1973-01-11 Recessed and ~,hat a pub'Lc h.,arL~..:~ in relation thereto ~,ri].l be held at 7:15 o'clock P. M. on the 6th day of February, 1973, in the City Cour)cil room, City Hall, Okeechobee, Florida, at which Lime all partie:~ in interest and citizens shall have an opportu~ty ~ +~,, be hear~. PL~SE [~V~ YOURSELVES ACCORDINGLY. Donald Burk DON~D BU~ PRESIDENT CITY CO~CIL CI~ OF OKEECHOBEE 0KEECHOBEE, ~OR~A A~TE~,T: Lorena Spivey ~ty Clerk City ~'.f Okeechobee, ~orida PUBLISH IN THE ~HOBEE NE~ffS: January 18, 1973. . M ' A re,~ort of in~':~necti~,~, of ~ un~cir~al Dentention faci!Jties was received from the Depart- '~D+ ~ ~ ..... '~ealt..~ and f~ehabf Litat,ive Services Division of Correction and a report on Detention Facility (Nutritions!), both reports ordered filed. ~e 3!erk recuested permission to purchase a ~venue Sharin~ Record Book at Councilman Hunt moved to authorize the purchase of said record book, seconded by Councilman Betts and una~imous~iy' ca~'ried. Aa as~ii:a~:i, on__ ;..zas ~c~.~z_d'~ ~"~ from Char!e:~ ~ Sibley, Xenio, Ohio for the position of Chief of Police and ordered fi!er].. Est~mage No. ~ from BS:~ Four ConsgrucgSon ~ompany 5n ghe amoung of ~0,h72.h9 fo~ work accomplished on Contract No. 70-!006-A ,~ater Treatment Plant Improvements was presented for oa~ent, by Brockway, ~'e~. and Andersor~ En,~;_.~n~,a~'q,, inc. Councilman Hunt moved to authorize pa~ent of Estimate No. ! in the above amount upon approval from Farmers Home Ad~stration, seconded by Councilman Domer and unanimously carried. Council~an Hun~ moved to transfer $100,O00.00 ,ffater and ~wer System Construction Fund CerL~ifJca+,e of ~posi~, N~. 16~8 to the ,4a~,~r and Sewer System ~,on,;[,ructmon Fund checking account, seconded by Councilman DC'mcr and unanimously carried. Council~mn Dom~-~:, reported that State Representative Jack Poorbough requested a meeting in the near f~:ture z,,ith ,,zy Council, County Com~ssioners and City and County Building Officials. (;- ~ lO7q at 6' ,ne 2odnci] rec tss'ed ',-,:~ reef January ~n~.~ ]0 o PRESID~T CITY CO~CIL ATTEST: CITY CL~K January 11, 1973 The City Counc.ii of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in recessed session at the City Hail. on the above date at 6:30 P. M. with the following present: President Donald L. Burk, ouncmlmen: Cliff Betts, Jr., ~ussel.1 V. Domer, and E. H. Hunt vrith Attorney Curren and Clerk Lorena Spivey, also all members of the Police Department. presi,]ent Burk stated that the main purpose of the meetin~ was first step in reorganiza- tion of law enforcement <']'~partment and f~r any ,'~t,her bu.~:'in::.~,~:s t-.hat needed action taken on it. Presida~nt Burk announced the appointment of the following Committees to serve for a ? ! T ! '[ -- '!' 'T " 1551 for a period of two years. Appointment date having been previously set for February 6th but due to importance of Committees and possible necessary action needed before that time President Burk felt it nec~.ssary to make appointments at this ti~e; FINANCE AND ~ATER CO~ITTEE POLICE AND P~J~KS CO~"!ITTEE SANITARY AND ZONING COI~IITTEE E. H. Hunt Russell V. Domer Donald L. Burk Cliff Bet ts, Jr. Donald L. Burk FIRE AND FI%;ANCE COI@~TTEE STREETS AND LIGHTS CO~{ITTEE ~ATER BOARD Cliff Betts, Jr. Edward d. Douglas Russell V. Domer ~',. H. Hur. t Donald L. Burk E.H. Hunt Edward d. Dou:~las President Burk appointed ~ouncmlman Russell V. Domer as President Pro-Tem of the City Council. ~or a period of two years. Mrs. Pat Byrd appeared before the Council discussing establishing a nursery school at Lot 12, Bloc: 208, First Addition to City of Okeechobee, statin% the owner would make application for rezoning if necessary. After Discussion Councilman Domer moved to accept the rezoning petition when presented and authorize notice of public hearing to be published in The Okeechobee News, seconded by Councilman Betts and unanimously carried. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ;2,~END CITY ZONING ORDINANCE #271 NOTICE is hereby ~iven that the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, F!