0035 (Territorial City Limits)"IL7riTor:/1 1,1.172 OF TEr
"m",r ,.,, - -r^4,,' ' ,,N '.'''* ''' ''''773A,
_... _ Jr004a44,40 AL 1917 11.;.'.; 1
:7 717 :ITT:,,,' -1'1] CITY corrm OF 'AIL CITY OF
OKEECHO= :-LonI_I„ OF 1/44441-41-4'7-1,--(11-2 1017.
EEREAa-, Tt a certir .,f the 11:14,-:.a1if:!_Ft
voters of the City of Ckeechobee, Florida, held on 16210-44,47
1410A E 1917 and so declared cn the canvas of the result
thereof by the City Council cf said city, on the-a/a__
of0444444 D 1917 there was excluded certain territory
fro:. the 1trnitr3 of said city, of Okeechobee, therefore,
27E1, THF: :O7.7,1,77L CITY CoU7OIL,; IL TLE C"17.
OF O7,T=7=77.T,C7:1141.
LT,07,2,7: 1.That the corrate toundries, cf the sdid•City
of Okeechobee, Okeechobee Lbunty State of Florida, shall
core the territory ''.(hizIL .1
-ithin th-
3ribe dnd desited, lines, that lz to say,
%-szreneinc :;'t the 7ortheast corner of the 7orth west
of the 7ortheect ,„arter of section 15 in Townshilc. 37 South
range 35 7ast, thence run South tc the 'Southeast corner
cf the 2cuthest corner sf Coutheast 4:darter cf klecti„on
section line dividin ctions 22 and 27 ana 21 and
the Southwest corner of cection Townshii:C7 South, Fange
35 East; then run lTort] alonz the sacticn line diviainz
sections 2C and 21 dna 16 and 17 to the Yorthweet corner cf
section le in Tond.i 37Scuth, Pane 35 East, then run Fas.„
ng ection line dividing: sections 9 and 16 ana 10 and 15
1,cint of coliencing.
This ordinance shall Eo into effect, aion its
by the
T. hereby certify that the tove n1 foregting ordinanco
WUD duly- iL,assed by the City coun-
Ckeec.he'bec 4 - ...t4 „,.
10.l or thc., /
Attest, WI
of the rlity
City Clerk.
nt of Council of
mc TTont.E.AuJtin, Mayor.
r'ity of Okeechobee, Florida.
I hereby certify that the above or inanor v:as
duly i:assed
4 4
, t.41
the City of Okeechobee
Clerk of Council o± Cit-
Okeechobee, Floria,,,
above ordinance is hereby -ki:,rovea this the
A i 1918
riled and recorded, by me
1018 in Book
7ayor, of the City of
Okeechobee Florida.
Li3 the
Te No. /6)
("leyk of Cluno1J.
Okeechobee, Florid.