0064 (Requiring Permits for Building)4
AN ORDINANCE; prohiibiting the erreoting of any
building, shed, fence, storehouse, barn, or any
other structure, within the corporate limits of the
City of Okeeohobee, without first obtaining a
permit in writing, signets by the 'hairman of the
City Counoil,attested by the Oityiillerk, under -seal,
and approved by the Mayor, and also prohibiting
the erreotion of any stable, blacksmith, or wagon
repair shop upon any lot or part thereof, of any
lot or part thereof,within one 'Clock of any of the
main business streets of the said City of Okeechobee,
and providing a fine or punishment therefor.
Sectionl. That it shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or
corporation, to errect any building, shed, felice, storehouse, barn,
or any other structure, of any description, Ablatsoever, within the
corporate limits of the City of Okeechobee Florida, without first
obtaii ng a permit in writing, signed by the Chairman of the City
Council, attested by the City Clerk, under his seal, and approved
by the ,ayor of the City.
Section 2.That upon application, by any person, persons, firm or
o oration"for a building permit, as required by section one of
th s ordinance, the said City council shall consider the same, and
if found to be suoh a building, shed, fence, store house, barn, or
other structure, that would, not be dangerous, unsightly, or
improper; and suitable, for the looation, desired,then and in that
event, if so found by the City Council, a permit shall be furnished
authorizing such structure, but not otherwise.
Albion 3. That it shall be unlawful for any person, persons;:
firm or corporation, to erreot within the City of Oke ohobee, within
one block, of any of the main business streets, an stable, black-
smith shop, or wagon repair shop; and no permit shat be given,
for the erreotion thereof.
Section 4.That shall any person be adjudged guilty of a violation
of any part"of this ord � o - • e shall be punished by a fine4 et
$500 or by imprisonm@f``i o •oth in the desoretion of the court.
Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective, upon its passage
and approval of the mayor.
Attest President CiifCouncil
City C ex k.
Approved his the % —day of Maroh A D 1953
t f
Read a first time as a whole, and passed to second reading by a
unanimous vote of the members present, read a second time by sections
and passed to a third reading by a unanimous vote of the members
present, read a third time as a whole, and put on its final passage
by unanimous vote of the members present, and passed in open session
upon the following vote upon call of the roll,
Yes Nay
Tlis the day of M rch A D 1b23.