0264 (Taxes)r:.1ZDINATTCE c.7 6 +I jt)j FROVIDT-. 7OR T":.L.; LEVY AZI") COTH:,LcHCT7 OF '12-"7 'TEAR 195d L» JTL L 07 :rL'7 A:(YR 1) -7 n IT -F 2:7 -T-7 _L: TOP: N 1. Tt th.c City cf ,_kcec_obee, bore- b7 levies a ifax of 23 ri11s on J-ch dollsr val-tion of eal and 1,e no,-a1 property corno—,te limi+s C the it of Okeechobee, Florida, Tor the 1954; such Gaxos shall ho ass and co-lectod i the arn 'irovidcd lry law, .%,7_D 0-7 _ , ;that no ta-es sball be assessed aL;ajnst lo-osteads, a uallrstlon no more +,har ,,3,C0.00 for tho e-oerel : ind o-P s id Cit. SiJIC 2. rZint C n11 f ueh tax shall n ed or nercl O';:v ass,:zd for 'he c-- Jral of s,id ' -f Lnx Line]] Je ascod or th- I ,nd (1 for t'-e nay- _ont of interestlnd ,ndi-- I)creds, Issc of 1942, of said ECiY"I 3. It s"_-1q11 bo 1:1 e duty of max ,0111 'ctor of said. City and to LLy "1-r of - id 01+-r 5 to divide the 'I'oceeds L-mceived from tax.2s as nfo--sPirl, into the fonds set -)11+ "- Lec.,ion 1 of _rdil-nnco and keen I-11 an(l correct accmrn of -!? -s 16be,r may be dirc'c r". bv the City Cou-,cil. S7C7 4. All -rdina_ccc, o2 parts of Jrdinanc.:s, in con- fl*ct qcrowith Le, n-d +*'e srmc are herehv re-enled. 5. Is Grdi s' -111 " o -1r full force and -"oct "(-)r) its pa-2sa,7e cv Ll'e Counc'l aod n-ro-cl - ayor. Tassed and adopted in r@ c1-r dion-leed ses-'on ihis 20th day _)f ,2>etembor A. D. l'd, 0 Tie above and. foro7o1n Ordinance is hereby anroved this 20th day of September, A. D. 1954. L1tLd ',I 1,_ OKCJO-F.-1-) ii:ORIDA ?