0060 (Water Rates)ORDINANCE NO. V 0 ,. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SYSTEM OF SEWERAGE UPON CERTAIN DESIGNATED AVENUES, STREETS AND ALLEYWAYS, OR PARTS THERE* OF, IN THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA, REQUIR- ING ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS TO PAY FOR CONSTRUCT- ING A PART OF SAID WORK, PROVIDING FOR THE CON- STRUCTION OF THE SAME, AND LEVYING OF IMPROVE - MENT LIENS AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY THEREON, AND PROVIDING FOR THE FORECLOSURE AND SALE THERE- OF UPON FAILURE OF PROPERTY OWNERS TO PAY SAID ASSESSMENTS WHEN DUE AND PAYABLE, AND PROVIDING FOR THE APPLICATION OF ALL FUNDS REALIZED FROM THE COLLECTION OF SAID LIENS BY FORECLOSURE OR OTHERWISE, AS AUTHORIZED UNDER SECTION 29, CHAPTER 8318 ACTS OFi:THE LEGISLATURE AT ITS SESSION, A. D. 1919. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR and City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida: Section 1 : -- That there be constructed on the toli.owing named or described avenues, streets and alleyways, or parts thereof, of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, to -wit: The alleyway between North Park and Eighth Streets, from Okeechobee Avenue to west line of Oklocknee Street. Osceola Avenue, from alleyway between North Park and Eighth Streets to north line of Ninth Street. Alleyway between South Park and Seventh Streets, from Okeechobee Avenue to Tallahassee Street. Alleyway between Kissimmee Street and Parrott Avenue, from alley- way between South Park and Seventh Streets, south through Railroad property to center of First Street, according to original plat of town of Okeechobee. Alleyway between Seventh and Sixth Streets, from alleyway between Kissimmee Street and Parrott Avenue, east through Railroad property to Hiwassee Street. Alleyway between Fifth and Sixth Streets, from alleyway between Kissimmee Street and Parott Avenue, east through Railraad property to Hiwassee Street. First Street of original plat of Okeechobee, from Miamee Street to e. point 252 feet east of east line of Parrott Avenue. Miamee Street from First Street south to Third Street in South + Okeechobee. Okeechobee Avenue, according to original plat of town of Okeechobee, from alleyway between Eighth and Ninth Streets to alley- way between South Park and Seventh Streets. a system of sewerage, to be constructed with sewer pipei with necessary manholes,lamp holes, flush manholes, sewerage jtreatment tanks, with the necessary "Y" and "T" branches for house connections, according to the plans and specifications heretofore prepared by City Engineer W. B. Clay, and now on file in the office of the City Engineer; the City reserving the right to run house connection lines to the property line or such distances as may be necessary to take proper care of the paving. That the plans and specifications, as shown thereon, of the said City Engineer, are hereby fixed and adopted as such, and the sewerage to be laid or constructed shall be laid according to said plans and specifications. oti:n That rf th o--,ltr-lot4en cf eerera,„ on the intersections of all avenue z or strain c7 oro -ny ovo or stre-t or ii be „aid bv the lit:- o rfkeechrbee. That the re'_inder of the e::,ense of euch crnstructirr or 1-.- Irove'ilnt sh " charzed e le- the Cit, -' the City of .-;:,..e?chohee a3a4nst the °-ro•erty ab-e.ttinv v.,-n each sii- -7 th- I' ye'. str.et or 3trot-,1, 17-- or r+- 1-h reef herin 'J.12°-,17" rrlere;', o-netrrte'' n, in tho .e-rt!or one-third of the coat thereof, the uhuttlr,s. roerty, u;cn -_ch 31.5.0 of ven'oe-,, stroet, or or „art- th- hi"le' ,er -her t° the :„7:177 "et or lots, or 1„art(.., thereat, if '-, a- if the r..,„!.11 of th rr n:t hnowr, ther t7 oc h‘4.3"el or oh_r-7,-,' as -.1-Ahno-7-1; thot vti n the ahuttIncr rro;ert q. to oe chargel or in 1:1"(--- tir,n t, the front.-„.e.e of the sale u;cn aalid overue3, treet or alleyways, c- _F-to th,reet, e - 7o4-,-, or _-ee7 of -1 1 17 he 1' " erefit the rrovient therec-, szhich sh-'1 "co er -1_en th- °i" " 4. --)v-ents th--,-n st -ior t. a77 other lf-re, e;:c.e.t taxes, a on the e °-.1 ;..;enid TJer her inter,-,3t at the :'ate of ei-ht 1or :ent. ,or o fror te thereof, ° l'y acter:i -el call. "..,ty -""41 %741.7. . .41. `eti /:- ..~-,-_"" he r,eer-1-: '- the e.f"iee of the Clerh o' the '2,1r-'t CeYrt '1r ("keech-bo- "1- -rt : 4 -"n",-; - " atemed b7 the Presfolont of the lity Council an,' h, the seal of 4--k, ,r.:1 Cit 1r of okeeThhee +-+- c]K. aays after Tection 4:-- soon ;rectteahle withtr the ecletlen of the corstructior of the zoerz• 01, ore venue, Etl't 7)7 atrecte, or alle7 r the eitv ""lerlr. ..2hol11 construction, she7.7 enter u. tr o reh, 71.71 ho for that vc:. 