0281 (Police Fees)O R D I N A N C E NO AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE FEES TO BE PAID TO Pitiftgifflana? POLICE 0' THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITE OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE. That the AMMMONNW Police of the city of Okeeehobee, Florida, shall be paid a fee of Five Dollars for each conviction, plea of guilty or bond forfeiture, had in the Mator's Court of said city, in addition to his regular salary fixed by said city council. Sec Two. That said salary agd fees shall be pajtdble monthly by the council of said city. SECTION THREE. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith be and the same ere hereby repeald. SECTION FOUR. That this ordinance shall take effect upon its due passage by said city council. ATTEST: APPROVED BY ME THIS THE DAY OF JULY, 1957.