0104 (Animals at Large)"ORDINANCE'NO. -1O . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION TWO OF ORDINANCE NO. 4).A. OF THE :, ORDINANCES OF HE CITY 'OF OKEECHOBEE' FLORIDA, BEING AN ORDINANCE 'ENTITLED " AN ORDINANCE MAKING :T UNLAWFUL AND PROHIBITING RUNNING AT LARGE WITHIN THE'CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY )F OY ECHOBEE`ANY'HORSES /;CATTLE, SWINE, SHEEP, OR OTHER AMINALS, AND HOGS; TOPROVIDE 'OR :E Ii'OUNDING, CARE, ' AND DISPOSITION THEREOF BY SALE OR OTHERWISE, AND THE REDEM- ?TiOI OF ANY IMPOUNDED ANIMAL BY THE OWnER UPON PAYMENT OF CERTAIN FEES AND EXPENSES • 'PON NOTICE, AND THE SALE THEREOF UNLESS `REDEEMED; AND PROVIDING FCII THE DISPOSITION )F `SAID,1 INES AND EXPENSEs, AND FOR THE ,ARREST AND FINE -OF :ANY PERSON PERMITTING ANY )F.''SUCH ANIMALS TO. RUN ATAJARGE WITHIN: THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF' SAID CITY, AND THE 'UNISHMENT THEREOF- AND ;FINE AND IMPRISONMENT, CSR :BOTH.'' _. E.4- - ORDAINEf' BY THE MAYOR 'AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHODEFi l,ORIDA : SECTION 1. Section 2 of ordinance no.62 of the ordinances of the City of )keechobee, Fl0r. ida, he and" the same is hereby amended to read es follows: Section 2. - -It -shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, Marshall or other police ►fficer, or impounding officer of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, to drive or cause .o be driven to a pound withiqhe; corporate limits of said city any of the animals Lamed in section 1 of this ordinance, and to be held at the expense of the owner mn,ers of the < same for at least .five (5), days, or `` If within that time or at any tune before sale of said animals'as •provided er 3!ns°rter. the oTner e owners f s N,n yy� 7 r or 11 ti for sate it 'or .. ?le' v..�., r (?[�� o 106 ,1L61idu l U or animal ca,a.i yor vhe sat i o the: ;hall be delivered to him or 'them upon payment of two ° (2) Dollars for each head ,'of .nimaia taken, 'and the further .sum of fifty cents (50¢) per head- for each "day or 'ractional part thereof during which such animal are confined in:.payment of expenses or looking after feeding, and selling such animals confined; Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon. its passage nd approval by ° the Mayor. Read a first time anal by unanimous Read a secQttime and' b T unanimous ote assed ' } Y vote passed to a second reading. to'.a .third and.wfinal 'readini the' City Council this "l 9th ay 0 Attest:. R.P.Fletclier City Clerk - Oorporate Seal. Approved by me this 23rd. day of January, A.D. 1926 T.W.Conely, Jr.' Mayor