0263 (Meat Inspections)A"]J C.)RDTA-7C.7
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PIT.J.Tc &V7E7f
Pl:OVTDIhG -.7°7:1h-3 773P70TT07.7 07 L17,-,AT 2-..71.71 77AT FOOD
(-151 SETL4.37, CO-7-.2731.1I-71C)7,
13 CiOTT3 on7!\.,,O77.: T 7"'7E'i77'777-17i F07 FOD7
OOD. IffhlcO7CELLI7 OF 2-LS3 A:7) aEaT,Yrrns 27.F2
0ot1C7 17 7.7 T
inD ALT Cf,Ldfb.t7flY
IT 1.01r.LD 77 277, -01J E 3P OI7Y" 07 :1:u • 170TEE,
O: (T 1. It o'-s11 unio7rfrl for any Demon to offor for
csale or to sell for use as hum,an food i Lntke it of th_e Oity of
Hoc bbbeel 21orida, t.h., sleat or meat food products of any oni-al
less the :Lout or most food roducts bca the officisl inpress opj;
n:.sr of' tho ocpa thsont of iculture, .2;uresT, ./-07.12LT.1 industry,
or the of:'ical 1. r3;s i »-T 1i7estoc'n -toard of tbo ::3tate
of fiorida, siowiro: tbe irspection and ap-o--a1 T T any one of thoso
doprtments of such. meat -'m0 ory podueto n food.
3ZO'o7Y: 2. It unlawful. for any rersor to b.avo,
sell, or L:77cpose for sale or wi th. intent to oell fpr pse as 7o=rn food
within the limits of the uitv of Oesch7boe, ilorida, the meet or meat
food products anufpctured Coolo or in part fro- the meat of any
animal unless said meat or food -c)roducis boar tho official impress
taL: or of inspection of oitbor the o. 3. Deps7,t7ert of :ioulture,
3uroau of Ani=a industry, 7r the livestock oard of the ',tote of Florida,
showinz the inspection and approva3 1r a:- cne of those departments of
such at and meat food products for builan food.
'Li27!‘f-ION 3. It 7hal1 bsi..the duty of t-.no :lealth Officer, or
his duly qualified assistants, to make roulsr tions of ell
establishonts preoarin and. bandlin7 neot or rlsot prodnots for
human. comoullption.
It shoal also he the duty of tho Officier
to sei:3o, condemn ar d. destroy any or eat -ood 'rod-cs unfit
for human consum:btion o-' in dirost of ony of tho proriciors
of this Act.
(1-:ii. 4. An oo",son violatino of the nro7isions of
this Ordinsce shall, upon conviction hofor7 tho nieirD1 ourt, be
punished by a fire of not more tbah 'One :.,..rdrod 3^11a:2:3 ( 1C.0.00) or
ho imrprisoned 'not e:0:coe9in7 ;30) :fa., dsy'J f
to aomo:L flIth the provision of this 0rdiranco and the violotion of
b}m ter-oa tboref oholl constitute a distinct snd offoroe
and be punishable aL;
SECT07 5. That all ',)rdinanCes and part of Ordirancos
in confliot with t'oe terns of tis OrcifLnone, horeby re-cealod,
ut all 02dinanr.!.os arid ra2ts of :.irdi.narces :2oL;Jatincr toe slc
neat or neat food nrodacts ad .eln.tin.a. to hoalt and aa-nitati..-oo. and
7.indrod sabiects and. not in or)nilict horowith an notainod
orce and efloct and shall 'Oe do=ed . as cvmulati e of ti s Ordinanco.
Tiffs C)-1,dinanceshall 7oeco,ne 1,7 tbo
Chartcr Act
f said lfty.
Ordinance shall he in. full force an.d offoct nnon its
passao b7 t-n.,3 City Co-c_noil and an7y2oa.l. )77. tbe 7avon.
I'assed and jopted in reTilar aac 4.-is 20th r'In.7 of
3opte:nber A. D 1054.
• n-
1!o above and forcTein annrooTod tbis
of onteriber, A. D. 1054.