0063 (Tax Levy)• • Ordinance Lo.62 1 wow Ab ORDILAtCE PROVID1LG FOR TEE LEVY OF TAXES FOR Ti E YEAR BE IT ORDAII'ED BY TIE taAYOR Ai4D CIi/ OuebielL OF THE CITY OF CLEECHOBEE, FLORIDA. Sectie-e 1: That the City of Okeechpbee, Florida hereby levy a tax of Z mills on each dollar valuation of real and personal property' within the corporate limits subject to taxation on the first day of Bovember, A. D. 1922. Such tax to be assessed and collected in tne manner provided by law. Section-: That "ily- mills u± such tax shall be used for general Oity purposes; that e mills of such tax shall be used fur ail( Interest aud Sinking Fuhd 1oi he Street Paving Bond issue ui le0; that 62 mills of such tax shall oe used for au Interest and Sinking .Fund for the Water Works Bond issue ui that one mill of such- tax-,sha-if be used or an Interes't ana Sinking Fund for Sewerage Bond issue of -ILO; that four (4) mills oi such. tax shall be used for an Interest and Sinking Fuud for the 4reet Paving Time-Warrant issue uf ll and five (6) mills of such tax shall be used fur an interest and Sinking Fend for the Water-Sewer Tle,e Wafrants ef 11. Section It shall be the duty of tle City Tax Collector and Oit Clerk to divide the proceeds received rrom said taxes into the various funds as set forth above and keep accouht thereof as me4• be directed by the k,.ayor of the City Counpil. Section 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and eliect immediately after its passage and approval by the Layer. The foregoing ordinance passeu in open council this List day of -iluvember, A. D. iv2L. Attest: 4 _14111416,6 %lilt a resident of r, orkL2cii • Tu the i;layor, City oi 0.i,eechubee, Florida. hea..eby certi a. uLo above oraiilai4oe Lo. t.) was au.i ,Lassea by idre Oi Council on -0-Le day oi i.ovembor, A. _1.). CraiLanee i. u approvea by lue his i'oveiliber, 1„a4ur