0306 (Taxes)TAY7.7 77-a
TIE YE.:".LR 1762 Fca THE CIT.': C7F1.-HCEEF,„ .17,J7777q.
PE iT 1:(1)1.7NFB R'( THE 'YI;1.,.vOrt Ai THF CITY 007NCIL CF THE Cil".17 oF
'iECTION 1. Tat the. City of Okeechobee, Florida, hereby levies a
ta:4 of 2 C ills on. dollar valuation bf real and bersonl orofenty
within the corp,-rate i 4y cf tbe City r,f_ 1.:)kry Elpridn„ for the
year .162; taxes shall be ahaessed colleote in the oahur r'r,::-
Cded by law, I-'0VTB HO4EVErl, tbat nc t-y-ns shall be assessd 'airst
hnmeseads avin6 a 7.aLlatlo cf oc:
Fburi) sid CiVe
2TECT71 2: 2. That 7.4 of sorh tax be 11Fri CC. Goeral City purr' s
:,n --rel
,-.3 shall be assessed for the General Fund of said City,
That 6 mnTs or
such tax shall be assessed for the interest and sinkinc fund ft- fl;r. pay-
of interest and 7r1rci7a1 of en.era F,:ofundinz-. fesue 942,
of ad_d Cty.
sEGTITiN 3. it shall b tbe ,3uty of the Tax Collector of said City and
the Clrk cf C.ty., to divide the broceeds .feheived freo ai3 ta7.e.7 •
as afore7atd into the funds set out ih Section 1 s Crdinance and keep
(v..,rreot account cf as thcy m74- he directed by the City Conhil.
3EGTTON 4. Ali ordinance„ or r)l.rts of Ordin?nces, LTA cnnfliot herewith
be, and tbe Same are ereby repealed.
CECTION 5. is Crdihanbe shall be in full force and effect upon its
passaze by the Olty Council and approval by the Mayor.
Passed and adopted in reular ad,journed session this 3Oth day. of Cctober,
A. B. 1262.
PRESILK2cr ,7171:77:7 OTC IL
Th.a above ai.,d Orlinahce hraly ajrovei tis )th day. Of
Ocbeber, A. D. 12j.;2.