1973-09-18 Recessed in the best interest of the City to reserve such accumulated flmds referred to above for the purpose of always being available to meet the bonded obligations as they fall due, and to meet any contingency that may arise. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Okeechobee by this Resolution designates such fund together with interest from this date forward, as General Obligation Refunding Bond Sinking Fund. This Sinking Fund will be held and accumulated for the purposes expressed above, and if not expended during the period of the bond issue shall be used to satisfy the final year or years under the issue. WHEREFORE, the 0ity shall levy annually sufficient municipal debt millage to pay principal payments, interest payments, and Paying Agent fees as they fall due. D~E, RESOLVED and made effective the 18th day of September, 1973, at a re~mular adjourned meeting of the City Council, City of 0keechobee, Florida. Donald L. Burk '" PRE~ID~T OF CI~" "' COUNCIL ' ATTEST: Lorena ~ive~ CITY CLEP~ Attorney Ourren recommeded that for the City to be in compliance with all post audits reports from Auditor, we needed to according to Ordinance, deposit Water and Sewer Receipts in proper accounts and by making up three months and depositing into proper accounts the City will be in compliance. Councilman Hunt, upon recommendation of Attorney Curren, authorized the Clerk to issue check as per Attorney Curren's instructions to make ~he City in compliance, seconded by Councilman Betts and unanimously carried. The Council agreed it would take the following mills to balance the budget, therefore, Councilman Domer moved to set the General Fund Millage at 4.50 mills or 4.50 per thousand and to set the General Obligation Refunding Bonds Millage at 1.65 mills orl.65 per thousand, seconded be by Councilman Douglas and unanimously carried. The Cl~rk~ Il/authorized to certify the millage to W. C. Sherman, Okeechobee County Tax Assessor, at September 25th meeting. Councilman Domer reported the need of changing location of flood light over settling basin at water plant also that the hand rails were too close to building and stairs needed to be re-adjusted. Director Fortner requested permission to check light out at night to determine proper location. get The Council requested Director Fortner to/the amount of additional expense in re-adjusting the stairs and report to Council at Septembber 25th meeting. Councilman Domer moved to instruct the Contractor to move the hand rails away from building and authorize Director Fortner to determine proper location for light and determine if it should be moved, seconded by Councilman Betts and carried. The Council recessed to meet September 25th at 6:30~'~;"~M' ~ '~'~~ ~ .~_/, PRESCOTT CIT~ COUNCIL September 25, 1973 The City Council of the City of .Okeechobee, Florida met in recessed session at 6:30 P. M. on the above date at the City Hall with the following present: Ma~or Audley Dunham, President Donald L. Burk, Councilmen: Clif Botts, Jr., Russell V. Domer, Edward W. Douglas and E. N. Hunt, with Attorney J. Edward Corren, City Clerk Lorena Spivey, Deputy Clerk Sandra Bennett and Director of Public Works L. C. Fortner, Jr. A letter was read from Superintendent Ralph Diggs in regards to letter from the Department of Education in reference to manicipalities being authorized to use Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for recreational programs, requesting a letter of the City' s intent. Councilman Nunt stated it was to late for 1973-74 budget as the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds had already been allocated to Water System Improvements. Matter referred