0292 (Sewers):::Ti.L17.7.L7C 17.0. 292 An Ordinance relatint, to, the Installation and connection of buildin„ sewers; in the City oi Okeecnobee, }Florida. Be it ordained and enacted by the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, as iollors: Section 1, 9nildin Sewers and Connections: a. Permit required - 10 unauthorized person shall nncov-r, make any connections with or openinj; into, use, alter, or diturb any public sov-er or appurtenarce tl-ereo vi. c,htainrn a written por-ilt from the City -le-k. b. Permit application - mhe Ornel-s or 1)is ant shall make application on a form furnished by the City. c. TaipaLe foe - a permit and tap -E foc) ri ( 2c).00) Twenty Dollars shall oe paid to the City Clerk at the time application is filed. d. Tappaa - Connections with the public sewer main stall be performed by the city. Section 2. Effective Date: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its pasa,..e and apTroval. APPROVED EY ME, THIS 5TH DAY OF MAY, 1959.