6.- ordinances, or part s. of ordinances, in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. section 7.. Thts ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its -..-)assae by the city ceuncil and approval by tao Mayor or upon it bacomin a law without such approval. Read a first time and by unamia)ous conseat passed to a second reading. Read a second time and by unanimous consent passed to a thlrd. and final reading.. Read F third time and was unaniouSly adopted in open November 1937 of thc.) Oity Council this .19 day of XmACCIt, A.D. .1,35. CITY • OF OKB;WHOM4i tii)k•DA ATTjaiT: Alto Watford H. H. Raulerson re •o. nt o Oity to The above and for going Ordinance is hereby approv ad by me Nov. 1937 this 19 day of x41145.4„A.D. W. J. Hand A y