0065 Appointing Electrical Inspector)n :TOM_
AN ORDIYAYCE, providing for the ointDent of an 'Electrical
inspector for the City of Okeechobee, 71orida; defining his
duties, also making it unlawful for any person, persons, firm
or corporation, to install any electric wires, lirfhts, fixtures,
or connections, -wit t obtaininE; a permit, for same issued
by the 450ff. electrical inspector, countersigned by the City clerk
under seal, and the payment of the fees for such permit.
Providing a penalty for any violation thereof, and its inforcement.
Section 1—
hat it shall be the duty of the City Council, at any regular
meeting thereon, when in the opinion of the City Co,.7.ncill that it is
necessary, to appoint a City Electrical inspector, whose duties, shall
be , to examine all applications for ';',ermits to, install electric,
wires, lights fixtures, in buildine;s within the City of Okeechobee,
and if found pompetant as an eIectrition, to do such work, then he
shall issue a permit in w :citing to suoh -erson, I.Jersons, firm or
corlJorationl to do such work within the City of Okeechobee, said
permit shall be countrrsic;ned "oy the City Clerk under sealand who
shall before delivery of sarLe oo llect, a fee of Z5.00 for the permit,
and a clerks fee of 7ifty Cents, which permit fee of 5.00 shall be
p:..Ad to the 7lectrical insp:ector as his conpensation, all of such fee
axid costs to be aid by the a-;:licatt for said license,! and whieh
said-license)-•shaln4p#10—ther,tareof#to.do and loerforp:41
electrical, wireing, and other installing of electric wires, and
fixtures,Nin any building or structu-re within the City of Okeechobee,
subject however to the final inspection, of the City electrical.
ins-peotor, who is hereby authorized, to accept, all :.ork properly
installed, and to condom all ':rork, not satisfactory, and require the
same to be removed, or prop rly installed within such time as in his
judgement , nlay be necessary, and no electric wires or other
electrical installments shall be used until finally apl,roved by
the sai electrical ins-J;ector; and he shll receive an insection
fee of 5.00 par day, for his - ervioes, and a nininun fee o 5.00
Section 2:- Tkat it shall be unlawful, for any ::erson, ersons, or
firm or corixrdstionito install any electrical -zires, or other fixtures
cr lights, in ay or strv.ct7..re, ithin the City of Okeechobee,
withcbut first havin a permit as defined in section one of thie
Sect :_on 3:- That any erson, -ersons firm ato cor;)oration who without
the lermit required by this ordinance, installs any electrical,
1i7hts, or fixtures, within any building or structure within the City
of OkeeohcCee, cr any licensed electrical -,'eon ..ersons, fin, or
corporation, whose work has been reijected by the electrical inspector
and w40 refuses or ,fails to renove the sarie within the tie recuired
after notice, in writing given by Ch electrical insotor, shall be
unished as hereinafter naned.
Section4:- It shall also be the duty of the said electrical Lnspector
uon instructions from the City Council, to exa.Ldne any wires, fixtures,
or liarhts, that have heretcfcre been,or that nay hereafter be installed
in any buildin or strecture, within the Cit:/ of rheeoholee, and if found
to be safe to .:„rove the sane, nJ if not to 0,7;rZ.en the sae, and the
sarce shall not be used theeafter until zade sage, and so certified by
the said i:i ector.
ection 5:- That any ::::erson, -e-L'sons 7irri, or ocri:oration, who violate
any cf the
;ions c- this act, shall be yuni6hed by a fine of
not exceeding 500.00 or by iYarisonr.,:ient not to exceed sixty days,
or both suoh fine and imprisonment.
Section 6:- Thi Ordinance shall ecore effective, u:17on its roval
by the mayor, or luiTon beconlin a law viithosot such oval.
d first time as a whole, b:nd -;,:aseed to second reading by unaninous
vot:3 of th:: fie/liber ',:,re3ent,read seaoriL ti by sections, Lzlj 1,assed•to
third re din by unani; vote of ths enbers -resent, :Tead as a whole
and -.11t thn final L..,a,aE,e by 1:Inanious vote of the Lerbers 'resent, and
1:,assed in cl;en session 11,
followin- vote, uy,on the roll o11,
t hi S th 2,./416,y of
Aproved thi3 the 2/ --day of k&fft, D.192