0042 (Alcoholic Beverages)OPDINANCE No.42
An Ordin'
ting the manufacture, Sale, barter; exch-
ange, or cause to be sold, barter, or exchange or the manufacture
transport, or transportation, or cause to be transported, or in
any way to be oonoerned therein, from any point without, to within
t e corporate limits, or from any place within , e&id corporate
limits, to another place within the said corporate limits of the
City of Okeechobee, or to have in his or her possession, custod y
or control within said City limits, any intoxicating Liquors, or
beverages,whetheispirituous Oinus, or malt; as is prohibited under
the Laws of the State of Florida, and to provide a penalty therefor.
BE IT ENACTED by the cupoostimmoti of the City of Okeechobee:
Section 1.
That it shall be unlawful for any person, association,of
persons, or corporation, sr any agent or employee of any person,
association of persons, or corporation, to sell , barter, or exohenl
or cause to be sold, bartered or exchanged, or in anywise to be
concerned On the sale, barter or exchange, or to transport,cauee
to be transported,or in any wise to be concerned in the transportation
from any point within, the State of Florida, to any point within the
City of Okeechobee, or from####### any point within the City of
Okeechobee to any other point within the limits of the said city of
Okeechobee, of any alcoholic or intoxicating liquors or beverages
whether spirituous; vinus or malt, except as is allowed under the
laws of the State of Florida.
That it shall be unlawful fps any person, association of
persons, or corporation, or any agent or employee of any person or
rporation, to have in his, her or their poseseion, custody or
control, in this , any alcoholic, or intoxication liquors or
beverages , except as is allowed under the Laws of the State of Florida
Section 3.
That it shall be unlawful for any person, persons, or
association of persons, or corporation, or agent or employee of any
person, persons, association of persons, or oopporation, or agent or
employee of any person or corporation, to sell barter or sxehanv
for beverage perposes , the exibracte of Jamaica ginger, or any
toilet water f1= _ -_ , toilet preperations , under the
iV ee of such extracts, as is prohibited under the laws of the
State of Florida.
That any person, persons, association of persons,
or corporation, and any agent and employee , of any person, persons
association or corporation who shall violate any of the foregoing
provisions of this Ordinance herein under the laws of the State of
Florida, and the City of Okeechobee, shall be punished by a fine
not exceeding Five Fundred Dollars, or imprisonment not to exceed
three months,or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion
of the court,
Sextion 5.
This Ordinance takes effect on its passage and approval
by the Mayor.
Read a first and second time, by unamious consent, and passed in open
session, this the l2th day of February A D 1919
Approved this lath day of February A D 19194).
President of Council
I, B. F. DAVIS, Publisher of the Okeechobee Calf,
published weekly at Okeechobee, Florida, do Solemn-
ly swear that a copy of the above notice, as per clip-
ping attached, was published weekly in the regular
and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any
supplement thereo f, for consecutive
weeks, commencing with the issue dated 9 <.
191., and ending with the issue dated
, 191
Subscribed and sworn to before me this /
1 tee, j n
•day of r
(Official Designation)
An Ordinance prohibiting ' the
manufacture, sale, barter, exchange,
or cause „to be sold, barter, or ex-
changed or the ;manufacture, trans-
port or transportation, or cause to
be transported, or in,, any way to
be concerned therein, from- any
point without, to within the cor- 1
porate limits, or from any place
within said corilorate limits, to an-
other place within the said corpor-
ate limits of the City of Okeecho-
bee, or to have in his or her pos-
session, custody or control* within
said City limits, any intoxicating:
Council of the of Okeechobee
SECTION 1. " That it shall be un-
lawful for any person, association
of persons, or corporation, or any
agent or employee of any person,
association of persons, or corpora-
tion to sell, barter or exchange, or
cause to be sold, bartered or ex-
changed, or in any wise to be con-
cerned in the sale, barter or ex-
change, or to transport, cause
to be transported, or in any wise
to be concerned in the transpor-
tation from any point ` within the
State of Florida, to any point with -
id the -City of Okeechobee, or from
any point within the City of Okee-
chobee to any other point within
the limits of the saiq City of Okee-
chobee, of any alcoholic or intoxi-
cating liquors or beverages, wheth-
er spirituous, vinus or malt, except
as is allow, d cruder :the..la af,.
agent or enplo ee di. any son
corporation,; to have in ;lais, her or
their possession, , custody or control .t
in this city, any alcoholic or.intox-
leating liquors or beverages, except
as is allowed under the Laws of the
State of Florida.
SECTION 3. That it shall be un
lawful for and tSln Yc}Sxrv'
er.aor,ex ®ange for
beverage purposes,' the extracts of
Jamaica ginger, or any toilet water•
flavors, perfumes, toilet prepara-
tions, under guise of such extracts,
as is 'prohibited wider the, laws of
the State of Florida. >
SECTION 4. That any person,
persons, association, of persons, or
corporation, any agent and 'em-
ployee of any person, persons, ` as-
sociation or corporation who -shall
violate any of the foregoing provis-
ions of this Ordinance herein under
the laws of the State of Florida, and
the City of Okeechobee shall be
punished by ,a .Iine'r . not ;exceeding
Five Hundred Dollars, or ,imprison-
ment not to exceed three months,
or by both such fine and imprison-
ment in the discretion of the court.
SECTION! 5. This ordinance
takes effect on its passage and 'ap
proval by the Mayor.
Read a first and second time, and
by unanimous consent passed in
open session this 12tli day of Feb-
ruary, A, D. 1919.
D, Fl<.' MCNEIL.,
President of Council.