to Attorney Curren for opinion on October 9th. Attorney Curren read resolution providing for transfer of Revenue Sharing Trust Funds to Water and Sewer System Construction Account. Councilman Hunt moved to transfer Federal Revenme Shariz Trust Funds in the amount of $88,397.40 to Water and Sewer System Construction Account, presenting the following Resolution amd moved its adoption and upon being seconded by Councilman Douglas was put to a vote and -~-4mously adopted: ~UT~I PROVIDING FOR ~ANSFE~ OF REVEMUE SNARING TRUST FUND TO WAT~ AND SN~ER C0~STRUCTIO~ ~, there has accumnlated in the City of Okeechobee Federal Revenue Trust F~nd from January 1, 1972, through June 30, 1973, the total amount of $88,397.40, principal and interest, and WHEREAS, such sums were obligated as received for expenditure for capital improvement water plant program, as certified to in actural use report dated August 20, 1973, and published August 23, 1973, and WHEREAS, such funds are now required for actual use in such capital program. ~OW, TEE~VAVORE, BE IT RES~VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 0KEECH~, FLORIDA: That $88,3~7.40 be transferred from Revenue Sharing Trust Fund to Water and Sewer Systems Construction Frond, to be expended upon authorization of the City Council. ·. DONE, RESOLVED, AND MADE EFFECTIVE this 25th day of September, 1973. Donald L. B~rk PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL ' Councilman Domer reported that ~uperintendent Ralph Diggs had advised him that one monthly sewer test was ali that was required on the school sewer system. The Council agreed to do the test for two months. Attorney $~t~ren recommended that $2%,000 current Water and Sewer RevemAe Funds be transferred to Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds Sinking F~md to be in compliance with Ordinance. Councilman Hunt moved to transfer funds as recommended by Attorney Ourren, seconded by Councilman Betts a~d u~animously car~ed. Councilman Domer presented 1973-74 General Fund Budget and moved its adoption as read, and upon being seconded by Councilman Douglas was put to a vote and unanimously adopted: 1973-7,4 city OF 1973 TAXES $101,927.99 CZGARETTE 'TAX COLLECTI~ 178,O00.00 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 10,000.O0 UT~.T T~ TAX 58,000.00 FI~ES AND FORFEITURES 45,000.00 FltANO~$E FEE (Flor'Ida Power and Ligh~ Company) 30,000.00 MOBILE I{~IE LI~SE TAXES 1,200.00 MOTOR FdEL TAXES 47,000.00 BUILDING PERMITS 7,500.00 C(~P~CY CARDS 1,500,00 INTEREST AND MISCE~.?.ANEOUS ~ 19,500.00 HUMANE DEPAR~T FEES 400.00 TOTAL ~TICIPATED REV~gGES $513,777.99 ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE 300,000.00 TOTAL AV~N. ARLE CASH FOR 1973-74 $813,777.99 ANTICIPATED ~ITI~ES: c m¢iL SAUmIES $ ,400.0o CITI COUNCIL Er~ENSE 3,600.00 MAYOR, S SALARY 1,200. O0 MAYOR, S EXPENSE 1,200.00 MAYOR, S OFFICE EXPENSE 100. O0 AUDIT FEE 1,500.00 BOARD OF ADJUS~T FEES 1,500.00 CITY ATTORNEY SALARY 9,000.00 CITY ATTORNEY Er~ENSE 300.00 ATTO~EY SPECIAL FEES 2,000.00 CITY CLERK,S SALARY 10,426.36 DEPUTY CITY CLERK, S SALARY 7,200.00 CITY CLERK, S OFFICE EXPENSE 2,000.O0 CITY CLERK, S OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,500.00 TE~.E~ONE AND T~.E~APH 2,500.00 CITY HALL OPERATI0~ AND MAINTENANCE 2,000.00 CITY HALL REPAIRS 10,000.OO PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARIES 83,868.00 POLICE INCENTIVE PAY 1,22~.00 POLICE DEPART~T E~ENSE 27,000.00 CO~4UNICATION EXPENSE (Contract Payment & Maintenance Agree.) 3,800.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLF~ 3,500.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT SALARIES 24,700.