~rida, a municipal corporation, ~rill consider rezoning from Residential (R-2) to Co~nercial and to amend accordingly the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance ~2/1 adopted November 2], 19~, the follo'~rin~ described real property, situate, lykng and being withSn the corporate li~ts of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, to-wit: Lot 12, Block 208, First Addition to City of Okeechobee and th~.~ a public hearin;{ in relation thereto will be held at ?:30 o~clock P. ~. on the 6th day of February, 1973, in the City Council room, City Hall, Okeechobee, F!~.rida, at ~.~hich time all parties in inLerest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. PLEASE ]OVERN YOURSELWES ACCORDINGLY. Donald Burk DONALD BURK PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OKEECHOBEE OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA AT~ =ST: Lorena Si~ ivey City Clerk City of Okeechobee Okeechobee, Florida PUBLISH IN THE OKEECHOBEE NEdS: January 18, 1973. An .lnform.~al discussion followed with Chief Staats and members of the Law Enforcement Department e~;oressim~ their opinions and suggestions in making a better Department. Chief Staats s~ated that be had a fine ~roup of employees in the Department and the following were suggestions to uo ~rad~ the Department. He would like to have mor~ rank in the Department by appointing a lieutenant, change to blue u~iforms, full cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, take advanta:~e o? all schools that will serve purpose in the Department, working together and making a good department, and he was looking fo~ard to working with all employees stating he was firm I ' I I I' I .... I 'I but Fair. President Burk ~aid he felt the Council would back up things needed to update department. Police Officer -'-rant suggested that the Dispatchers be authorized to attend breathalyzer schools. Councilman Domer and Chief Staats to ~heck this out. should Police Officer F:obley felt the salary/go up as the deductions are so great it does not leave much. ?resident Burk stated as people go up, salaries go up and hopes to have merit system in effect in near future. Officer Mobley requested permission to have cars washed, cleaned in and .~ut once a week and a fir:.ng range is needed. Dispatcher Logs-;on suggested additiomal filing cabinet and space for cabinet also reported .+Z9e need of a sm~]l copier. Dispatcher B!~ck suggested a license plate file for police office. Presidemt Burk felt thi? to be a [:~o~t S~ea. \lso Mr. Black ino:.~ired are there ot?~er schools available for dispatchers. available Chief Staats in~:mired if there was any money/in the budget for giving salary adjustment to. a lieutenant or sergeant. M~tter to be checked out. Councilman Domer and Chief Staats to check into fingerprinting matters. Police Officer 2tone suggest physical workouts at Florida School for Boys or High School where equipment i~ avai]aLLe. Earl Moore of t; e F!ori~a Hi~hw'ay Patrol, appeared before the Council congraulating the Council in the appointmen~ of Dewitt H. Staats as Chief of Police, offering cooperation to D~:-parLment and su~ested ' ) help keep mora.l:~ high by giving ~ood ?alaries, equipment a~d public relations. --~ ~resident Burk e.~ressed ;~ppreciation to Mr. Moore for his imterest. President Burk ,~ :gpressed a vote of appreciation for the attendance of the Police Department and asked for full. cooperation with Chief Staat,~. Councilmmn Domer moved to pay Chief of Police, Dewitt H. Staats $8,700.00 per year, seconded by Councilman BeC. ts and unanimously carried. Upon moti.n the Council adjourned. PRESID~IT CITY ATTEST: CITY CLFff~K D~,e ,;[~,,; :oounc ..... th~: City o~ Okeechobee, F~orida, met ia re:~lar ~ess~.on az ~;he City ............,,.. ....... -.n. the o~ ~ o ,J- 'no-' .m ,..,~ar~,,. )~yor Audley ~nham, President - , · r.~ f~us~'~'~'' V Bomer, ~wa ~ ,4. Douglas and E H. Hun5 Donald ~. Burk, ~'~unc,.!~a:~: an ~ ~.- BeSts, .... , with Attorney J. ~,:ard Curren, Clerk Lore~a Spivey, ~rector of Pu[~lS.c ~qorks, L. C. Fortner, Jr. ~L~e: Police .v~w~tt .'4 ......Staats, Fire Chief Olen '~e raeet[ng was opened and prayer was by President Burk. The followin~ B'll~ in t,he amount of ~orida Po:Ter ::~nd ~ ', ~,~.~ht Cor~any