0081 (Installing Electrical in City)0RD N41Q 1 0. AI OR N4. WE PROVIDING FOR THE =REGUL4TI OH ANTI I T LION Ob► . CAI, WORK AND E ,UIRKENTS IN THE CITY QF OKEE- CHOBEE, OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. SECTION 3. The City eleotrioian is hereby authorized, mpowered and directed to regulate and determine the placing of electric wires or other appliances for e].eotrio light, heat or power in the pity of okeeahobee, and to cause all such it ar appliances to be so placed, oonstruoted and guarded am not to cause fires or accidents, endangering life or property. SECTION 2. The city electrician shall have the right tn e oharge # or to `o ny polo, for the - -purpose of examin sting the electrical applianoee herein or thereon contained. d. for that pnrpoae he shall be given prompt access to all build- ings, public and private, and to all manholes, subways or poles on application to the individual or company owning or in charge of duties to enter any building, mschois Whenever an electric wire or appliance shall be defective through improper or insufficient installation, or for any other he shall at once cause the removal of such defeatso Axe of the re of such SiOTAplif 3. No alteration ehail ►e mtc i a ;{ ping for light, heat or power, or increase in the udtus, nor shall any building be Wired for eleotrio or heating devices without a written permit therefor fram electrician. SECTION a. WJpon the completion of the wiring of. -2r for light, heat or power, it shall be the duty of the con.. pony, firm or individual doing the same to notify the oity electrician, who shall at once inspect suoh wiring and app1i.- _. a anaes, and i proved by him, he shall issue a oertificate of aatisfaotory nspection, which shall contain the date of such inspection and an outline of the result of his examination: but no such oertifioate shall be leaved unless such electric wiring and appliances be in strtot oonformity to the rules and rev.- lattone prescribed or recutred by these ordinance*, nor shall current be turned on such installation until said certificate be iseuedw. SECTION 5. All electric construction, all material and all appliances used in connection with eleotrioal work, and the aeration of all rical apparatus within the oity of pkeeoho- bear *hall conform o the 'Mule. and R irementa of the 'fathom]. ons].' Boar& of Fire Underwriters" for the installation of wiring and appaDatt*a for, electrical purposes as they are now established or may hereafter be amended, and the said rules and regulations are hereby adopted and approved as a part of this ordinance. SECTION 6. Every person, firm or corporaation desiring to age in the business of electrical construction s*4 of the //i- llation of wiring and apparatus for electric light, heat or to in the city of Okeechobee shall, before doing so, obtain a for "blob , shal : be q ... which shall be paid into the treasury of the city see shall become effective. Said license Shall be issued by the oity clerk after the payment of the fee above mentioned Amy person, firm or corporation found doing electrical Work in the oity of Okeechobee without such license shall be subject t of one hundred dollars or inrisonment for thirty day$ , or bdthe SECTION 7. It Shall be the deity of the city electrician so direct the placing of polee and wires in the streets, alleyl and public p; little °bat thoroughfarrea s of the city that the same shall muse as Possible, eith4r to DOUG o the private use and enjoyment of adjacent property. IVA -hall also be his duty, and he shall have authority, to compel the removal a unsafe or superfluous poles. SECTION $. AAY Per or ac pally owning and using any such poles who shall ail or refuse, after five dmysa t natioe from the city electrician, to remove any pole or poles deemed by him unsuitable, unsafe ,or improper ll .coated, or the location *ire to be eh, ed, shall, upon eonviotion, five nor more than twenty dollars. Ala 00t04 or condemned by the city eleetrioian shall cub f eet the offender, upon oonviotion, to like penalty. SECTION 9. The oity eleatrioian shall cause all wires, except telephone mires, that have net been used for thirty days, cad. Which are known as dead wires, to be removed at once at the xpes a of the °uMersa of such wires. All deed vireo of telephone companies shall be detached from the buildings with which they been Qomneoted. 0110. On asy pole of any eleotri o light, powers street railway.,, telephone or telegraph company used jointly by two or more such oompaniee, each company shall be allotted a Special sone, and shall confine its wires to that sone. S1 Shall be measured from the tops of polea donne= d, and a suit. able zone on every pole shall at all timemi be reserved tor the free use of the oity in stringing its fire alarm or phl graph vireo. SECTION 11. The city eleetrieiaa shall keep a fall and complete flail re card, of all work done. permits and lieehssa issue d„° a tiona made, and other official ar$ regxired b this ordinance, shall wake a report thereof to the council on or before the 342 q o„_of each year. SECTION 12. Whenever builder* er vitreous engaged in repairing, painting, find it necessary to remove wires from buildings in proeeorating their work, the owner of esoh building or the contractor engaged thereon shall serve the' city electrioian with written notioe twenty -four hours before such contemplated work, is begun, and aid city electrician shall have authority in his discretion to direct the owners 4-suob wires to remove the tom;, SECTION 13, Any person, firm or poration who shall fail to eorreot any defect or defects in his work, after having been duly not hied for ten days by the city electrician, shall not receive any further permit until such defeot or dw t have been oorreotedj and any case in which any person SWaU con- tinue to or persistently violate the ordinance of the city gard to electrical affairs or the orders of the city eleotrteian touching the same, the license of ouch person shall be forfeited. y SECTION 14. In any ease of failure to only with this •d once, the city electrician ;shall have authority,, aftea,; to out out lights or current in any locality concerned and e oroe `dieecntinuahoe of the same until a#i _ra airomanta are complied with. SECTION 15. Any person, firm or company who shall violate *MY of the provisions of this chapter, for which no specific plty has been provided, or shall Nail, neglect .or refuse to comply Faith —6. any order of the city electrician given in pursuanee of and by the authority of thi$ ordinance and the rules embraeed therein, Shall* *pea oonviction* be tined not les* than 4 *ars the sit soini/ isYs• o to dollar) Poir each offs irked upon th�tr.ets of the c t exceed. ither or all* in the discretion of the mitteekAers SICTION 16, All ordinanee* or ts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of ills chapter are hereby repealed, SECTION 17, This ordithce shall take effect from and after passage, Tv //71-4 trfr,c_ Presidelt-bif City 6ouncil AT T.11: T Agrolecy me this deyof Ootobe . D. 1924 er