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 10,000. O0 FIRE HYDRANT CHARGE 25,000.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT EQDIPM]~T 40,000.00 BUILDING OFFICIAL SALARY §,640'00 BUILDING OFFICIAL EXPENSE ALLOWANCE 1,820.00 BUILDING OFFICIAL OFFICE EXP~NSE 250.00 CIVIL DEFENSE 500.00 j--'~ PUBLIC WORKS H DIRECTOR OF PUBLIO W(~J~S SALARY 3,898.12 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC W~KS SECRETARY SALARY 3,000.00 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WC~XS OFFICE EXPENSE AND ~QUIPME~T 1,000.O0 STREET DEPARTMENT SALARIES 50,240.00 STREET DEPAR~24E~T' EXPENSE 23,000.00 STREET DEPARTMENT ~QUIPMENT 19,000.00 RE~SE COLLECTION 8,800.00 STREET LIGHTING 17,000.OO P~U~E OFFICER SALARY 7,000.00 ANIMAL POUND EXPOSE 2,200.00 MISCELLANEOUS DONATI0~S: St. Lmcie-Okeechobee Regional Library 1,500.00 Okeechebee Chamber of Comerce 1,000.00 UTILITIES TO CITY BUILDINGS 1,320.00 UTILITIES TO COUNTY SWIMMING POOL 1,620.00 HEALTH INSURANCE (Blue O~oss & Blue Shield) 2,800.00 GENERAL INSURANCE 12,100.00 PAYROLL TAXES (S~cial Security) 11,900.00 CITT CLERK RETIR~T (FSS ~165.25) 4,739.25 OVERTIME 4,.~O.00 ¢0~TIN~ENCIES 15,000.00 sub TOTAL 486,488.33 TRANSF~2~ TO WATER AND SEWE~ FUND 273,000.00 TOTAL 759,488.33 ~.S~A~ 0ASH BA~-'~¢~. 9/3O/74 5;4,289.66 TOTAL $813,777.99 1973-74 CItY OF OKEEGNOI~EE ~ERAL ~LIGATION BO~ED IliD~'~T~F, SS 1973 TAXES $ 43,075;.OO ES?D~ATEn CASH BAI.A~ 9/3-/73 54,960.18 TNTEaES? O~ C~TI~ICATES OF DEPOSI? 1,264.72 TOTAL AVAI~m~.~. GASH FOR 1973-74 $ 99,299.90 m~m m~mc~A~ PAmem~ 1/~/74 $ lO,OOO.OO BO~ INTE~S? PA~S l/1/74 16,387.5;0 7/l/74 16, ~7.5;O 32,7?5;.OO FEE 1~ PAYING A~T 300.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 43,o75.0o EST~F~ATED CASH BALANCE 9/3-/74 56,224.90 ~ TOTAL EXPE~DITb~E PLUS CASH RESERVE $ 99,299.90 FEDERAL REVEN~E SHARING TRUST ANTICIPATED REVERIE: F~AL REV~ SHARING $ 31,158.00 INT~2~EST 0~ CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITS 1,0OO.0O TOTAL AV~JABLE CASH FOR 1973-74 $ 32,158.OO ANTICIPATED EXPENDITL~ES: WATER AND SE~ER CAPITAL EXPANSI~ PROGRA~ $ 32,158.00 Councilman Hunt presented 1973-74 Water and Sewer Budget and moved its adoption as read, and u~on being seconded by Councilman Betts was put to a vote and unanimously adopted: CITY OF OKEECHOBEE - WATE~ AND S~gER FUND B~DGET ANTICIPATED .OPERATIMG REVENUES: WATER RE~EN~ES $215,O00.00 FIRE HYDRANT CHARGE 25,000.00 -- FUEL TAX REFUND 4OO.OO i TA~A~ ~mS 15,000.00 INTerEST 7,500. O0 MISCELLANEOUS .. 2mO00.OO TOTAL ANTICIPATED OPEP~ATING REVENUES $298,~O0.0o ANTICIPATED OP~2~ATING E~PE~SE: WAT~ SUPERVISOR SALARY $ 9,100.00 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SALARY 7,790.47 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WC~KS SECRETARY SALAR~ 3,000.00 W~Y SALARIES 66,500.00 BO0~XEEPERS SAIARIES 19,800.00 OVERTIME 3,000.00 AUDIT FEE 1,500.00 CH~CALS 24,000.0O ELECTRICITY 15,OOO.00 ~QUIP~ENT 17,600.00 FRiGhT CRARGES 8OO.OO --i ~EA~TH INSURANCE (Blue Cross & Blue Shield) 2,500.00 I ~ INSD~ANCE 5,000.00 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE EQUIPMenT 600.00 DIRECTOR OF P~BLIC WORKS OFFICE EXPOSE 400.00 WAT~ DEPOT OFFICE EXPENSE 3,500.00 WATER DEPARTMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,000.00 RADIO MAINTENANCE PAYROLL TAXES (Social Security) $ 7,000.00 P~2~SION PLAN PA/~ENT 800.00 TRUCK ~SE 6,000.00 WATER TANK AGRE~(E~T 2,600.00 TOTAL A~TICIPATED OPERATING EXPENSES $210,269.95 EXCESS ~ AV~.ABLE FOR DEBT SERVICE AND CAPITAL PRO~aAM 88,630.05 DEBT SERVICE WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMenT 13,000.00 WATER A~D SEWER REVENUE BO~D INTEREST 11,610.00 F. H. A. CONTRACT PRINCIPAL PA~T (W. Water Line) 9,377.68 F. H. A. C~TRACT INTEREST PAYMENT 1,406.65 ERNEST EVANS WAT~ LINE PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 6,467.12 ERNEST EVANS WAT~{ LINE INTEREST PA/ME~T 1,768.60 F. H. A. BOND ~EST PAYMenT 20~000.