0014 (1915 Levy Tax Levy)Ord I d
An Ordinance providing for the levy of taxes for the year 1916.
1e_ it Ordained b satzel of the Cit
Qkseohobeeec. Florida,
Sec. 1. 'bat the City of Okeeohobee,Plorida hereby
levies a tax of J S mills upon each dollar valuation of real
and personal property within its corporate limits subject to
taxation on the fourth day of Juno 1916. Such tax to be assess-
ed and oolleoted in the manner provided by law.
See. 2. That 7 sills of such tax shall be need
for general City purposes; that spills of such tax shall
be used for building purposes; and t tact mills of such
tax shall be used for le ring out and improving streets and old
Soo. 3 It shall be the duty of the City Tax Collector
and City Treasurer to divide the proceeds received from said taxes
into throe separate funds as above set forth and keep as account
thereof as may be direoted from time to tine by the Mayor or by t
City Council.
See. 4. This Ordinaeoe shall be in full force and s:
tely upon its passage and approval by the Mayor.