4,1-. T-O- U list of the lots or Yarcels of lclnd ehuttine. the otreete or ways, or ;arts thereof, heroin ahcve ordered t Tee 1L;rovecl sewEra°7e, showin7 the ameunt of frenta7c tel of e.ch let or total aou..at of the cost of the wor's u;on each etreet or alleyway, top:ether with . the date of the coletion of the enter aTainst each lot or :arcel of lreof the amo,..7nt or the te he charod or tin tr° that 7et hears t' the 4-ota7. o fn;roved wtth the :race svaten, exclu-lin7 the costs of the a1:7.. ..ortior char°:;ea■:ae to the City, it e±n: hereby deterined that in. the discretion of the Cf.ty t'is front feot r1.7,1e is a fair L'.7.'".7 ilest method for the determinatior of the f coot: 7:hich aill o7ear A7inst the ahutttre! ;ro2erty re;sectively. m, ;o.sessrit: shar, he ea.eh CitY lot accorainP7 TO fle. recorded .„7..as of the oo-7.co;t bcr 4-7:1 1TtV of ciie individuel includes :art or :art e of ether lots, then the assessment may he liade c.e whole arainst any rou; of conti7u- ous to or ;arts of lots belon7in c. to the aal.;.e irdivtal, at the tine the seta', lien Is roPred, laid bcoh ehel be fi in the office of -the Ctty Clerh and he,Tt c;en tc ins,:;ectior all.r1 n7 usuPl office hours. cotter 5:-- 1"3.on the com. etten of the ocntru.ction e" the entire 4 4. b 4 worlc or e:on the cox:,pletion an: construction on any avere, street or alley7ay or ,,art thereof, the lity Clerk shall, as soon c,is silole n,ereafter, ih1ih F notice tr ..-ie7c;ap.!er published in the rtty of 07,:eecho1lee of the f:,,et thPt said 'work ha heer oc:leted: netice to contx.in the nanle or naes of the avenue, street CT streeta, or alley or alleyways, or parts thereof, so ccletel, the at of colotter of 1:7 7ire netice to the owrero of thi lot or lots Cr parcel or parcels of land, contiguouc or abutting upon said avee.:, street, streets or alley, or alleyways, or portton,o ther,f., that zu.ch assessff:ents or liens have been entered in said to ,!..,k, and that any person or personG owning any zuch part or parcel of land, on which lien is clateJ, 7ithin 30 days ,'.fter the 1.:77el1cttor of such notice, ,reort ir writic e to the CIty Cler% chiections to the lien .afcreaiq, setttn7 forth the 7rounda of obctions to the levying of such lter u.,or said lands, to the aloo,In.t of the such notice sh,7.1 specify the or 1-,r,03 pro,ertli owner, too:ether with the lot or lots ant which assesseenta are 1-Lade, ani the amolInt cf the asscsent ao.atnst the sae. 'aid ch4es he h %eel itie in the ,-,roceelincrs lati ; the levv: 1f cee- as tY, the a:,'-ht a.ecasert a7ainat the particl-r deecrihod. 'ectirn CLid notice ahove rep:ired t p-hltshsol 3h-11 also specif: d-te u„en which the rity Ccrncil eh-7' a--' con or obectjcn ae ..;17 'cc fUe, tc the :1.--unt, th -:nfcr6ee- '-4- .-- --el lie- u, 4;D 'thc eet -I ' ,rop-r iry, an, if it :h11 al„e„,r to thetr ctic» h.t crtion of the coat -s entered In 7,4,1 or ho-k exce117 the actoal cost of the conste-Ictier of —.oh •,r has been errereoue7- -rtere-' the Id Ity 0curc',1 zh_11 1—t" the entry lien oh cerrectel and sh:7' fix the _. to lc, eh --e", lot -r irtl in an a.ont not t e:ee, *he aett of th- e.)ete .Lccri2ino. arrainst eald lot or ote, hy relson of 'h, 4,=,7-17,"--:(-1 4 ,„rov- --e: the ay.,"n+ 0 fIxed h: th, 101 City sterZ. the a=nt cf the I en ar --h1' he oc--1-,sive r-f z-uch .-tt,--. the 1 one-thlrl cote, ahove, sh 1' he , "Du the 'it- of ''-sseholees. re ctter -n al cee her o ch'cotiere. have ""T",1 112.71" revidel for, -ho oeent entere.'; In tlf:. '1..„-ove-ent T.ien CCk ehl1 h flerel a riafac e.----t, „le' he Ct Cc1rcI h1 tttroon f'1 *, therein de-c-theel at "h-, eurt- 'eeeri ti-- aft-- the aaomt oo. flxel and dot Icy the Laid Cty rounctl sh h th own-s, c.r.d not subL'ect to attack. 'cotter S:- c-n a th a on t- r-r""."^",32 !./7, '° 'It- 2.e„1:ret' eh,11 thereafter issue i7proverent liens areainst the lan41 as finE f"-cel in the sewerage 1-:rove;.ert tier, el i e,seese,ent or 'ler- he .hle 1,e --t th'r ten rs..'1.1 ,rp_4.