0301 (Tax Certificates)BOOK 45 E3C451 . 300 thc7re Lr,7! 7.ha1v ri t&-E aro cutt-taninb tay. Ea. (7brtificat3s of Otty cortain an within th,..? boundaris of th.t. of ..7.,,77echobe, rIa for th e 'ai 2 ana -brior and by virtue CoctIon ;,75.021 (1) 1(25, th.e abovo ?lens ar? now un inforceable; jr-117Lt.II.d co112titute sahe claua, 2ct cr "7,nr- to to He to t t Ibtert ,-77:f. the City lerf tr-,7 eitizbns a..• tax -1-=ayc..,rE to cLc7c.D1 2 certifica; c ;1L:;iicrc .2. 2t all '.2.1.1 1” e ELL: 1,-, C.a.:7.. t, EHL, bf th? City of lor ycar ane 2rior yars be aLr: rt tH 21 ft? OFFICIAL RECARD BOOK 45 PAGE 346 • JLJ OFFIKITAL RFCORD BOOK 45 PAGE 347 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF OKEECHOBEE I, Lorena Spivey, City Clerk, City of Okeechobee, hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of Ordinance passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Okeechobee on the 4th day of October, 1960, A. D. £t LL CITY