0075 (Street Closing)195551 AIR FIIEDFORRECORD OfEECC COUFTY, FL. ' JAN 7 P14 I "i 5 GLORIA J. FON) ' ERK 01; CIRCATICACT C 292 1188 000.0.101111110...; DI..; L'21.1TUI:::;. 11..:YLOh :21 •TLL: that portion of Taylor Street between Avenue " 'r and Avenue " B " in the City of okee oho be e, Florida, is undesirable as a street in that it is low and wet and would. necessitate a s rat expense of money to iake it fit for public use, and 71-iEREAS, E"./ R. Wright v.ho originally dedicated t he said Taylor Street has expressed his willingnesi to dedi- cate another strip for a street between said avenues d nal ii5 s ma de a plat showing s uch new street, ono half block_ -00 tre et , beteen Ave nue a and B, and 17:ILlhaA6,- it would be to .-the bat te i'Mcivant age an d. convenience of the public to have this new street in place of the old one as described above, now, therefore, BE IT ORDi.,11:ED by the City Council o. the City of Okeechobee, `r3tate of Florida that that portion of Taylor Street bet en ilvenue "A" and ,:igenue "B" be , and the aw.o hereby is ,clo..ed and discontinued as a street or public Read a -first and :Lecond time and :passed in open session upon a third. readir, this / day of Lurch, A. D. ) P4 i.J I T Y cCiNC1fl ov d 'uy rn.c: this /2. - day of 1,:arch D. 1924 111111112111111111111111 OATS 011401110114 • couNrrot • CITY Or 411111111PV INIMNIPlas ilig="16Migitholoalf 41741114111141mealliee= NIIS 411101;01-17610 Ws '1 1h