„.1.1., r.,^1 to-ether :-.te*ht or _21" 14.41 f"717 :aid. Provided, That the first installment of one-tenth shall be due and payable on the date the lien is made, and the other assessments of lien, to ue paid one-ninth annually thereafter until filly paid, with interest thereon at 8 per cent. per annum until fully i paid; The said lien may be paid in Iull at any time n cash, together with interest thereon at above rate. r Section 9: -- That all moneys collected in payment of the aforesaid liens, after all costs and expe *ses have been paid, shall be deposit- ed into the proper City Depository to the credit of the Interest and Sinking Fund of the A. D. 1921 issue of Time Warrants issued for the purpose of retiring existing indebtedness of said City on account of sewerage improvements and water supply, and applied to the payment of the said Time Warrants and interest thereon as they may become due and payable. Section 10 : -- Said liens being authorized under Section 29 Chapter 8318 Acts of the Legislature at its Session A. D. 1919. Section 11 : -- That upon the failure of the property owner to pay any installment assessed against any of said property, for a space of 90 days after the same becomes due, the whole amount of said lien shall become due and payable and shall be foreclosed and sold in the same manner as liens are foreclosed under the general law, insofar as applicable, provided that suits to foreclose the liens heroin named shall be filed not later than one year after the last installment becomes due and payable. Section 12 : -- That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 13: -- This ordinance shall become efrective immediately upon its passage and approval. Read a first and second time, and by unanimous consent read a third time, and passed in open session, by unanimous vote, all voting "Yea" and none "Nay ", as follows: Yea Nay Yea Nay Yea Nay Yea Nay Yea Nay -)-?aI if-71) A. D. 192$40 President of Couneil. °(Seal) Approved this the day of 2 -r4„/ A. D. 1921( kL:eatt-ink,) Mayo r. Number t.g, AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE RATES TO BE PAID BY USERS OF WATER FURI'ISEED BY THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE FOR THE USE THEREOF AND THE TIMES AND MANNER OF PAYMENT THEREOF ALSO FO t THE DISCONTI UEING THEREOF ON FAILURE TO PAY TIE SAME AS HEREIN REQUIRED. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OXEECHOBEE FLORIDA, Section 1.- The following rates for the use of City water furnished by the city of Okeechobee shall apply to all users thereof, and shall be paid monthly in advance, and before any water shall be turned into any connection; Private residences with water and sewerage connections $1.50 per month, without sewerage connection $1.00 per month. Hotels with not over 20 rooms, with both water and sewerage connections $2.50 per month, without sewerage connection $2.0, per month. Hotels with not over 30 rooms with both water and sewerage connection ?3.00 per month, without sewerage connection $2.50 per month. Hotels with not over 40 rooms, with both water and sewerage connection $3.50 per month, without sewerage connection e3.00 per month. Business houses other than Cold Drink, Barber shops, Banks,Garages, factries, Ice plants, With both, Water and sewerage connections per month $1.52/without sewreage connection $1.00 per month. garages, Banks, Utility Plants, Fish houses, Cold Drink ,Soda Water, Barber shops with baths, With yTater connection $3.00 per month, which will include the use of water for Sewerage if connected therewith. Restaurants with or without sewerage but having water connection 03.00 per $4 month. 2 Allother places not provided for by ordaiance shall take a rete of 3.00 per month for water with or without sewerage. Section 2:— All payments for the use of water as setforth in section one of this ordinance shall be payable monthly in advance, at the office of the collector at the city hall, before, any connection is made and water tamed on, for the first month, and all subsequent payments shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the following month to the collector at the city hall, and in default thereof, it is the duty of and the said collector shall cause the water connection of all these failing to make payments in full by the 10th day of the month to have the water discontinued, and the sad., cut off from the premises, of those failing to pay said water rents as above setforth, until the same is paid in full. Section 3:—This ordinance wall become effective upon its passage and approval of the mayor. Read a first time as a whole, and passed to second reading by a unanimous vote of the members present, read by sections,and passed to a third reading by a Unanimous vote of the members present read as a whole, and put on its final passage. Passed in open session upon the following vote, upon call of the roll. Nay City Clerk. President of City Council (SEAL) Approved this th,-,2S day of A D 1922 Mayor.