0050 (General Election)A •►•
Be it Ordained by the Mayor, and City Council of the City of
Okeechobee, Florida.
Section 1.An election of officers of the City of Okeechobee, shall
be held on the First Tuesday in Deoenaber , of the year A D 1920,
and on the First Tuesday in December every two years thereafter,
at which time the following officers shall be elected: One Mayor,
Five members of the City council and one City Clerk; each for a
term of two years, i ### '# 'i�i *H from the first
Monday in January following such election, and until their successors
are elected and qualified.
Section 2.A11 special elections shall be called and conducted in
t-he same manner, as near as can be, as provided herein for general
City elections.
Section 3.The City Clerk shall be the custodian of the gegistration
bloks,and shall keep them open at all times during office hours, for
the inspection of qualified electors ;and it shall be the duty of the
City council to provide the city clerk with proper registration
books,who shall furnish the inspectors and cerks of elections with
a certified list of the qualified electors7With coppies of the
election laws at each election, for their guidance.
Section 4.Upon application for Registration, each elector shall be
required to take the following oath: " I do ## #### solemnly swear,
(or affirm) that I will protect and defend the constitution of the
United States, and of the State of Florida; ,TIlat I am twenty one
years of age, and have been a resident of the State of Florida,for
twelve months and of the City of Okeechobee for six months,
#########4############# and that I am qualified to vote under the
constitution and laws of the State of Florida."
Section5.Nc eleoto shall be entitled to vote at any City election
unless such perso all have registered one day prevdoue to, and
n—ot including th day of such election; and shall have resided within
the State Twelve M nths, and within the corporate limits of said City
Six months immediately preceeding said election.
Section 6.Each elector shall be furnished with a certificate of
r—egistration by the City clerk at the time of registration.
Section 7. It shall be the duty of the City Council, at the first
meeting in November of each and every year to meet and examine and
revise the registration books of said City,eraeing therefrom the
names of all persons as are known or can be shown to the satisfaction
of the City council to have died, or ceased to reside permanently in
said City, or who are otherwise disqualified to vcte,writing opposite
each name the cause therefor. The City Council shall complete the
revision within three days, and shall publish a list of the names
erased in a news -paper published within said city, for one week, or
by posting in three public places within said City.
Section 8.The City Council shall at last regular meeting in
November of each and every year , hear and decide on complaints
of persons claiming that their names have been improperly erased
from the registration books, and "upon satisfactory proof being
furnished that any person whose name has been erased is qualified
to vote ,the City Council shall order the City Clerk to- replace the
name of such person on the said registration books with the date of
such replacement.
Section 9.Before any Regular or Special Election, the Mayor shall
issue his proclamation, signed by him,and attested by the City Clerk,
ordering said election at least thirty days prior to the date appointed
L.-or said elaction, specifying in said proclamation the office, or
offices to be filled, the cause of the vacancy of such office or offices,
and the date of expiration of the term of such office1or offiaes,or
for such other purpose , as the said election may be called for; and
shall appoint three discreet persons as inspectors, and one as Clerk
of said electipn; which said proclamation shall be published in a
newspaper, published within said City, at least Thirty dayj next prior
to the day of &aid election,or by posting in three public places,
Section 10.The poles at all general and sPeeial elections shall be
opened at Eig -ht Oclook A M on the day of said election, and shall
be kept open until sundown of the same day: Provided that Inspectors
and Clerk may adjourn between the hours of 12 and 1 oclock for
forty five minutes fear meals.
Section 11.At the close of the election, the inspectors and clerk,
of election, shall count the votes cast for each candidate,for each
office ey 11 draw up duplicate certificates of the result of
such ######## 4thUH# elec -tion, specifying the name of etch person voted for
for each office, and the number of votes cast for each perscn,voted
for„„for each office; and if any question shall be submitted to an
I ii# election such certificate ahall also contain the number
of votes cast for,and against such questiop; and such certificate
shall be signed by the inspectors, and clerk of election, one of such
certificates shall be by one of the inspectors delivered without delay
securely sealed to the City Clerk, and the other to the President of
the City Council, and the poll lists and oaths of the inspectors and
clerk,shall be delivered with said certificate ti the City Clerk, to
be filed in his office.
Sectionl2.The City Council shall meet within three days, after any
„enreal or Special election, or as soon thereafter as practicable
and shall canvass the returns of such election as shown by said
certificates, delivered to the Presidant of the City Council and
the City Clerk, and shall certify the result of said election, and
shall furnish each candidate elected with a certificate# of their.
Section 13. The candidate receiving the highest or largest number of
votes cast for one offic -e shall be elected to said. office, provia.ed
that in case ### two or more candidates shall receive an equal and
the highest number of votes for the same office, the Mayor shall
issue his proclamation calling for a new election, as provide in
Section 14. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith
are hereby repealed.
Section 15.This Ordinance shall go into effect upon its passage and
approval by the Mayor.
11 P
is P
Read a first and second time, and read a third time by unanimous
cansent, and passed in open session, this the t7 ,F day of
September A D 1920.
Approved this the Day of
September A D 1920.
Mayor of the City of OkeechObe, Tla.