0034 (Salaries)0RDINABOB NO. 34.
An ordinanoe fixing the salaries of the officers of the
Be it ordained by the Uayor and Oity Council of the Oity
of Okeechobee, Florida:
Section 1. The Mayor shall receive a salary of $25 per
year, payable monthly.
Section 2. The Oity Clerk and Assessor of Taxes shall
receive a salary of *500 per year, payable monthly.
Section 3. The Chief of Polio* shall receive a salary of
111200 per year, payable monthly.
Section 4. Bach member of the Oity Oounoil shall receive
the sum of *1.50 for each meeti*g attended by him.
Section S. This ordinance shall take effeot from and after
its passage, approval and publioation.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinanoe was
duly passed by the Oity Council in open session on the llth day
of December, A. D. 1917
President of the Oounoil
To the for of the Oity of Okeechobee, Florida:
I hereby oertify that the foregoing ordinance was duly
passed by the Oity Oounoil on the llth day of December, 1917 and
the same is hereby submitted to you for your approval or dis-
The foregoing ordinanoe is hereby approved by me.
City Dons l of the €pity
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wash mesh 'Steadied by him.
This ordi names shall take .ffeot from and after
val and p*blioatioa:.
I hereby 'mortify that the above and foregoing ordinal* *al
b the City Cosno l i ► open meal= on the 11th day
D. 1917
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of O eeohobee, .ozida:
t the foregoing ordtnanss use duly
City Uo otl on the 11th day of £sober, 1919 and
ths same is hereby submitted to you for your approval or die-