0300 (Pool rooms)CILJNANCE NO. 3oo cl.L.TANC'1; n.....4ULA1 INJ Ti-; C2:aATI.0,.. a, ?CUL. ildS. v.dITHIN TL. CITY 0-i* 0.i011., 1,.L0hi, FIXIN6- A PE.AAITY FOR Ti: VIOLATION T.i1EOF, hALINCi ALL .,..,IiiiiILLIXES:, OR _PA-RTS OF C:Li....,11,ii,NCS Ii: ..J.,::,-.LICT THIO.;.,,ITN. 1FF,CTIV LiAT. e It Ordained by the Layor and the .",ity Council of the City of Oiceechobee, -1:1orida; SE;CTIOTJ 1 That any. person, firm or corporation or any employee or &Lent of sach person, fir or corporation, olderatin,_, any pool or billi- ard -oarlor in the city of .:}1,cerechobee, Florida, or o-oeratin any place ynere peal or bil-iiar are publicly played, who shall nit or or allow an- T.rson. under the a,.,e of l'-H years t play pool or billiards or visit or loiter L- any place where pocrl or bi lliards are publicly played shall xron conviction thereof be 1,7unished. E2 hereinafter _provided. L.2iCTION II It shall be unlawful for any. pool or billiard parlor to be operated later than 12 oicloc p.-ffl. durin any week Gay. L7,0TI0 III It shall be unlawful for any pool or billiard -carlor t be operated on Ineay. 52XTI0N IV It shall be unlawful for an ercon, firm or corporation or any employee or aLent of such. ...nerson, firm or corporation, oT:dratin an.:! Tool or bill rd parlr in the cfty rf 6keechrbee, Ylorida, or operatin any place There pool or billiards are publicl played, liAho shall per:flit or allow any intexicatin., beveraes, in- cludinL beer, liquor and M,ne, to be brodjit on or 7jthir such premises shall upon conviction thereof be punished as hereinafter proviced. SECTION V Any person, firm or corporation or any employee or agent o such person, firm or corporation convicted or violating any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not to exceed X500.00 or imprisonment not to exceed 60 as or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION VI All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION VII This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and approval by the Mayor . Passed and Adopted This 2nd day of august 1960. ATTEST: - d t//I / Pres dent of City Council Approved by me this 2nd day of August 1960. Aayor, City of Okeechobee, r'lori da