0018 (Unlawful to tie Boats to Bridges)pRDINANCE.NO 19. AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO TIE OR FASTEN TO ANY BRIDGE OR TO ANY BRIDGE SUPPORT WITHIN Ti E LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OKEE,CHOBEE, ANY BOAT OR OTHER VESSEL, AND PRESCRIBING TIE PENALTY FOR 'FE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCES Be it Ordained by the Mayor, and City Council, of the City af Okee- chobem, Florida: SNCTION 1. That from and after the passage and approval of this ordinance, it shell be unlawful for any person to hitch, fasten or tie to any bridge or to any bridge support, within the City of Okee- chobee, Florida, any boat or any other vessel. SECTION g, Any.person violating the provisions of this ordinance upon conviction therefor, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00, nor more than $100.00, or by sentence of not more than thirty days in the city jail, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the 'discretion of the court. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall go into effect upon its passage and approval. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was duly pasted. by the Council on this the 9th day of ?ay 1916. D. Austin President of Council To the Mayor of the City of Okeechobee, Florida: I hereby certify that the above ordinance was duly passed by Council on this the 9th day of May, 1916, vid the same is hereby certified to you for your approval or disapproval. H. I, Chandler City Clerk The above ordinance is approved of by me on this 6th day of ay, 1916. W. E. Eolmes, LI?yor