0031 (Setting City Election)9 OIN, AN ORDINANCE CALLING ASD PROVIDING rolt THE OLD A EL. CTION BY THE REGISTERED VOTERS 't ' THE *CITY d1' °KISCO - BEE,FLORIDA,FOR THE PURPOSE OF APPROVING OR DISAPPRBVING AN ORDINANCE' PROVIDINf . FOR THS EXCLUSION OF C.RTAIN TERI- TORY FROM THE LIMITS AID JURISDIOTIONANV '` CIS' OKEE- CH011a,.'LO tIDA. SAID ORDINANCE B ' ORDIN 0E NOWAWAND WAS PASSED BY THE COUNCIL ON THE AY OF ` OCTOBER 1917, OD APPROVED B w THE MAYOR ON THE B, E DAY, BE IT 'ORDAINED BY ' E1WCHOBEE,FLOLIJA, JIT TY SECTION I. That an tion is hereby ea3.led to be held in the City oaf Okeeohoboe,Flori da,snd in that certa- in district or teritorW of Okseahobee,Plorida,and which is sought to be onnluded f om the limits of the City of Okeec obee,en tb,.2 h day of Novem- ber A. .1917,for the pixrpoe. oaf approving or die- approving of an ordinance p ding for the ex. eluding oertain teritory from a limits and juri- sdiction of the City of Okeechobee. ION 2. That o terito; the Ci' ibed ON 3, actors of Okea d dalt an election *hell be held in the Wight to be exolnael from eaid limits of Okeechobee ' ' a` is de ce. ',�`.�*�NiC *!R'M";ri -w. +e,wr, rr .r .r .wrar L ,� '�'i`�..: ..,.? ..�.... are hereby appointed as inap- ,14.411,rtian to be held it the a.`d ter - -,is hereby appointed. as the .d election. 11 also be �obee on t. and ors of sa by appointed Clerk of said 'eleion. action, Fdi IN tinted inspect- „ ,is here. ction 4. The qusston to be,sobmitted to the electors at the a , d elections 'hereby called, and provided r ahal . ' ' FOR THE APPROVAL 0P ORDINANCE NUMBER - *AGAINST THE APPit0VAL OP CBDINANCE N4- The Council shall furnish stfflcent ballots for ea- oh elector to have ono . ballot to cast at said 01ee- t The form of the ballot to be need at such el. action' shah be as follows FROM THE OF THE CI OF 0ERt ORIB, AEI I�A3 ►. CROSS: BEFORE THE i 0P, SIT- ION : 0' YOCR CHOICE* 11L ELECTION TO APPROVE Oil t 1(DINANCE ' ER FG FO CL€T IMITS AND JUttlS' CTION Y OF 0JCEOHOBE ,FLORA,, 'TORY THEREIN DES - TH1 A�1 LIST Ti ROYAL OF ORDINANCE N0. LPP tOVAL OF ORD itLNCk :- r. M. The holding of the election shall be oarried on as as can be done,as is provided by ordinance for conducting general city elections, and the re . turns of the said election shall; be made to the City, council. SEC. 5. The said actions herein provided for shall be held on th th day of November I917,a d the polls shall be opened at 8 Oclook and closed it 12 °clock for dinner and opened again at I aolook and kept op- en until 5 Oolock of the same day, 6. The °isspeotors and the Clerk o LLI i elsati paid the same fees per diem as is paid for eervioe in holding general .city ,eleotio SEC . ?. All registered 'voters ,residing in the teritory son- ght to be excluded shall be entitled to vote in the said election at the polling place established in the said teritory. And all registered voters resi ling in the remaining teritory of the oity of Okeechobee she- 11 be entitled to vote in said election and shall east his vote at the polling place in said remaining teritory. This ordinance shall go into effect upon and approval by the Mayor. I hereby 0 nonce w on the ify that the above and foregoi y passed by the Uwunn J I of 'October 1917.` 410 Si 4.1 ,....� ,. - President cif -couxcl pity c�l•rk To the error: - 1 hereby certify that the above . . foregoing °ordinanoe was passed by Couno on the day of Ootober 1917. lark Mayor.