0059 (Disallowing Certain Vehicles)v T7T,",,,c7 • g • AN ORDINANCE 7ALINI TT 1211.77277, ANY 2EFS01, 11777: 7=m, OR COPPO7A77717, C 77.771 7)7:7771:: ±77 73= OR CATERP=7 TRACTOR, 17= OL7A7S, 027 PRO7E17-7T°717, TIM R-1'07 THE 1HEELS OR CATERPILLAR, UP0a= rT 1ilT7LE 71'D 77'i7 OF 777 777 OR t.• 07I0ECHOPEE; O TO DRT7, PUS 7, ORDRA7,, U2 O7 A:77 T7'" 71-7 7=7 STREETS ANY DIM:, HI.17.70710„ RATE, OR AF 7 OT 777 H.71.77O ' 777.77, A177 OE SAID STREETS, OR TO PUSH, ?LILT, OR DRIVE, A77 '*777OK, OR 17777077LE, UPON ANY OF 3AT-0 PAVD STR.7,T3, 71I7FOT A 3ET 7.17•1HEMS'7777-E07, SOLID, OR INFLATED SUFFICTErT 30 ".77;'_7 71L7 7E NO DA7A1E TO ANY OR SAID PVEI-.) ST7,3, OR TO PUN ANY AUTO70- 'RILE UPON ANY Cr" SAID PAVED STRE,ETS 1TOP 0.'7E 'RIM. OF ANY 17FEL THEREOF, OR TO O:177 ANY 7A7 77.-TAT071", or A77 PORTION flR 777 2A777 777 OTT7 0=7"-!-=T7, OR TO BE '.,`.07OP17.7) 7 A7T3T.4 THERIN, ±irr, Ta PRO7TDE A 2E7LTY 'ITERI7FOR. P17 Tm f1.7177.11 TTA7OR A777 OYTU 7' rr7-77."71 "11-M.".7 (17 ,^7-77,1-1-nn:, Section 1. That it :Tthall be ul-Ilawful for ary peron, persons, firm, or oorportion, AN jrive, or cause to be driven, any motor or ef:Iter- 0171ar trotor, oleats or projections of a14 kind whatsoever upon the paved streets of the City of Okeechobee. Set-7_1-)11 It AN 11 to uniwful for an person, persons, firm, or oorportion, AN rive, ryuz7rJ, c;)f Cr, any disk, harrow, or rke, upon any of the paved streets of the C1t AN Okeepoly,p. 3eetlo-.fl it .61111 . p2r:Joi-L, pd:H• oorotion, to push, pull, or arive, ari. truck or automobile upon. ar4 • of the ?ay.ed stre,,:ts of the of L cohoLee, Tithout a fl..J1 set of j1Tf upoL treof, L..flated, there 'J111 be n::) !..) said RoAN otrot. Seotl3n 0 It pon, firrri,or to ooei 4 t" n-.3tor, oI ooi o: pull iti,41.;:j,fuc..e.. • • 44. & 1 • 3 —2— bile upon any of the paved streets of the 1ty of Okeechobee, upon what is known as the rim, of any wheel thereof. Section 5. It shall be unlaerful for any person, persons, firm, or corporation, to damap7e any pacti.,:di of any of the paved. streets of the City of Okeec7eobee, ie any manner whatsoever, or to be conceened in or assist in any of such damage. Section 6, Any person, persons, firm, or corporation, adjudged guilty of a violation of sections one, two, three, four, five, of this ordinance, or any portior . thereof, shall be punished by fine not to exceed 4500.00, or imprisonment not to exceed three months, or both, in the discretion of the Court.. Section 7. This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage, and approval by the Mayor. Head a first time as a whole, and oassed to a second readin,-, by a unanieous vote o2 the members present, Feud Ly zections, and passld to third reading, by a unanimous vote of the members present; read as a -,v1„e1e, /ad put on final passage, Paseeri 1111 open session upon the followinT vote, upon call of the roll, 00at--74-;-,0 ray Ti e t /A/ day of February, 19,2. ,..4'005P-,74te eric (SEAL) e • • n e.rovedethis tne ay of February, A.D. 1922. Mayor.