0025 (Repealing Electric Light Franchise)ORDINANCE
NO. 25
AN ORDINANCE TO repaal.AN ORDINANCE granting an Electric Liyhr
Franchise and other privileges to OKE7:CHOBEE LIGHT &
POWER COMPANY contracting for certain Public Lighting
Service, and prescribing the maximum rate a chargeable for
private service, and imposing certain rights in the
premises, approved October 3rd, 1?16.
WHEREAS, the Nayor and City Council of the City of
Okeechobee, Florida, did on the third day of October, A. D.
1916, pass and approve an Ordinance entitled:
AN ORDINANCE rlsanting an Electric Light Franchise and
other privileges to OKEEGFORE LIGHT & COMPANY, con-
tracting for certain Public Lighting corvice, and prescribing
he Maximum rates chargeable for private service and imposing
certain duties and securing certain rights in the premises:
the FTantce thfiro named nn alder to ho "a corporation",
is not in fact and deed a corporation, but is in fact and
deed a ficfticious party without actual or legal existence:
AND ItIllatAS, th e said franchise thereunder granted is
therefore null and void and of no legal effect:
NOW, 1:17.:RE1ORIit Be it ordained by the Tayor and City
Courcil of the City of Okeechobee, 21orida.
5ection 1. That the aforesaid Ordinance entitled AN
ORDINANC3 Granting and !Ilectrio Light Franchise and other
privileges to oKEsmoBEE. LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY contracting
for certain Public lighting Service, and prescribing the
maximum rates chargeable for private service and imposing
certain duties and securing certain rights in the premises
passed and approved as aforesaid on the 3rd day of October,
1916, be and the same is hereby repealed.
I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was
duly passed by the City Council in open session on this
the 10th day of October, 1916.
D. E. Austin
President of Council
enry, L. Chandler
City Clerk
The above and foregoing Ordinance is approved of by me this •over)