0286 (Insurance)ORDTT,TAYCE T 0'. 2E 6 - jAN ORDI"IAI,TCE OF `r'JE CT= OF OKE^C'CB E, FLORIDA , .OLD ' X E AND SURVIVORS I ST !,]:CE. �� I PURPOSE Cr �;TE CITY OF OI�E- ,t'AIT:`OR`JINA,,'.;E DI:CLARTNTG THE POLICY AIM URPO CHOBEE, FLORIDA,, TO EX E dD TO THE E'�tPLOYEE;a AND OFFICIALS OF O7 , FLORIDA, NOT EXCLUDED BY LW, ',TOR HEREITT� F :iER ,CITY OF rJYT�EC.i� 3'�T�, � r,, r MT;,�`r- r ,EXCEPTED,. THE EN r I TS OF TAE SYSTEM OF FEDERAL OLD ACHE AND S .. I ORS ' '� AUTHORIZED }'_Y THE FEDERAL SOCIAL SECTfRI T`r AO T, AND Ii�TS?�RAICE, AS AU �!10i, AiETTDiTNTS THERE "PO, UPON THE ,BASIS OF APPLIC ATLE STATE AND .FEDERAL /vrlT T'y THE LAWS CH REGULATTO TS.; - AU�1- TCRIZI�TG AND DIREC -{ T ,c HE Y0 (.RcO� ER 'CHIEF EXECTJTIVE OFFICER) TO EXECUTE AGREE! E TS TD ATFET D T: THERETO, INTO .� Tr- ��rET1yS, F,: €IITH 'TIE AGENCY ATTTITORIZED TO EITIER Ii:TO S CH A'GRE ��.,.TTS, FOR ORa ..COVERAGE OF SAID EMPLOYEES AVID' OIFFICIALS`; PROVIDING FOR WITS. =_. :FROM SALARIES AND WAGES OF ,EMPLOYEES AND OFFICIALS _ . OF SAID T (oft ? • Tour) SO C OVERED TO `BE I iADE AND ` OVER AS SiO BY APP ( .STATE OF FEDERAL LAWS' OR REGULATIONS; PR0 dID i G SAT D CITY SHALL, -.-r- � T T AND r, ,TTm ,APPROPRIATE ATM PAY OVER EMPLOYER'S CONT1i.IBUTIONS AND ASSESS1 E% �S AS'" .4S PROVIDED BY APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS , 011 MAKE REGULATIOTTS; RE-- PROVIDING THAT SAID CITY SHALL KEEP RECORDS AITD AKE R ZUIRED BY APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS OR REGULATIONS; ''Bt IT ORDAINED BY CITY. COUNCIL OF ',FE CI`T: OF oK E ° CBLE, FLORIDA 'AS FOLLOWS: `SECTTQN 1.' It is hereby declaredto be the 'policy and pv_rpose of the Florida, to extend effective as of January 1, 19501,, City of e' Oicec?iobee, Florida, to the iripl©yecss :and cif 'icials thereof, not cYcludod by law; nor exceOted r. e tem of Old: Ate and Survivors Insurance as herein, .the benefits of the N� � authorized by the Federal Social Security Act and a =�numsents thereto, and by 'Chapter 650, Florida Statutes, as ai,erdea; and to over by such: plan all services which constitute employment as defined.. in Section 650.02,' FloridaSttitutes, perforr,ed in the enplay of said City by en- ' c� and officials thereof, eX'cept', 1. Service of an �r�Er envy �tur � glyee�' .r Service in any class or '`classeS of elective position {C .t7T Counc, ilnan,`= Attorne - excludedanl» 3.' Service in an class or cl 'asses art .tir a� ositions. 4. _ Ser'ice in any class or classes,v'of position he icnreensation for which is on a fee basis. SECTION 2. There is hereby oxc7..uded from this ordinance any authority +o, included in any ac reerlellt entered into under Section 3 h oreof any service, position, employee or official now covered by or eligible to be covered by an existing.; retirelen°t system. SECTr TT _O . 3. "'he it ayor (or other chief executive off .ccr) is ecreby R* authorized and and directed to cxocute all r_ccessar,yT a ,receen7-s and i end gents thereto with the Florida Industrial Corr ission, as State Agency, for the purpose of extending the benefits provided by said �. system of Old Age and Survivors Insurance to the employees and officials of this City as provided in Section 1 .and 2 hereof, which aeree::lent shall provided for such methods of n_dr:'instx'ation of the flan by ;said City as are found by the State A ;cncy to be necessary and proper, and shall he effective with respect to services in em- ployment covered by such agree', ent performed on and after the 1st y of January, A. D. 1958. S C!f ON '4•, ��ithholdin fron s fr salaries, wa;; ®s, or other co:,�cr sation of employees and officials for the pur)ese provided in Sect' en 1 hereof are hereby aut horized to be made, and shall be 1,1PrIC, in the .amounts and at such times a_s ; "ay be required by applicable State or yeµeral laws or reeul zti ons and SleallAce paid over to , the State by said laws or r o[ ulati :nS to receive such anounts. ;Arley desi�,na.te;d (4 Insert here any one or more of the classes of cervicc the e : era •e of which is optional. If no excenti ens desired, write "Nene.") $ECTION There shall be ap.eropriated from available funds, derived fro l GENERAL FUND {Specify the s oure,e or sources from w-i -c' the fun-'s are expected to be derived , sueh, ahounts, at such ti;:les, as may be requ }iced to p�yr pro nptly the contri :yeti .ors and assessments required of the City Federal -, laws � -� �rlll�? t 7 �11S t�T'1 �. C11 as; ereployer by applicable State or i' edei al laws cx e , na =d over . to the lawfully designated .State A ;ency at the ti nos ard tfn the :Wanner provided by law and regulation. S CTION 6. The City shall hoop such records and rake such reports as ."lay be required by applicable State or Federal laws or reeula i eeo, and sl ell adleere.. to the reeeilletiens of the State A eency. 8 C ON 7. The City does hereby adopt the terms, condi.ti. ;ns, requirements, � �,. � � and ether cendi buns t?� -rru1 ^-to apperta ifi- <;eservations; benefits, �,ri , rle��;C.�, (.. ,i r. a.s ar,P�.caed, for and on behalf cf Title IT of tlh-e Social ecux t� Act 11 ii I i officers and cnployees- ©f. is .,2epartmer_ts and &;enc e. t be covered 1•i ft•Clerk of said. City is hereby made the witholdinc and rportin!:', ant :and chared, with the duty ofr.,aintaining personnel records for the A ::lourposes of this ordinance. SECTION '9. This ordinance shall take effect upon its approval fld publication as required b7 law. , Pa2sed and approved this 10 day of Dece?-lber, 157. Jes:;e R.-Viatford PRESIDEI,TT CITY COU7CIL 4TTSST: Lorena Spivey CI 1Y CLERK - Upon motion tho CounCil-adjournad. ATYEST: /T 7 C T 111!/./4 //',417!"■.. TY' .L11: CIL 4 •