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVI~E 63,630.05 EXCESS REWENUES AVAILABLE FOR CAPITAL PRO~{AM 25,000.00 BALANCE PHASE 11 PLANT IMPROVEMenT 143,O78.95 16. WArm A SM SS ON 250,OO0.O0 WATER LINE RELOCATION 20,000.00 N~ EXT~SI~S 15,000.00 NEW METERS AND METER BOXES 23,000.00 WATER PIPE, FITT~GS AND SUPPLIES 22,000.00 80~.000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $473,078 -95 ANTICIPATED FUNDS FOR CAPITAL PROgrAM BALANCE PHASE 11 PLANT IMPROVIdenT BALANCE O~ HAND OONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT 9/30/73 88,078.95 G~ ~uq~D TgAM~ 55,000.00 143',078.95 16" WAT~ TRANSMISSION ~ FEDERAL EEVE~JE ~ARING TRUST FUNDS 1973-74 38,000.00 0T~ER CAPITA~ FUNDS 1973-74 OPERATI~ REVUE 25,000.00 T~TAL INC~E $473,078.95 There being no additional millage required, Councilman Hant moved, seconded ~y Councilman Betts and unanimously carried, to authorize the Clerk ~o certify city tax millage for the year 1973 to Okeechobee County Tax Assessor, W. C. S~erman. '1 D~rector Fortner reported that Water P~ant ~ght Operator Ralph Reutebuch cas in the ho~t~ for ~ ~era~on ~ s~ ~eave cas ~ed ~ ~d ~d to ~ ~e to h~dle the ~ci~n H~ sug~s~d ~ng ~m ~s v~ation p~. P~sident B~k ~co~nded ~ a~ved leave of absence ~ vacation p~. ~e ~~ a~ed on P~sident B~k' s ~co~n~tion. ~ctor Fo~ner p~sented ~a~ng on ~ey ~e on r~uested water ~ ~te~ion to proposed ~t~e facto~ site. ~e Co~cil a~eed to ~ti~ ~ve ~neer ~vestigate feasibility of plan ~d Attorney Cur~n ad~d F~ers Home ~stration would have to app~ve. ~t~r refer~d to worksh~. ~c~r Fo~ner r~o~ed that ~on Wil~s, ~e~r ~ ad~sed t~t the ~t of ~scussed at pre~ous ~pt~er meet~g in ~ds to p~y belon~ to G. E. B~t, Jr., t~t the e~g ~e was outside city ~ts. ~e ~cil ~quested ~rector Fortner to ad, se Mr. B~t a~ ~. Neon of t~s s~ey r~. ~e ~il a~eed to request a w~tten ease~ from G. E. B~t, Jr. for a ~ai~ &tch. ~r~tor Fortner ad~sed the ~il that the ~ntr~tor would ~ ~d r~ls at water p~t ~th no ~tra char~. ~i~ ~r ~scussed infidels p~g for water ~ne extension ~d others t~ing on to ~ne ~out ~g to pay for ~sta~ation ~d r~orted on ~s i~esti~tion as to how other cities ~dl~ situation. ~e~dent ~k sta~d t~t he felt ~e ~ci~ ~r had ~ok ~ to ~t t~s i~o~tion, ~co~nded a workshop ~et~ for ~esd~ ~tober 2nd at 6:30 P. ~tes of the ~e~n~ held Au~st 7, 1973 were read ~d upon ~tion by ~ci~ ~u~s, second~ by ~i~n ~er ~ ~mously c~ed, ~s were app~ved as ~ad. ~e ~il recessed to ~et ~ worksh~ session at 6:~ ~M., ~esd~, ~ober 2, 1973. October ~, ~e City Co~cil of the C~ty off ~eechobee, ~o~da ~t ~n recessed session at 5:~ ~.~. on the above date at the City ~1 ~th the follo~ng present: ~r Audley ~, ~esident ~d L. ~k, ~i~en: E. H. ~t, ~a~ W. ~uglas, Russe~ V. ~r, C~f Betts, Jr. ~th Attorney J. ~ard Cu~n, Acting City Cler~ ~dra Be~ett, ~rector ~b~c Wo~s, L. C. Fo~ner, Jr. ~d ~ilding 0f~cia~ ~ch~d B. Spray. ~i~ ~r moved to appoint San~ Be~ett, acting City Clerk until such ti~ a ~11 time Cle~ is e~loyed, seconded by Cou~i~ ~ug~s and ca~ied. ~i~ ~mer ~ved to co~ e~lo~ent of Dalton Ch~er as ~o ~atcher in by the Ponce De~tment, seconded/Counci~ ~tts and c~ried. ~e Clerk was autho~zed by the Council to e~loy ~eq~te ~lp. ~il~ Domer rmco~nded a ~la~ adjustment in ~s. ~etts sala~ w~le acting as ~ty Cle~. ~ter ~scus~on %~ci~ H~t recomended t~t the ~uncil stu~ t~s ~d ~e reco~~o~at next meeting. ~~~ ~u~es on estab~s~ng ~idelines for ~t~e e~ensions of water lines and others ta~ing on were gone over. It was a~eed t~t ~ther research was needed before